Saturday, February 23, 2013

Masonic Brothers, the Global Elite

Pope Benedict and Shimon Peres give the Masonic handshake; Peres does the Masonic hoochy-koochy with the British prince
Obama does the Masonic hoochy-koochy
I'm getting a lot of email asking me how Israel could be awarding its 'highest civilian honor' to the most anti-Israel President of the U.S. ever, Barack Hussein Obama. Israel will award President Barack Obama the country's Presidential Medal of Distinction during his upcoming visit.  President Shimon Peres' office said last Monday that Obama will be recognized for his "unique and significant contribution to strengthening the State of Israel and the security of its citizens." Obama is scheduled to visit Israel in March, his first visit as president.

Here are important facts to keep in mind. Obama is receiving an award from a fellow Free Mason and member of the Illuminati, Shimon Peres. Last year this award was given to Henry Kissinger a key member of the Illuminati and agenct the Bilderbergers.  Peres’ and Obama’s interests do not coincide with Torah believing Jews in Israel. The Illuminati wants a world war in the Middle East. This is why Saddam Hussein, Qaddafi, Mubarak had to be removed and now Assad must be removed. There can be no independent , sovereign nations in North Africa or the Middle East. Satan must establish his 10 kingdoms with Kingdom #7 in North Africa and the Middle East.

By the way, Peres was educated by Jesuits in Poland, that's interesting. Obama is a 32nd degree Prince Hall Free Mason and a member  in good standing in the Royal Arch Masons and The Knights Templar. Interestingly, Reverend Jeremiah Wright is a 32nd  degree Mason as well as Louis Farrakhan. There are about 300,000 Blacks in Prince Hall but it is not exclusively black.   

Obama has often had a tense relationship with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over the Jewish state's West Bank settlement policies and the lack of peace process with the Palestinians.
But Peres and the committee behind the award noted Obama's overall friendship and backing of the Iron Dome missile defense system.

When this story was covered in Israel, it was clear that this was a medal decided upon and awarded by President Shimon Peres and not by any elected representative of the people of Israel. Notice that the JPost headline is "Peres to honor Obama with medal..." and the article makes quite clear that the medal is a quid pro quo for Obama awarding the medal of freedom to Peres last June. This is from the JPost link: In the business of presidential medals, reciprocity is the name of the game. President Shimon Peres will honor US President Barack Obama with Israel’s highest civilian award, the Presidential Medal of Distinction, just as Obama conferred the Presidential Medal of Freedom, America’s highest civilian award, on Peres at a presidential dinner in Washington in June.

Peres will present the medal to Obama next month at a state dinner in Jerusalem. No one sings Obama’s praises louder and with greater frequency than his fellow Mason Peres.

But as Israelis have known in this country since the 1950's that Shimon Peres has no morals and no convictions other than the greater glory of Shimon Peres. Israelis cannot stop Shimon Peres from presenting a medal to whomever he pleases, and the Prime Minister will - probably much to his chagrin - have to show up to the dinner. But trust me on this: This medal has even less meaning than the Nobel Peace Prize that Obama got for his future contributions to peace.

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