Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Anti-Israelis Statements and Policies Linked To Disasters Part 4 Watchman Report 14-41

David Ben-Gurion reading the 1948: Declaration of Independence of the State of Israel in the Tel Aviv Museum of Art.

Today, Israel is a thriving nation and blessed by God once again.  However, world governments continue to divide the land that God gave His people today.

I have written and said for many years that dividing of the land of Israel does not bode  well for the nations and the people involved in the dividing God’s land. 
Remember what God said in Book of Joel because the world governments are not getting it!
"...I will enter into judgment with them there on behalf of my people and my inheritance, Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations; and they have divided, up my land."   Joel 3:1-2
We have seen the Land of Israel blossom into a great nation over the years.  Bible Prophecy continues to be fulfilled according to scriptures every day.

The Lord gave me some words of knowledge concerning Israel. His warning concerns anti-Semitism and anti-Israeli statements and policies by Gentile nations and by Godless, Masonic, secular Zionists. Both groups are selling out Israel and giving away God’s land. The current negotiations will culminate in a new peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians that is scheduled to be signed in April 2014.

Two Masons and a Skull & bones Sell Out Israel

The book of Nehemiah is a foreshadowing of today’s political events concerning Israel.
In Nehemiah Chap 4 the enemies of the Jews conspired to stop the building of the wall in Jerusalem.  Today the enemies of the Jews conspire secretly against Israel. We can see this in the negotiations concerning Palestine, Iran and Syria. 

Let me emphasize that the WR staff supports Israel, Godly Jews and Messianic Jews; however we do not support Godless and evil actions in Israel such as aborting children.

Camp David negotiations

All the negotiations and agreements:  Oslo, Camp David, Wye etc. are potholes to peace, not the road map to peace. Listen to me carefully, ONLY Yeshua Hamaschiach, - Jesus can bring peace to Jerusalem and Israel and shortly He will.  
Watch what God does…….in verse 13 of Nehemiah God uses 3 fascinating words “shook” “shake” and “shaken”. I find that to be very interesting. Nehemiah writes that every man will be shaken from his house and work who did not keep his promise to God. This is God’s warning to us.

Friends, these “alleged” peace talks do not bode well for the United States and others who take part in these talks. Each time we engage in deals that give away Israel’s land something bad happens in America, Europe or Japan. Now, I do not know what  the catastrophe will be, it could be an earthquake, a volcanic eruption, foul weather, a hurricane or typhoon, a political scandal, a flurry of tornadoes or a terrorist attack but something  bad will occur and is occurring. The Roadmap to Peace is our Pothole to Peace and Hell. In the book Habakuk God tells us that he will use evil nations to discipline his people and Israel and that is exactly what is happening.

There is a long history of catastrophic events that are linked to anti-Israeli policies and statements. I know these catastrophic will happen and that they are already beginning. 

The frigid and snowy Winter in North America 2013-2014
For example, in the U.S. we have already had a frigid winter that has negatively impacted the U.S. economy.  Let me give you some bullet points.

Christmas sales have dropped since the all time high in 2008.

Last month we created only 74K jobs, not nearly enough to keep pace with new people entering  the job market. Most unemployed people have given up looking for work.

85 super wealthy people have more money than ½ the world.
Federal Express Reserve is gradually going to stop the $85B monthly treasury bond stimulus, adversely impacting our economy by shutting down the Fed’s printing presses. In December 2013 the Fed said it reduce purchases to 75 billion a month.
Household income is now lower than it was in 1999.
We have wasted almost $1T in Afghanistan.
dow january
The stock market is experiencing a down turn. It was down 5% in January 2014. It was the worst January since 2009. 

The emerging markets in China, Brazil and India are going down. Emerging markets were hyped, pumped up and now are declining.

Detroit is the largest municipal bond failure in history

Canada plans to begin buying land in Detroit’s Delray district for the New International Trade Crossing (Bridge) even without assurances the U.S. will pay more than $200 million for a needed customs plaza, Canadian officials said last week.
30K people used to live there, now only 3K people live there.
This winter has cost the economy over $2.5B and the airlines over $150M. We are on average 20 degrees below normal in temperature. Governor Cuomo of New York said the shortage of road salt "is dire" and towns in the northeast are running out or are out of road salt.  Road crews are  are now blending 80% sand with 20% salt. 
Philadelphia normally receives 11.7 inches of snow a year, this year so far, Philadelphia has gotten over 40 inches of snow. 
There is a bad drought in California. On top of that the citrus and tomato crops froze in California; this will adversely impact inflationary grocery prices.
Residential propane fuel has gone from about $2.50 to over $4.00. Some people can’t get propane to heat their homes.
All the roads in Atlanta were paralyzed during an ice storm and “snowpocalypse”.
Listen closely, when the economies of the world begin to fail the Illuminati will resort to nationalism and war, they have always done that; Obama and the Illuminati want a war in Syria to deflect our attention from the economy.
Japan’s economy has slumped and the Japanese are feuding with the Chinese. There is a long history of hatred between the Chinese and Japanese.
There could be severe earthquake somewhere.
There could be more bad weather or a volcano erupting somewhere, maybe Iceland again.
Add to the current chastisements the fact that in 69 days the first blood moon occurs on Passover (Pesach) 15 April 2014 or 15 Nisan 5774. Tetrads are a warning to the Jewish people and the Jewish nation.

Friends, now is the time to come to Jesus Christ, time is running out for you.  

I can’t give you all my Israel linkages (show papers) but you can go to my blog and read them.
Go to the Watchman  Reports (WR).  
WR 13-349 Anti-Israel Statements & Policies Linked To Disasters Part 1
WR 13-358 Anti-Israel Statements & Policies Linked To Disasters Part 2
WR 13-364 Anti-Israel Statements & Policies Linked To Disasters Part 2
I have also discussed these linkages on past WR programs. Go to YouTube “Watchman Report with Alan Singler”
I will only mention a few here.

Of course, there were 9/11 attacks; The Monica Lewinsky scandal; 

Hurricane George; Ariel Sharon’s stroke; 

“The Perfect Storm”; 

and Fukushima.

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