Thursday, January 10, 2013

John Brennan Calls Jerusalem Al Quds

In a speech at New York University, sponsored by Muslim Brotherhood fellow travelers, the nominee for Director of Central Intelligence Agency, John Brennan said, " And in all my travels, the city I have come to love most is Al Quds...Jerusalem, where three great faiths come together..."

Brennan sympathized with a questioner who was an officer of an Islamic organization affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood. The questioner complained that Muslims are under attack since 9/11, at Ft. Hood, and the attempted Times Square bombing. Brennan sympathized with the speaker, saying that public reaction is indeed, "excessive...this is going to be tough." Brennan continued: "Let's face it, a lot of people will have very ignorant feelings and will have prejudices and discriminations that we have to erode...

Yes, this man has been nominated to serve as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency!
Moreover, former Senator Chuck Hagel who believes in cordially conversing with the Iranians (as a means of magically stopping them developing nuclear weapons) wants the United States to engage in dialogue with Hamas. 

Hagel has been nominated for the post of Secretary of Defense! Hagel is also a lead proponent of forcing a Palestinian State which will divide Jerusalem (or as Brennan would say, Al Quds).

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