Sunday, January 27, 2013

End Times News & Gospel Message Jan. 27, 2013

Depleted Uranium Baby
Iraqi Baby effected by depleted uranium munitions. There are a multitude of photos like the one above . I did not have the heart to post  the others. 

Veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan could be suffering from the 20-year-old set of symptoms known as Gulf War illness, according to a new report released by the federal Institute of Medicine. 'Preliminary data suggest that chronic multi-symptom illness is occurring in veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars as well.
The article states that For current war veterans, scientists have connected illnesses to dust proved to be laden with bacteria and heavy metals.
This "dust ... laden with bacteria and heavy metals" is a precise definition of Depleted Uranium (DU) poisoning.
Are you familiar with the fact that our troops in Afghanistan and Iraq have been armed with DU munitions since 2001 when Bush ordered the invasion of Afghanistan?
The horrific reality is that our DU munitions will kill virtually all Afghanis and Iraqis in a 20-30 year time span. These munitions will also kill our own troops.
US army marine forces praying in tent before US bombing and cluster bomb attacks on Iraq.

Invasion of Basra, Baghdad, Mosul and other cities, Iraq, April 2003.

American soldiers pray in Iraq
What is DU poisoning? DU is what is left over when most of the highly radioactive types (isotopes) of uranium are removed for use as nuclear fuel or nuclear weapons. The DU used in armor-piercing munitions and in enhanced armor protection for some Abrams tanks is also used in civilian industry, primarily for stabilizers in airplanes and boats. DU is a heavy metal that is also slightly radioactive. Heavy metals (uranium, lead, tungsten, etc.) have chemical toxicity properties that, in high doses, can cause adverse health effects. Depleted uranium that remains outside the body can not harm you. This fact is from the Department of Defense, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), on DU.
DU is virtually inert before it is fired off. Once DU is used in battle, the dangerous contamination begins.
Notice that our own Defense Department admits in writing that "dangerous contamination" occurs once a DU munitions is exploded. What this admission means is that our own soldiers firing these DU weapons are being "dangerously contaminated"!
Baghdad's nightmare.

Sign on US armament.

Iraq invasion by American forces.

April 2003.
"When a DU shell is fired, it ignites upon impact. Uranium, plus traces of plutonium and americium, vaporize into tiny, ceramic particles of radioactive dust. Once inhaled, uranium oxides lodge in the body and emit radiation indefinitely. A single particle of DU lodged in a lymph node can devastate the entire immune system according to British radiation expert Roger Coghill." See "US Shells Leave Lethal Legacy," Toronto Star, July 31, 1999; also "Radiation Tests for Peacekeepers in the Balkans Exposed to Depleted Uranium,", 12-31-02.
Once munitions containing DU are fired, the risk changes dramatically; when a DU warhead or bullet hits its target, it virtually vaporizes the warhead, as well as much of the target. Most of the warhead becomes either extremely small fragments, though larger ones are possible, and a whole lot of radiation dust. Thus, when a person travels through the battlefield, they breathe in the particles that are now lingering in the air, plus they get a lot of radiation on their clothes.
The Royal Society of England published data showing that battlefield soldiers who inhale or swallow high levels of DU can suffer kidney failure within days. See"Depleted Uranium May Stop Kidneys In Days," Rob Edwards, New, 3-12-02; also "Uranium Weapons Too Hot to Handle," Rob Edwards, New, 6-9-99.
Dr. Khajak Vartaanian, a radiation expert, holds a Geiger counter next to a hole in an Iraq tank destroyed by depleted uranium weapons in the Persian Gulf War in 1991.

The shell holes show 1,000 times the normal background radiation level.

Photo: Paul Kitagaki Jr./Seattle Post-Intelligencer
Destroyed Iraqi tanks show 1000 times more radiation than normal
How many soldiers in the battlefield environment are dangerously contaminated? Any soldier who was in Iraq who has not inhaled lethal radioactive dust is not breathing. See Death By Slow Burn - How America Nukes Its Own Troops", Worthington, Amy The Idaho Observer, 4/16/03.
What sort of medical problems have others experienced because of an exposure to DU munitions? Read and cry. U.S. and British troops deployed to the area are the walking dead. Humans and animals, friends and foes in the fallout zone are destined to a long downhill spiral of chronic illness and disability. Kidney dysfunction, lung damage, bloody stools, extreme fatigue, joint pain, unsteady gait, memory loss and rashes and, ultimately, cancer and premature death await those exposed to DU." 
Herbert Reed, 52, a veteran of Iraq, sits at the kitchen table of his home with the medicines and medical records that he keeps with him Wednesday, May 17, 2006, in Columbia, S.C.

