Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Brutal Jesuits

Ignatius of Loyola

The Jesuit Order is an absolute monarchy. Their general, "the Black Pope" rules for life. The pattern of their own Order has molded their thinking about all other political structures, including, but not confined to, the Vatican.

The Jesuits fought the democratic aspirations of the French when they helped engineer the "Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Eve". They were the force behind Pope Pius IX and were his principal counselors. The Italian people knew that the Jesuits were the strongest opponents of the Unification of Italy and hated them accordingly. The Jesuits promoted the dogma of the Immaculate Conception and of the Infallibility of the Pope. They were, the experts of the First Vatican Council in 1870 just as they were for the Second Vatican Council.

It is obvious that an organization so vast, the Jesuits are the largest in the Roman Church, covering the globe, and engaged in so many activities, some open and honorable, and others secret, delicate and "jesuitical" would have to have a set of rules and regulations for its own internal control.

The Survivors Network of Those Abused By Priests reported that child sex crimes and cover ups have historically been worse by the Jesuits,
Religious orders have often been worse than bishops at hiding predators. The Jesuits, in particular, have a troubled track record on children’s safety.

Edmund Paris wrote in his book Secret History of the Jesuits that the Jesuits have always been the most militant and harsh of the many Catholic orders. The Jesuits, founded by Ignatius Loyola (himself a mystic given to visions of Mary, often flagellating and cutting himself), are, in the words of Catholic theologian J. Huber (a professor in Munich) in his publication Les Jesuites (1875): 'A mixture of piety and diplomacy, asceticism and worldly wisdom, mysticism and cold calculation: as was Loyola’s character, so is the trademark of this Order' The history of the Jesuits is filled with their moral depravity and their numerous crimes against humanity all done "to the glory of God". In fact, the purpose of the Jesuit Order from the beginning was to bring Europe's kings back under the political and religious thumb of the Pope, whose power and authority over kings had been gravely reduced by Martin Luther's Protestant Reformation.

To accomplish this goal, the Jesuits actually set out to overthrow monarchies whose king refused to bow down to the Pope again. For this reason, many kings expelled the Jesuit Order from their country and/or imprisoned them. The reputation of the Jesuit Order was horrible as a result of their subversive "regime overthrow" activities.

After much secular pressure, Pope Clement XIV issued an order dissolving the Jesuit Order in 1774

But, in 1814, Pope Pius VII issued the edict to restore the Order. Since that time, the Jesuits have been in the forefront to bring the entire world under the rule of the Roman Pontiff. Therefore, Jesuits have been strong in the Ecumenical Movement, which by definition, is to unite all world's religions into one with the Pope as the top religious leader of the NWO Religion.

One final thought. When Cardinal Bergoglio chose the Papal name, 'Francis', people immediately attributed this choice to St. Francis Assisi, whose life of piety and humility and self-effacement parallels that of Bergoglio. And, this may be the case. But, I wonder if Bergoglio chose Francis as his Papal name because St. Francis Xavier was one of the original six young men who founded the Jesuit Order with Ignatius Loyola in 1534. This possibility seems strong, since Francis Xavier was one of the original founders of the Jesuit Order, and Cardinal Bergoglio is a lifelong prominent Jesuit.
Remember, if this Pope is the last one, and if he is to fulfill the Illuminati Plan to become the top religious leader of the NWO Religion, that makes him the Second Beast of Revelation 13:11-18. Prophetically, the False Prophet is to present himself to the world as a Christian and will be accepted as a Christian, but his heart shall rage like a Dragon. He will be possessed of the same demonic host possessing the First Beast, Antichrist. This False Prophet shall be the leader who forces all peoples of the world to take the "Mark of the Beast" as a symbol of their loyalty and devotion to Antichrist. This False Prophet must be brutal enough to lead the global beheading of any person refusing to take the Mark of the Beast. Being a lifelong Jesuit of the highest magnitude seems a logical requirement.
One final thought is in order. According to papist St. Malachy's Catholic prophecy the final Pope would be number 112 in his list, the final Pope was to take the name of "Peter the Roman". But, Bergoglio has taken the name, 'Francis I'. It is entirely possible that, when Pope Francis I assumes the office of the leader of the New World Order Religion, he might change his name again, and might then choose "Peter the Roman". We shall just have to wait to see.

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