Friday, January 11, 2013

End Times News & Gospel Message

1.  Natural News reported Obama is going to march America down the dark halls of history by following in the footsteps of Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Mao Tse Tung and all the other gun-grabbing madmen who have exploited fear to achieve the total concentration of power in the hands of dictatorial government . Vice President Joe Biden said that disarming the American people is 'acting responsibly.
Do you remember when Joe Biden exclaimed "You're not taking my Beretta"? I wonder where that Vice President disappeared to. The Vice President said that this draconian gun seizure would be worth it if "only one life is saved"! While this sentiment might seem reasonable on the surface, two distinctively powerful historical facts must be kept in mind.
1) No dictatorship in the modern era has come to power until after citizens had turned in their private stock of firearms. When the government successfully removes guns from private citizens, it immediately imposes an absolute dictatorship, causing the deaths of many tens of thousands and in some cases, of millions.
2) The Global Elite has been planning an absolute dictatorship in America and throughout the world for over 200 years.
Do not be deceived  by wishful thinking. The dictatorship planned for us will be history's most powerful, the most repressive and the most technological. Once we fall into this trap, our constitutional republic will disappear forever. Shortly after guns are confiscated, Antichrist will stage his appearance on the world scene and then all of the prophecies in the Book of Revelation will occur.
Obama's Executive Order calling for gun control will be the death knell to America as we know her. But, of course, some Americans are not as gullible as the Germans of Hitler's era. Tens of millions will refuse to turn in their guns, and God-willing their sheer numbers will prevent the government from enforcing Obama's precious Executive Orders.
I call your attention to the Illuminati Card entitled, "New World Order Gun Control", shown above. Every card depicts an action the Illuminati is planning to carry out in order to overthrow our current civilization so the New World Order (NWO) can be established. Patriots, we know the Illuminati is behind these public shootings.
I urge you to read the anguished remarks from Darrell Scott, father of Rachel Scott, slain at Columbine High School, April 20, 1999. Through his intense grief and his physical tears, Darrell Scott could see his daughter's murder at the hands of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold as a spiritually driven disaster. Darrell did not blame the NRA or private gun ownership for his daughter's murder; he blamed the heart of the killers and the collective heart of America -- and he is exactly correct!
In 1963, America threw God out of public schools. On April 20, 1999, Satan marched through the doors of Columbine High School with guns blazing in the hands of two troubled teens whose hearts had been prepared for murder through violent video games, an obsession with the occult, and with minds controlled through drugs. Keep in mind, the Illuminati likes to brag about their plans. Like Satan their Achilles heal is pride. In the movie "The Devil's Advocate" Al Pacino, who plays the devil, says our times has come, "we are comin out guns ablazin!"
The Biblical teaching is that we "reap what we sow, more than we sow, and later than we sow". Just 33 years after throwing God out of our nation, we are dealing with mass public murder -- in schools, at shopping malls and in theaters. God's judgment is now falling upon America and it is only going to get worse. God's greatest judgments upon this wicked world are going to come at the hands of the Illuminati.
The time to spread Gospel Seed is getting short. Are you doing everything you can to reach your unsaved loved ones, co-workers and friends? Act now, "for the night is coming when no man can work".
The largest snowfall since 1992 - 4" to 6"
2.  YNET News reported "Jerusalem's residents are not the only ones excited by the snow : Rabbis specializing in Kabbalah say that the white flakes of snow have a special meaning as a message from above to the Jewish people that their sins have been forgiven. In addition, they give Kabbalists a rare opportunity to hold a 'snow incarnation'– a religious-ascetic activity seen as 'atoning torment'."
Bible-believing Christians and Torah believing Jews should angered by this belief. This Kabbalist nonsense belittles the true atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. The Bible clearly says that, "without the shedding of blood there can be no remission of sins". And, Jesus did offer His body on a cross and His blood did flow, for the remission of all sin for everyone who will receive that free gift of eternal life.
But, to say that falling snow is a sign that God has forgiven the sins of the Jewish people makes light of the genuine sacrifice and cheapens the entire concept of God forgiving sin. Are some Jews today are so spiritually shallow that they actually believe that forgiveness of sin can be so very, very cheap and easy to obtain? This statement is one of the most heretical I have ever heard!
Did you know that Kabbalist belief is virtually identical to the Pharisees and Sadducees of Jesus' day? We have noted time and time again that the Kabbala (Qabbala) is the Judaizing version of the apostate Babylonian Mysteries Religion, created by rogue Jewish priests during the 70-year period of captivity in Babylon. These priests learned the principles of Babylonian Satanism, adapted it to Judaism, and brought it back to Israel as an oral tradition. The Pharisees and Sadducees practiced this Jewish brand of Satanism during the time of Jesus' reign, which explains Jesus' unrelenting attacks on them.
In approximately 1100 A.D., this oral tradition was systematized and written down and became the cornerstone of every Satanic system of worship and practice in the world.
The reality is that the Pharisees and Sadducees of Jesus' day were secretly worshipping Lucifer. They pretended to faithful teachers of the Law, but they were inwardly full of Satanism. Jesus was truly right when He said they were "Whitewashed Sepulchers", painted nice and white on the outside, but inwardly, they were full of dead man's bones.
Because the Pharisees and Sadducees secretly practiced the occult, they believed the heresy that God and Lucifer are equal but opposite gods. When Jesus came to the world scene, He came as the prophesied "Suffering Servant", not the reigning King. The Pharisees recognized that Jesus was fulfilling all the Old Testament prophecies of the "Suffering Servant Messiah", but that is not the Messiah they wanted. They strongly desired the worldly Messiah King.
Therefore, since they believed that Jesus was sent by God Jehovah, and they further believed that Lucifer was the equal of God, they determined to kill Jesus. Later, they reasoned, they would stage their own Messiah King, through the power of Lucifer. 

