Thursday, March 14, 2013

Satanic Numbers

The Roman Catholic Church (RCC) has elected a new pope: Argentinian Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the 76-year-old Archbishop of Buenos Aires who has chosen the papal name Francis. Jorge Bergoglio has made history as the first pope of the Americas; the first Jesuit; and the first non-European pope in more than 1,000 years.
The most important single fact about the election of this new Pope is that he was elected on March 13, 2013, also represented as 3/13/2013 or 3/13/13. When you "reduce" these numbers, as occultists always do, the first representation of this date equals '13', the occult number representing "extreme rebellion against God". When you reduce the second way to represent this date, you get the number '11', which is the occult number for Antichrist.
W. Wynn Westcott

Why are numbers sacred to the Satanist? Listen to the explanation of one of history's greatest Satanists, W. Wynn Wescott. 'Numbers are a key to the ancient views of cosmogony -- in its broad sense, spiritually as well as physically considered, to the evolution of the present human race; all systems of religious mysticism are based upon numerals. The sacredness of numbers begins with the Great First Cause, the One, and ends only with the nought or zero -- symbol of the infinite and boundless universe'." ["The Occult Power of Numbers", W. Wynn Westcott, p. 15.]
To reiterate: "... 'Numbers are a key to the ancient views of cosmogony ... spiritually as well as physically ... to the evolution of the present human race; all systems of religious mysticism are based upon numerals. The sacredness of numbers ..."
The Satanist always places great power in numbers, especially the Black Magic Satanist. Satanists believe that a carefully planned event must be carried out according to the correct numbers, or it may not be successful. They go to great lengths to make an event occur according to the correct numbers. As Wescott explains, "... so 11 is the essence of all that is sinful, harmful, and imperfect." Thus, while 11 is very important, multiplication's are also important, such as 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, and 99.
Therefore, this new Pope, who is the 112th Pope of St. Malachy's prophecy, and is supposed to be the final Pope, was selected on a day in which the numerics add to the occult number '11' and '13', both associated with the Illuminati and with the coming New World Order.

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