Thursday, April 4, 2013

Wars And Rumors Of War


I just received this from a friend on Friday 5 April 2013 who had a word of understanding from the Lord. Remember the Lord said in the last days your young men shall have Godly visions and dreams.

Last night the Lord told me that whatever kim jung un is getting ready to do, it will be sneaky and to pray that our leaders see it coming.  Then I heard today 4 north Korean subs had “disappeared” on Monday, very unusual and they have not located them.  They could all be carrying small nukes that could be used to emp the west coast or attack it.  please agree with me in prayer that all subterfuge will be unmasked and that no weapon planned outside of God’s perfect will be allowed to prosper.  We are to pray for both north and south korea, as well as our military leaders.

The illuminati is behind the current North Korean war scare. The Bible warns us about wars and rumors of war in the “End Times”. Remember the Illuminati has two main goals: 1. population reduction and 2. war profit. The Illuminati also wants to destroy U.S. national sovereignty and merge our nation into the global system.

One of these days people will wake up stunned that a deadly war has begun. Let's hope there is enough time left for people to put their faith in the Lord.

North Korean launch site
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un may explode a nuke test in defiance of UN
The North Korean leader Kim Jon Un
U.S. officials quietly are expressing concern that North Korea could use its "space launch vehicle" to explode a high-altitude nuclear device over the U.S., creating an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) that would destroy major portions of the U.S. electrical grid system as well as the nation's critical infrastructures.

U.S. analysts who watch North Korea closely are monitoring the status of the North Korean "space launch vehicle," whose status could suggest a pre-emptive nuclear strike against the U.S.

They are aware of the three-stage missile North Korea launched last December that  orbited a "package," which experts say could be a test to orbit a nuclear weapon that then would be de-orbited on command anywhere over the U.S. and exploded at a high altitude, creating an EMP effect.

North Korea has also threatened to strike targets in Hawaii, the continental U.S., as well as U.S. bases in South Korea and Japan.

The 28-year-old North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, has signed an order for North Korea's strategic rocket forces to be on alert to fire at U.S. targets.

Following an emergency meeting of the senior military leaders the North Koreans displayed large maps that were labeled U.S. mainland strike plan. Hawaii, Washington, D.C., Los Angeles and Texas were displayed.

The latest North Korean threats occurred after the U.S. sent two B-2 stealth bombers to strike targets with bombs during joint U.S.-South Korean military exercises, which Kim considered a major provocation.

A North Korean statement added that the B-2 flights showed Washington's "hostile" intent, and the "reckless" act had gone "beyond the phase of threat and blackmail."

North Korea has dissolved the 1953 armistice between North and South Korea, severed the military hotline with South Korea, put its artillery forces on high alert and threatening nuclear strikes against the U.S.

Russia and China have asked the U.S. to continue talking to North Korea and not to take military action against North Korea.

Defense Secretary Hagel ordered the deployment of additional Aegis anti-missile systems for the U.S. West Coast. They originally were destined for Europe. And second anti-ballistic missile radar is to be installed in Japan.

However, the Aegis anti-missile systems won't be operational until 2017, although there are some systems already deployed along the West Coast.

A launch of a North Korean missile with a nuclear payload would take a polar path, clearly out of range of U.S. Aegis anti-missile systems.

A little-publicized study by the U.S. Army War College said a nuclear detonation above a U.S. city could wipe out the electrical grid for hundreds, possibly thousands of miles around. The impact would be catastrophic.

Clean water requires water pressure that is dependent on electric pumping to storage towers and likewise sewage treatment would be effected.

The May 2011 study, titled, "In the Dark: Military Planning for a Catastrophic Critical Infrastructure Event," concluded that there is "very little" in the way of backup capability to the electric grid upon which the communications infrastructure is vitally dependent.

"The time has come to settle accounts with the U.S.," the KCNA agency declared.

Some analysts believe that Kim is seeking to leverage the U.S. for further concessions. In essence the North Korean leadership is like incorrigible juvenile delinquents who seek constant attention and blackmail the U.S.

North Korea's launch sites have recently shown increased movement of vehicles and forces, according to one South Korean official who described the activity at the sites as "brisk." Officials have seen several vehicles moving to the Tongchang-ri missile site on the western coast, in what appeared to them to be preparations for testing its long-range missiles.

Another indicator and warning of an attack is troop movements, however, satellites have not detected troop movements.

Last week, a North Korean Mig-21 fighter jet flew near South Korea's front line airspace. In response, the South Koreans scrambled a KF-16 fighter.

The border crossings between North and South Korea remain open.

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