Thursday, April 4, 2013

End Times News and Gospel Message April 4, 2015

The Romeike Family
Persecution has begun in America toward the  Romeike (pronounced Rowmikey) family. The Romeikes fled from Germany because laws in Germany ban home schooling. It is mandatory in Germany for all children to receive a government sponsored godless, secular education. German public education indoctrinates children against Christian values.

The German Christian couple pleaded with the U.S. Gov’t for asylum fearing that the German gov’t would seize their children. Initially they were granted U.S. asylum but now this case has come to the attention of the Obama Administration. Obama and his Justice Department are considering deporting the family back to Germany where Christian persecution and legal prosecution would rsume. Patriots, it is clear our government firmly supports mandatory gov’t sponsored education rather than home schooling.
On the right the Illuminati Card Game from 1996 Aurora Colorado on the left 2012

(AL) The Illuminati is once again "telegraphing its punches", conditioning us for the disasters they have planned for us! We have seen this before in the Batman movies concerning Aurora, Colorado and Sandy Hook Elementary, Hurricane Sandy and in the Smurf cartoons concerning HAARP and weather control.
In the new movie, "Olympus Is Fallen", North Korean commandoes capture the White House, threaten to kill the President, and almost inflict devastating nuclear devastation upon North America.

Below is a link to the Illuminati card game.

The premise of this movie does closely parallel the Illuminati World War III Plan which calls for a "hair-raising" nuclear confrontation in Korea. Why would the Illuminati choose to release a movie like this, at a time when the new young leader of North Korea is making the bold and wild threats against the U.S., South Korea and Japan?
Back in 1982 Peter Lemesurier wrote the book entitled "The Armageddon Script." Here is what he wrote on  page 225. And I quote "A hair-raising nuclear confrontation in Korea may, towards the end of the period, threaten man's very survival." unquote
It seems Hollywood, the publicity arm of the New World Order, has read and telegrahed the Illuminati Plan in "The Armageddon Script."
The Illuminati has "telegraphed its punches" in the past. For example:
On September 10, 2001, FEMA accurately "predicted" three" most likely and deadly disasters that could befall the U.S.". These deadly disasters were:
1) A terrorist attack on New York City
2) An earthquake in San Francisco
3) A hurricane in New Orleans

Illuminati Card Game 1996
On the very next day after this FEMA prediction, the attacks of 9/11 occurred – The World Trade Centers  and The Pentagon were attacked, precisely as the Illuminati Card Game predicted in 1996! Disasters #1 and #3 have already occurred.
An unprecedented earthquake on the West Coast probably in Los Angeles or San Francisco has not occurred yet. Remember, Scalar Wave Technology, HAARP and HAMP can produce both hurricanes and earthquakes in whatever magnitude is desired, and precisely at the location desired. Hurricane Sandy in New Jersey and New York is proof of that.
Why does the Illuminati tell its victim ahead of time of the disaster they have planned? The answer lies in Black Magick Witchcraft and in the Kabbalah.

Jewish Kabbalists placed a 'Pulsa Dinura' curse, a killing curse, on Ariel Sharon and talked about their evil ceremony. Kabbalists went public with their curse because Sharon the cursed person needed to know about the curse, in order for the curse to be effective.

Did you catch the horrific meaning of this statement? According to Kabbalistic rituals, one has to tell the cursed victim that they are cursed and are doomed to die! Therefore, when they die, even after knowing what is about to happen to them, the supreme, supernatural power of the occult is revealed and glorified to the entire world. Satanists of all stripes love to glory in their power, they love to tell their victim what is about to happen to them, and then watch their helpless victim die.

You see they tell a person what they are about to do to him or her, because they believe that the person does not have the power to stop them! Satan is glorified in all his pride and arrogance. Their global leadership cares not that the public may know what is coming, because they know that no one has the power to can prevent the event from occurring! Whenever these global satanists can demonstrate their overwhelming power, they will do so.

Friends, it is important to note that satan can attack Christians but he cannot possess or control us. We have the power of the perfect blood atonement of Jesus Christ.
Friends, hellish prideful arrogance is on display around the world. The prophetic signs of the Bible are alerting us that the “End Time” is near. Mankind is inching its way toward a prophetic climax and the glorious return of the Lion of Judah.
There is a planned nuclear confrontation in Korea that is part of the unfolding of World War III scenario and it will be so terrifying that men and women everywhere will feel that their very survival is threatened. "Men's hearts will fail them for fear", just as Jesus predicted for the End Times.

"The Armageddon Script" was written in 1982 now, in April, 2013, all mankind is being conditioned for the events the New World Order satanists have planned for us.

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