Reed was exposed to radioactive depleted uranium while serving a few months with the 442nd Military Police out of New York.
A U.S. Iraqi DU veteran with his meds
Some combat doctors have stated that the DU is causing this incredibly wide array of medical problems. Read: DU would act as a "wild card", causing people to die of various ailments. While none could be "officially" tied to DU, the fact of the matter was that DU was most definitely at the bottom of all of them. Government officials from the Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama White House to the Pentagon have knowingly committed our troops to fight with DU weapons knowing that, over time, virtually every single soldier would die of an ailment caused by exposure to DU.
almost all the civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq, with dust storms blowing the contaminate dust 1,000 miles away from these battlefields.
Depleted Uranium (DU)
Could DU have prophetic implications? I certainly believe it can. It could be the sword of the second seal.
At the Great White Throne Judgment Seat, Presidents are going to stand convicted as some of history's greatest mass murderers. By the time this entire scenario is worked out, up to one billion Muslims may die of illnesses caused by DU poisoning! Friend the Illuminati is not only waging war against Christians in the Middle East and North Africa but also against Muslims in those regions. These people are being murdered silently with DU poisoning, now in the air, the water and the food of every Islamic nation in the 'Non-Integrating Gap' Region' ! 
Lord please forgive us and May You have mercy on our souls!
Map of the Non-Integrating Gap
Before reading the article below remember, the goal of the "Pentagon's New Map Strategy" in the Non-Integrating Gap Region is to destabilize the entire region, not to win a "war on terror" In North Africa and the Middle East this means creating Kingdom number 7 for the anti-christ

Common Dreams News reported that the French goal is the total reconquest of Mali'
Blow back from Gadaffi’s fall in Libya is being felt in Mali and  Algeria. Recent comments from British and French leaders lay bare western powers' perception of conflict in Islamic lands through the lens of the war on terror that sees "terrorists" that must be stopped through military force with little thought given to the price that will be paid for the involvement.
Friends, knowledge of the “End Times” tells us the public rhetoric we hear is completely false. Western powers are not attacking countries within the Non-Integrating Gap Region because they are really fighting terrorists; that is simply false propaganda designed to mislead you and keep you from ever discovering the truth. Let's now look at France's bold admission as to why she is attacking Mali.
French Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said "The goal is the total reconquest of Mali." Mali used to be a French colony and is now about to be reconquered. Why? The "Pentagon's New Map Strategy" is being followed very closely here, so let us review the salient points of this strategy to see how closely it applies to this invasion of Mali.
The Pentagon's New Map strategy is a cutting-edge approach to globalization that combines security, economic, political and cultural factors to do no less than predict and explain the nature of war and peace in the twenty-first century . Anyone seeking to understand the Iraq's, Afghanistan's, Syria’s, Egypt’s, Mali’s and Algeria’s of the present and future must know the "Pentagon's New Map Strategy. (NMS) is the intimate link between foreign policy and national security and the operational realities of the world as it exists today, 'The Pentagon's New Map' is a template, a Rosetta Stone ... There is no book more essential for 2013 and beyond. To put it quite simply "the world is on fire in the "Non-Integrating Gap"!
Thomas P.M. Barnett, who wrote “The Pentagon’s New Map” said our next war in the Gulf will mark a historic tipping point, the moment when Washington takes real ownership of strategic security in the age of globalization." See "The Pentagon's New Map", by Thomas P. M. Barnett, U.S. Naval War College, Esquire Magazine, March 2003, P. 174
Using 9/11 as the excuse, President Bush wielded America as the super power battering ram to knock down those nations who are really standing in the way of fully implementing the New World Order (NOW). Barnett identifies other, non-technical reasons why certain countries are still lagging terribly behind the rest of the world in integrating into the NWO. These reasons are simple but profound and so deeply entrenched that an invasion or a threat of an invasion (a war of rumors of war) is necessary to change the regime so that compliant, responsive leaders may be implanted within these countries. What are these non-technical factors?
1. Repressive Dictatorship run by one man, e.g. Saddam Hussein and Qaddafi
2. Repressive Religions that hold on to "Tradition" with all means, thereby resisting the new paradigm, e.g. Afghanistan
3. Abject poverty is mentioned as a reason a country is not "connected" to the Global System, but poverty is usually the result of a repressive dictatorship that either siphons huge resources out of the economy or is so repressive he won't allow the individual freedoms necessary to produce wealth in the economy, e.g. Mali and Tunisia
4. Civil Wars also keep a country from being able to join the "Functioning Core". For example, troops from the European Union sent to the Congo to put down that civil war and U.S. troops doing so-called peace-keeping in Liberia. However, the biggest example currently is Syria where western sponsored Al Qaeda and the Moslem Brotherhood are undermining Assad’s regime.
Thus, America is "taking real ownership" of the "strategic security" of these types of countries. For the past 12 years, we have taken control of the "strategic security" of Afghanistan and we took control of Iraq for eight years. The key reason to keep invading backward countries within the Non-Integrating Gap Region is to overthrow the " Repressive Dictatorship run by one man", Factor #1, above.
The 10 Kingdoms of the Satanic Club of Rome; Turkey should be part of Kingdom #7 ; Kingdom #1 now extends southward to Belize and Guatemala.

