Friday, January 31, 2014

Why Is The U.S. Government Resurrecting DeadlyViruses Watchman Report 14-40 6 Feb 2014

Dave Hodges wrote the following article. I highly recommend for reading the book Mary’s Monkey about weaponizing cancer. 
We know there are evil people who want to deliberately reduce the world’s population. The Georgia Guide Stones is a clear cut example. I agree with Dave Hodges if these pathogens escape from the laboratory we are in deep doo doo. Keep in  mind, all it takes is one evil person to release these viruses on an unsuspecting populace. This week some unknown people sent baking soda through the mail to scare people attending the Super Bowl and then during 9/11 we had the anthrax mailings. Below is what God says about wicked men:
Jer 17:9  The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
2Th 3:2  And that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith.

There are several very disturbing events presently taking place in the United States with regard to pandemic preparations and what could very possibly be preparations by the US government to deploy the resources needed to contain a massive outbreak of a deadly pathogen.
If the United States were to ever experience a biological pandemic, such as the current H5N1 influenza, several emergency contingencies would immediately spring into action. If the virus “broke containment” local quarantines would be set up. This would require the use of DHS, FEMA, the National Guard and if the situation grew serious, the military would be brought in to establish quarantine zones.

America’s Pharmaceutical Preparation for Pandemics

The present Type A influenza virus is virulent, highly contagious and can prove to be deadly. Are we prepared to deal with a massive outbreak?
The main treatment for influenza is Tamiflu. It is relatively effective in treating the present strain of the flu. However, if the flu were to mutate, all bets are off with regard to treatment and subsequent containment. Very disturbingly, there are only 2.5 million doses of Tamiflu in the United States. There are other treatment regimens (i.e. zanamivir (Relenza), amantadine, and rimantadine antivirals), and they are even in shorter supply than Tamiflu. The US is woefully unprepared to deal with any outbreak.

Below is a video about vaccinations and pandemics:
Why Is the Government Reconstituting Deadly Viruses?
The “Spanish” flu pandemic of 1918 and 1919 caused the deaths of 20-50 million people worldwide and an estimated 675,000 in the U.S. The virus had a mortality rate of approximately one percent to all who were exposed.
The 1918 flu has been described as capable of sickening and killing a person on the same day. The virus is an H1N1 Type A influenza. Symptoms of infection were similar to the regular flu, but it is actually far more severe than the typical, seasonal flu. The main dangers lie in contracting viral pneumonia leading to acute respiratory distress and subsequent death.
In two to five years, our society may wish we would have followed the old axiom, “Let sleeping dogs lie”, because in an act of extreme insanity, the virus has been reconstituted, by the Center for Disease Control researchers. The reconstituted virus was obtained from frozen tissue samples from a female who died from the virus in the 1918 outbreak.
In my unqualified personal opinion, I think this is insane. Even the New York Times questions the wisdom of such an action as havemany scientists.

What If the 1918 Flu Were to Get Released?

I am sure you are wondering the same thing that I was wondering as I was doing research for this article. Just how bad could the 1918 flu pandemic become if the reconstituted virus were to be released into the general population in 2014?
In 1918, the world’s population was a mere 1.8 billion people. The population of the United States was 103 million people. Today, the world’s population is 7.1 billion and the population of the United States is 310 million people. If we simply did a geometric projection of the 1918 flu, assuming a current  today, it would kill over two million in the United States and about 100 million worldwide. However, pandemics do not spread in a geometric progression as the transmission would be asymmetrical.
Today, the world is a far different place than it was 100 years ago. The country and the world are far more mobile. In the event of a local outbreak, it is not likely that the flu could be contained because of air travel. Even the most astute researchers would not realize what was being dealt with until after the first several deaths. Subsequently, the alarm would not be sounded for at least one to two weeks. By then, grounding air travel and limiting civilian mobility would not make any difference. And let me remind you, the US has only 2.5 million doses of Tamiflu. The US spends an inordinate amount of money in funding the Center for Disease Control and the National Institute of Health and it looks like a big waste of resources and money. After researching this article, I have come to believe that we waste an inordinate amount of money pretending we can turn back mother nature, when in fact, we cannot.
Let’s just consider that just for the sake of argument that if the reconstituted 1918 flu were to be released, chaos would reign supreme. Clearly a medical emergency would be declared. Emergency rooms, hospitals and doctor’s offices would quickly be overwhelmed. Air travel would be halted. The economy would be in grave danger because commerce would virtually cease due to the fact that nearly everything we buy is shipped. Home confinements would be ordered and effectively martial law would be declared. However, I am sure we do not to have worry, nobody from the Obama administration would ever find the idea of a false flag pandemic to be desirable, would they?

Just When You Don’t Think It Can Get Any Worse

Have you heard that scientists who are using scrapings from the teeth of two 1500-year old corpses to re-create the bacteria that caused the Bubonic Plague and the Justinian Plague? What is known is that if the plague ever becomes airborne, people could die within 24 hours. Bio warfare is a potential use for this threatening organism, as would be any false flag attack.
A release of the Bubonic Plague and the Justinian Plague would produce catastrophic results and make the reconstituted 1918 Flu appear to be a mere case of the sniffles. This video paints a frightening picture.

Do We Have Anything to Worry About?

If you only believe in coincidences, then you have absolutely nothing to worry about. However, if you believe things happen for a reason, then you might want to consider what I brought out several days ago when I mentioned that FEMA is advertising for contractors who are able to supply medical bio hazard disposal capabilities, along with 40 yard dumpsters, to go with 1,000 tent hospitals across the United States. The emergency roll out of these services must be able to be completed within 24-48 hours. Don’t be fooled by the rapid roll out of resources. As I pointed out, before the authorities realized they had a potential pandemic on their hands, it would be too late to contain the damage.
Whatever, could be coming must be very big because FEMA is also seeking to obtain 200,000 doctors’ scrubs to be delivered to the 1,000 tent hospitals. That adds up to 20 extra hospitals per state. Aren’t these numbers a tantamount admission that whatever is coming will quickly overwhelm the existing medical services?
FEMA is also ordering portable showers and toilets, so these facilities would appear that they will be taking on an air of permanence. Can there be any doubt that FEMA is ramping up the National Disaster Preparedness Program? The sheer numbers clearly point to the enormous size of the coming event.


Imagine that you and your spouse have thoroughly enjoyed the past year of your marriage. You have never been closer. Then, for some unknown reason, your mate begins to dredge up everything you have ever done wrong since they have known you. To an outsider looking in, this would appear to be very unwise and extremely threatening to the relationship. I think the parallel to reconstituting viruses is apparent. It is up to each individual to decide if any of these dots connect, or, are these merely harmless coincidences?

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