Saturday, February 23, 2013


The Emperor Constantine

Let's recall Constantine's alleged conversion. Legend tells us Constantine had a dream where Jesus appeared to him and instructed him to use the sign of the cross to safeguard his troops in an upcoming battle. Constantine, in that battle, thoroughly vanquished  his enemy. However, there is no evidence of Constantine's genuine conversion to Christianity. In fact, there is no evidence of Constantine’s genuine repentance. Constantine was a very intelligent ruler, an excellent military leader but a very complex man. Now, let's look at some information that is part fact and part myth:
1. Constantine reigned from 306 AD to 337 AD.
2. Constantine worshiped pagan gods and the Edict of Milan is just one of many absurd forgeries still honored today by the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) to claim that Constantine “converted” to Christianity and somehow lifted the restrictions on Christians. It is legend that Constantine made Christianity the official religion because there were several edicts of toleration.
3. In 325, Constantine ordered the arrest of all cult leaders of all major cults and their forcible attendance at Nicaea in order to form a new official religion—assisted and coordinated with Eusebius of Caesarea-the first Patriarch of Christianity. 
4. The night before his battle at Milvian Bridge in 312 against Maxentius on the Tiber Constantine offered up pagan sacrifices and engaged in divination.
5. Constantine was instrumental in building the first Christian structures in Jerusalem including the “Church” of the Holy Sepulchre, considered the “Holy of Holies” by many Christians.
6. Constantine's vision is a myth, but the claim that he adopted the Chi Rho as a symbol for his legions is probably accurate, the myth said a bright cross of light appeared with the following words In "hoc signo vinces" that means "in this sign thou shalt conquer".
7. Original manuscripts about Constantine only go back to the 13th century. 
8. Constantine was the first Celtic emperor from Great Britain.
9. Constantine earned a near mythical status as an immortal warrior, by his success in defeating superior numbers of enemy and his unyielding rage.
10. He changed the Empire's standard from SPQR (Senatus Populusque Romanus -"The Senate and the Roman People") to INRI (Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iuadaeorum Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews)..
11. To this day, the RCC claims it was Constantine that built the first Christian church on Vatican Hill as "Old St. Peters". This is a clumsy attempt to hide the massive Phrygianum Temple to Cybele. Many people today still believe this RCC lie.
12. He retained, until he died, the title of Pontifex Maximus. Pontifex Maximus was the title Roman emperors bore as head priests of the pagan priesthood.  
13. Like a good pagan, he had a multitude of false idols and religious beliefs. It would be no big deal for him to add another god like Jesus Christ. 
14. He commemorated his Christ victory by erecting the pagan Arch of Constantine. The arch includes images of Victoria, the Roman goddess of victory.  It also portrays sacrifices to gods like Apollo, Diana (later to become the Blessed Virgin) and Hercules.  
15. Constantine continued worshiping pagan deities after his “conversion.
16. Nine years after his “conversion,” Constantine ordered ALL his citizens to observe the pagan “day of the sun". 
17. When Constantine felt threatened he struck back in an un-Christian manner. 
18. He moved the capitol of the empire to Byzantium and built a lavish seat of government called Constantinople. This caused the Roman Empire to fracture East and West.
19. Constantine had coins minted with the image of the ancient Roman sun god, Sol Invictus on one side. The coins had the text, “To the invisible Sun god, companion of the Emperor.”
20. He split the Church further from its Jewish roots by ordering Sunday be kept as a holy day, dismissing the Jewish sabbath.
21. He married church to the state, a huge evil that has plagued the church throughout history. For example, the Russian Orthodox Church is a nationalistic, state church.22. Constantine's taxes were so high he ruined the agricultural base of the empire. Farmers simply quit growing crops. It is one of the reasons the Roman Empire fell.   
22.  Constantine made preparations for the use of religious service in war, he had a tent for his own chapel and he taught his soldiers, heathen as well as Christian, a common daily prayer.
23. Constantine built the church of the Anastasis and the hierarchy of the Church falsely claimed this  fulfilled the prophecies about the New Jerusalem.
24. Constantine called the Council of Nice(a) in 325 AD, the council firmly established the doctrine of the Trinity. 
25. Constantine had is wife, Fausta, killed in a steam bath and many of her friends were executed. Christian bishops urged him to repent and get baptized but he refused.
26. Constantine's sons were not baptized. 
27. He murdered his eldest son, Crispus, his son by Minervina, for allegedly for having an incestuous relationship.
28. He executed Caesar Licinus, the son of Constantine's favorite sister. 
29. The terrible scenes in Constantine's palace reminded the Roman people of Nero and Caligula. 
30. Constantine promised his brother-in-law, Licinius, mercy, while  planning on his execution.
31.  In 303 he was present when the edict of persecution against the Christians was promulgated at Nicomedia and the palace soon after was struck by lightning.
32. He established a complete despotism. All power was lodged in the emperor, all honors and titles were conferred on him alone except for Consul, which he appointed yearly.
33. Constantine didn't get baptized until he fell deathly ill in 337. He died shortly after he was baptized. His death is clouded in mystery, the Vatican claims he died of sickness. However, on account of the simultaneous death of his Patriarch Eusebius, the claim of assassination by Sassanids, his enemy is probably accurate.
34. Constantine's alleged Christian conversion bore no FRUIT He never rejected paganism.  
35. It has been shown that the “Donation of Constantine" is a counterfeit document and cannot be used as evidence of Constantine’s conversion.  It was forged near the middle of the 8th century. 
36.Now here is the interesting part of the story, or as Paul Harvey said "the rest of the story". Was Constantine's experience with a vision from a spiritual being really a manifestation with the “prince of the power of the air?” Was his spiritual event a satanic manifestation? I think  the true church was growing through the blood of the martyrs and satan had to stop it. I believe satan's successfully infiltrated the RCC. 
37. Constantine did terrific damage to the church. He  injected pagan rituals and idolatry (e.g. statues of saints) into the RCC that survive till today.

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