Not only do entrenched repressive dictatorships stand in the way of progress into the global NWO, but such dictators almost always resist the idea of surrendering their national sovereignty to the regional government in which they are geographically located.
The Elite Club of Rome has published this plan to reorganize the world into precisely 10 Kingdoms, a fulfillment of Daniel 7:7-8 when completed.
If you check this map, you will see that Mali falls into Kingdom #8, called "Central and Southern Africa. The reality is that these backward, entrenched nations must be swept away and the new government in each nation must be compliant, weak and unstable, otherwise, the new leaders are likely to oppose the surrender of national sovereignty.
Now you know the real truth as to why Western powers are attacking countries within Kingdom #7 and #8. We are not chasing terrorists as that is simply the tool of the propagandist and what H.L. Mencken called “chasing hobgoblins”. That nonsense is public pabulum, designed to lead astray the undiscerning. These attacks will fulfill the prophecy in Daniel 7:7-8. You are watching the unfolding of events which are fulfilling End Times prophecy! In your daily news.
While we are on the subject of the Club of Rome Plan to reorganize the world into 10 Kingdoms, let us discuss the ongoing formation of Kingdom #1, MexUCan. Most people do not realize how the Federal Government is daily working quietly, behind the scene, to further the creation of this prophesied kingdom.
Masonic President Obama is continuing the work of Skull & Bones President George H.W. Bush, Illuminist William Jefferson Clinton, and Skull & Bones George W. Bush to create Kingdom #1 of the Club of Rome Plan, a plan which will fulfill Daniel 7:7-8 once it is completed. Let us examine what action President Obama is taking to fulfill this plan.
The Federal Government wastes billions of dollars on things they should not even be involved in, but can’t secure our country’s borders, a prime job that the federal government is constitutionally required to do!
This statement is falsely believed to be true by a vast majority of American citizens. Most people today still believe that the American/Mexican border is still the demarcation line separating our two countries. But, this concept is outmoded and dispensed with in the minds of the Global Elite who are running this country. You see, our leaders, starting with President Clinton, considered that MexUCan was already formed and operating; no one had yet informed the American people, though! This is why politicians from both parties will not oppose illegal immigration and will allow more and more illegal immigrants to vote undermining our constitutional republic.
Friends, the old American/Mexican border has disappeared because Mexico is already part of MexUCan, as is the United States and Canada. The new southern-most border of MexUCan is the border with Guatemala and believe it or not Belize.
Therefore, "securing the border" means securing the southern-most border, with Guatemala and Belize. The current USA/Mexican border is being replaced as an international boundary and will become no more important than the border boundary between any of the 48 continuous states! With this concept in your mind, you can now understand the rest of this story, as the President continues to de-emphasize the current American border with Mexico.
On March 15th, 2013 all TARS Air Defense Mission Operations will permanently cease. These TARS Air Defense sites were under the control of the United States Air Force. On January 15th, 2013, the Air Force informed Exelis (the defense contractor running the TARS sites) that the TARS sites will be shut down. Exelis tried to then negotiate with the Department of Homeland Security to see if they would take over the vital project, but it seems as though those negotiations have failed. What does this mean?
This means the southern border of the United States of America will be more vulnerable to attack from low flying aircrafts, low altitude missiles, and other infiltrations such as smuggling. Our borders will not be safe, especially along the remote U.S. Mexico Border like in Texas. These defense radars detect low flying aircraft infiltrating our borders. Without these defense radars, low flying aircraft will go undetected. It will be open season for any drug, gun, slave smugglers and terrorists flying in with nukes, low altitude missiles, or even a full scale low elevation invasion/attack against America.
Officials in the Obama Administration must not believe that our country would be susceptible to "terrorists flying in with nukes, low altitude missiles, or even a full scale low elevation invasion/attack against America." Indeed, they know that we will not be vulnerable to such attacks, because that is not the global Illuminati Plan. The concept of the threat of terrorism was invented to blame the Muslims for the attack on the Twin Towers in 1993 and in 2001. Once the attacks of 9/11 had occurred, President Bush opened the next major phase of the Global Elite plan to begin the destabilization of the countries geographically located within the Non-Integrating Gap Region.
First, Bush overthrew the entrenched dictatorships of the Taliban in Afghanistan and of Saddam Hussein in Iraq. Those nations now will not resist surrendering their national sovereignty when Kingdom #7 demands they do so. Now, destabilizing wars are being fought in Yemen, Mali, the Sudan, and Syria, to name just a few. In coming years, other nations within Kingdom #8 will come under the destabilizing attacks of the Western powers, under the phony excuse of "fighting terrorism"!
America is so open that, if terrorists were really out for revenge attacks, they could be striking somewhere in our country every single day of the year, much like the Palestinians were attacking Israel before the huge security fences prevented Palestinian suicide bombers from  infiltrating Jewish settlements and cities. The fact is that the Illuminati Plan tightly controls the Islamic terrorists so that they can operate only within certain geographical areas and not actually pursue attacks on American soil, until   World War III breaks out.
The Obama Administration is pursuing the Bush/Clinton objective of transforming the current USA/Mexican border into the same type of minor border now existing between current states in MexUCan. Now you know the truth.