3.  Natural News reported thousands of people across the nation are scrambling to use online websites like the ‘McRib locator‘ to stuff the McDonald’s McRib sandwich down their throats. A sandwich that is not only full of genetically modified ingredients, a medley of toxic fillers and preservatives, but also some ingredients that are actually banned in other nations around the world. This kind of sandwich sounds like something Frankenstein would create to eat. In fact, genetically created foods are called "Frankenfood"!
This is one of the actions the Illuminati is using to bring down our current civilization so they can implement their coveted 'New World Order' (NWO) is dubbed "Frankenfood", depicted below.
The Illuminati Card Game clearly foresees using Genetically Modified Foods (GMO) to create a new type of food. Here, the card depicts a footlong hotdog created by the most incredible mixture of plants and animals imaginable. As it turns out, the 'McRib' fits this description! "But what’s really inside the McRib specifically that makes it such a food abomination? Containing over 70 ingredients, the McRib is full of surprises, including ‘restructured meat’ technology that includes traditionally-discarded animal parts brought together to create a rib-like substance."
"Here’s some of the disturbing substances found within the McDonald’s McRib sandwich:
1) "A flour-bleaching agent used in yoga mats is one of the 70 ingredients that make up the ‘pork’ sandwich, a little-known flour-bleaching agent known as azodicarbonamide. In Australia and Europe, the use of azodicarbonamide as a food additive is banned. In Singapore use of this substance in food can result in a $450,000 fine and 15 years in jail."
2) The McRib also has restructured meat’ from pig heart, tongue, stomach. So the McRib is not actually a rib. Instead, it’s a combination of unwanted animal scraps processed down in major facilities and ‘restructured’ into the form of a rib. Then, 70 additives, chemicals, fillers, and GMO ingredients later, you have a ‘meat’ product that tastes like ribs."
Below is what a worker said in the early 1970's while working at a meat processing plant. McDonald's restaurants were a regular customer of his plant.  Please read this account carefully.
A normal box was 60 pounds. On the bottom went a very small quantity just enough to cover the bottom of the box with very good meat trimmings, The next layer was taken off the round and was a leathery substance which 2 men could not pull apart, but this held in the real ingredient.
In the middle and comprising about 60 to 70 percent of the box was something we called schnubles, they were triangular in shape and were slimy fat with a whole lot of glands encased in them, we were very careful to hide them in the middle. We used to throw them on the wall in the morning and take bets how long it took them to crawl their way down the ceramic wall, sometimes it took 2 days. Next went another layer of the leathery substance. On top went the nice looking trimmings again. What we made was a meat sandwich with fat and glands in between. The best meat you could hope for was a worn out milk cow, if a cow had cancer and sometimes they came in dying with tumors all over them they were taken to the front of the kill floor, if it was killed before it died it was considered fit for human consumption."
This is the true face of McDonalds. McDonalds is deeply committed to the GMO.
The McDonald's double arches look suspiciously like the arches which New Age adherents believe are "portals" between the Earth dimension and the supernatural. Both "angels" and "so-called perfected men" can travel back and forth from the earthly dimension and the spiritual dimension more easily through an archway portal.
The film documentary, "Super-Size Me", has proven that McDonald’s foods can actually kill you, now you have even more reason to not buy McDonalds. This documentary also proved that McDonalds puts an additive in the hamburger meat which causes you to be addicted to their meat.
Now, we learn that they are using GMO foods and feeding us unknown and unwanted animal meat scraps, I am sure that the thinking people will decide not to stuff this kind of "food" into their bodies.