Newsman reported former President Bill Clinton has a warning for top Democratic donors: Don't underestimate weapons rights supporters. Clinton, speaking to a group of Democrats at the Obama National Finance Committee Saturday, Clinton said gun control gets a special emotional response from people in rural states, and dismissing pro-gun arguments can backfire.
“Do not patronize the passionate supporters of your opponents by looking down your nose at them', Clinton said ... 'A lot of these people live in a world very different from the world lived in by the people proposing these things ... I know because I come from this world."
As President, Clinton understood that, in elections, the economy is usually the most important issue. He was a wicked man in office, but he demonstrated an uncanny ability to see right through the political clutter.
His remarks here are an example of seeing right through today's clutter and noise about gun control. He understands that, at the end of the day of public rhetoric over controlling guns, politicians will still have to contend with 100 million angry gun owners who wield 300 million guns.
Chinese Communist Chairman, Mao Tse-tung said, "Power grows out of the barrel of a gun". He understood what difficulty he would have enslaving the Chinese if they owned guns. History sadly documents the reality that Mao murdered tens of millions of his own people because they did not own guns and could not fight back.

Presidents swear in facing the Masonic obelisk to demonstrate their allegiance to the Illuminati
The Boston Globe reported that "President Obama took the oath of office Sunday for a second term in a brief, intimate White House ceremony as thousands of celebrants streamed into the sun-splashed nation’s capital in preparation for Monday’s inaugural festivities. With his left hand on a Bible that belonged to Michelle Obama’s grandmother, Obama took the oath inside the Blue Room, facing the Washington Monument."
When President Obama took the oath inside the White House, he faced the obelisk (Washington Monument). Barack Hussein Obama is a 32nd Degree Prince Hall Mason, and proved himself an Illuminist during his first term. Obama is a pagan and faced the obelisk, the Washington Monument during his entire inaugural ceremony. Furthermore, by facing the obelisk Obama signaled occultists the world over that he will continue to pursue the One World Government, Economy, and Religion which will allow the Masonic Christ to finally appear to establish his prophesied kingdom, the New World Order (NWO).
Because of the occult nature of our Illuminist Masonic and Rosicrucian Founding Fathers, our government is steeped in the occult. The Washington Monument is the world's most famous phallus symbol, also known in Satanism as an obelisk. Freemasons and other occults absolutely revere this phallus. Look at the graveyards behind many old mainline Protestant churches and you will see obelisk grave markers dotting the graveyard, a Lodge symbol which tells you that the man buried there was a Mason.
The Washington Monument is strategically placed so that leaders of Congress and the White House can "face the obelisk" daily, just as all devout occultists are required to do. Masonic symbols are represented in Government Center by the way in which the original street layout plans were created. All of Government Mall is created in the form of the satanic symbol, Sephiroth Tree of Life, also known as the Masonic Coffin!
The Washington Monument is an Egyptian Mysteries obelisk, the erect phallus of the god, Baal images and symbols abound in Washington, D.C.
Masonry is Phallic Sun Worship. Even though every President in the 20th and 21st Century was modern and sophisticated, they all are members of the oldest and most primitive secret societies, Freemasonry. Masons worship images of Baal and of the Sun, just as leaders did in Egypt, Babylon and the Chaldea’s 3,000 years ago. How does the Bible speak to this reality? In Ecclesiastes 1:9 God says, there is nothing new under the sun."
Every President is inaugurated, as we call it; this word comes from the Latin word, inaugurare, which means to "take omens" (see the Tormont Webster's Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary), a most occult term. This reality means that President Obama took an omen as the oath of office. America's government is truly steeped in the occult. American culture is steeped in Christianity, because of the "Great Revival" which began in 1741; but the government was founded by Masons upon Masonic values and aimed toward the Masonic plans for the future.
For this reason, even the very date of Presidential Inauguration is planned according to occult calculations; a President is sworn in to office every four years on January 20. Every month, the 20th day is the beginning of the occult cycle of Astrology! Further, there are precisely 13 days between January 20 to the High Satanic day called Imbolg, Groundhog's Day.
Finally, the Presidential inauguration is held precisely at Noon, January 20, because that time places the inauguration exactly 19 1/2 days into the New Year. In the world of the occult, 19 1/2 and 39 are a very sacred numbers.
Today, the obelisk known as the Washington Monument is the most popular symbol of our nation’s capital and of America. What does Almighty God think about this symbol of Baal's erect phallus? In 2 Kings 10:26 God says, "They [righteous King Jehu's men] brought out the pillars or obelisks of the house of Baal and burned them." 
This verse tells us that, not only that God ordered righteous King Jehu to burn the obelisks, but that such worship originates from the hated satanic god, Baal. Thus, when Barack Obama obediently faces "Baal's phallic symbol" when he takes his oath of office, that is not a good sign for Christians specifically, or for Americans generally, because it is a clear sign that the President will continue pursuing the Illuminati agenda, the Kingdom of Antichrist, a.k.a. the New World Order.
God says in Hosea 10:1 "Israel is a luxuriant vine that puts forth its material fruit. According to the abundance of his fruit he has multiplied his altars to idols: according to the goodness and prosperity of their land they have made good pillars or obelisks to false gods. Their heart is divided and deceitful; now shall they be found guilty and suffer punishment. The Lord will smite ..." 
Now, please understand this Biblical principle: if Barack Obama is truly a Christian, as he claims, and is led by the Holy Spirit, he would take the actions of righteous King Jehu, destroying the Washington Monument! He would have signed an Executive Order his first day in office to destroy and burn this huge obelisk. Further, if all the Reverends who have working with President Obama were offering him genuine Biblical advice, they would advise him that he had to destroy that obelisk, and begin the destruction of all symbols of Masonry now polluting America!
God is angry with sin every day. America's reservoir of judgment from God is filled higher every single day. As long as our national leaders pay homage to this filthy Egyptian obelisk, Satan's spirit will continue to control America!
Finally, remember one final fact about President Obama. He is not his own man; the Illuminati controls him in every single action he takes and every official word he utters. He is merely following the Illuminati Plan for America, just as Mitt Romney would be doing had he won the election. Listen to the portion of the Plan which demonstrates that the President of the United States is merely following the script laid out for him. "Their script is now written, subject only to last-minute editing and stage-directions. The stage itself, albeit as yet in darkness, is almost ready. Down in the pit, the subterranean orchestra is already tuning up. The last-minute, walk-on parts are even now being filled. Most of the main actors, once suspects, have already taken up their roles. Soon it will be time for them to come on stage, ready for the curtain to rise.
Peter Lemesurier wrote in The Armageddon Script, on page 252,"The time for action will have come," foretelling a global play on a global stage, where the part of each actor and actress is carefully scripted.
Does the Bible foretell that End of the Age leaders will cooperate globally, as this book clearly states is happening today? Yes, it most certainly does.
In Revelation 17:16-17 God says, "And the ten horns that you saw ... God has put it into their hearts to carry out His own purpose by acting in harmony in surrendering their royal power and authority to the beast, until the prophetic words (intentions and promises) of God shall be fulfilled."
 The Illuminati published a plan in 1972 where they outlined a global plan to reorganize the world into exactly 10 Kingdoms, each one with a leader. This plan is now being implemented. Notice that Jesus foretold that the final 10 kings of the earth will be "acting in harmony", which is only possible by first creating a plan and then following it closely!