4. Israel National News reported an Egyptian magazine has claimed that six American Islamist activists who work with the Obama administration are Muslim Brotherhood operatives who enjoy strong influence over U.S. policy . The six named people include:
Arif Alikhan
1) Arif Alikhan, assistant secretary of Homeland Security for policy development;
2) Mohammed Elibiary, a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council;
3) Rashad Hussain, the U.S. special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference;
4) Salam al-Marayati, co-founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC);
5) Imam Mohamed Magid, president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA);
6) Eboo Patel, a member of President Obama's Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships."
It is insanity to bring Islamic men with radical ties to the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, when we are supposedly at war with such jihadists.
Congress and the White House have consistently reduced our Constitutional protections against abusive government since the attacks of 9/11, claiming that such erosion was necessary to combat jihadist terrorism.
His new nominee for Secretary of Defense, former Senator Chuck Hagel, is a consistent critic of Israel. How can the Defense Secretary be anti-Israel?
Chuck Hagel
5.  YNET reported Obama nominated former Republican Senator Chuck Hagel as his next defense secretary. During the election campaign Obama kept a 'poker face' and did not respond to Netanyahu's blatant support for Republican candidate Romney. Now it is time to settle the score."
Hagel comes off as a conservative politician who is disgusted by what he views as the excessive influence of the American Jewish lobby .
End of the Age prophecy strongly foretells that, at some point, Israel will suddenly face her enemies alone. Listen:
"And at that time of the end, Michael shall arise, the great angelic prince who defends and has charge of your [Daniel’s] people. And there shall be a time of trouble, straitness, and distress such as never was since there was a nation till that time." (Daniel 12:1; Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified 
When the Bible here speaks of the Archangel Michael arising, the real meaning is that he is arising to spring to Israel's defense. When the time arrives for Israel's ancient neighbors begin their coordinated attack, tiny Israel will call upon her Western allies for support - material supplies and diplomatic support and will hear silence.
In the Yom Kippur War of 1973, only strong action ordered by President Nixon provided the spare parts, the resupplies and the diplomatic surge on Israel's behalf prevented Israel from utter defeat.
Would Obama rush American support to an Israel who finds herself in similar dire circumstances?I do not think he will rush to support Israel.
John Brennan

6. The Atlantic reported "President Obama's pick to head the CIA was in a senior position at the spy agency during the Bush years. Are the American people being asked to entrust our clandestine spy agency and its killing and interrogation apparatuses to a man who was complicit in illegal torture?"
Brennan favored rendition and what he called 'enhanced interrogation tactics' other than waterboarding. As Andrew Sullivan put it in 2008, when Obama first considered Brennan as CIA chief, 'if Obama picks him, it will be a vindication of the kind of ambivalence and institutional moral cowardice that made America a torturing nation. It would be an unforgivable betrayal of his supporters and his ideals."
Even though our military is currently committing genocide with Depleted Uranium weapons in the "Non-Integrating Gap" region, I had never thought of America as " a torturing nation".
Skull & Bones President George W. Bush thrust this country into the business of torturing "suspects" whose guilt was never proven in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, but now 32nd Degree Prince Hall Mason Obama is adopting the Bush policy on "enhanced interrogation techniques"! Imagine that! Even though Obama campaigned in 2008 on the basis of "real change", he has continued most the Bush policies and wars and is now proceeding to adopt and enhance Bush's of targeting people for assassination, both abroad and here at home.
Apparently, President Obama has his eyes on making the overseas " targeted killing program" into a domestic operation! But, why should we be surprised to learn that our government is this brutal and is refusing to abide by domestic law? After all, the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion clearly advocates such brutal violence against any pesky citizens. Protocol 11 of The Totalitarian State follows: "... we are ready and able to crush with irresistible power all expression or manifestation thereof at every moment and in every place, that we have seized at once everything we wanted... Then in fear and trembling they will close their eyes to everything, and be content to await what will be the end of it all."
John Brennan symbolizes all the illegal and brutal methods employed by President Bush. Now, Obama may be preparing to set up the procedures by which American citizens can be seized and tortured and murdered on American soil.
This development is a huge sign that the planned absolute dictatorship planned by the Illuminati is moving much closer than any of us wish to admit.
Bnei Menashe at prayer
7.    On the 24th of December the first flight of renewed aliyah for the ancient Israeli tribe of Manasseh - known as the Bnei Menashe arrived in Israel. A total of 53 Jews from Northern India arrived home to Israel after 2,700 years of exile! Finally, their wanderings were over. Ephraim Manlun summed up the feelings of his community with these words:
“We know that we represent the hopes of many generations,” he explained. “We are the ones who have the privilege of finally stepping foot back in the land of Israel.”
The return of the Bnei Menashe is based on God's promises to Israel to "bring your descendants from the East" according to Isaiah 43:5.

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