Therefore, President Barack Obama will continue reading his daily script. Had Mitt Romney won the election, he would also be merely reading the daily script provided him. No President acts on his own, whether Republican or Democrat. You will save yourself a lot of aggravation and worry if you remember this fact.
Afghanistan's Karzai is a marked man
India Daily News and Analysis, reported that since 1973, seven out of nine Afghan Presidents have been removed from office by force, or the threat of it. Coups by their very nature take place by stealth, but they do not happen by surprise in Afghanistan. Rumors, gossip and exchanges of confidence precede the actual coup; killer and the victim know about it. As was the pattern with previous coups, this time too the Taliban have begun to stalk their prey.
Other countries have taken notice of this change in war fortunes by attempting to appease the Taliban. Both Pakistan and Afghanistan are releasing Taliban prisoners by the dozen. Countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey are eager to act as facilitators for talks between the Taliban and the current Afghan government.
Pakistan is behind the current attempt to stage a coup against the pro-American Afghan government of President Karzai. Pakistan is officially an ally of the U.S. After the attacks of 9/11, President Bush forced Pakistan to support his "war on terror", at great risk to the Pakistani president.
Bush began a drone war against Taliban living and operating in Pakistan, a war Obama has dramatically increased. This drone war has alienated tens of millions of Pakistani people and is driving Pakistan away from America and toward the extremism of its security service, known as ISI.
The words of British Army Chaplain GR Kleig should be ringing in our ears. Listen to his remarks from 1843, 'The First Afghan War (1839-42) was begun for no wise purpose, carried on with a strange mixture of rashness and timidity, and brought to a close after suffering and disaster, without much glory attached to the government which directed, or the great body of troops which waged it'.”
Thank you, Presidents Bush and Obama, for invading a country which has thrown out every single invading army in the last 200 years. In my opinion, President Bush invaded Afghanistan and Iraq for two basic reasons:
1) To begin the process of carrying out the "Pentagon's New Map Strategy", by toppling regimes located in the "Non-Integrating Gap" region of the world to take out entrenched dictators and to replace them with weak, indecisive governments that answer to the New World Order (NOW).
2) The Illuminati's war against Islam, used depleted uranium munitions in the wars of both Afghanistan and Iraq. Not only are these two countries fatally contaminated by uranium, but the desert winds are blowing contaminated dust 1,000 miles away from the battlefield.
One billion Muslims are daily breathing this deadly contaminated dust!
By the time Antichrist arises Muslims will be dying in unprecedented numbers from uranium poisoning!
That is part of the Illuminati Plan. The Global Elite started waging war against Islam by using depleted uranium  against them in the First Gulf War of 1991.
Despite our official government proclamations about respecting Islam and wanting to be their friend, the Illuminati is waging a brutal war against them. You see, the Elite concluded immediately after World War II that no members of the Monotheistic Religions of the world would ever accept the polytheism of the coming Masonic Christ. Therefore, the Elite decided to annihilate all members of Islam, Christianity and Judaism.
Constance Cumbey wrote in her book "The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow" that Islam is going to be destroyed first.
The Jewish Temple in Jerusalem
Israel Today reported that the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem made a brief appearance as a topic during the Israeli election. Israel's Channel 2 News evening coverage of the election aired a video showing a member of the right-wing Jewish Home party purportedly stating that it 'would be incredible' if the Dome of the Rock were to be blown up and a Jewish Temple rebuilt in its place. The remark was made by American-born Jeremy Gimpel, who has a very real shot at becoming a Knesset member. "
The most incredible part of this story is that the Illuminati truly does plan to destroy the Dome of the Rock so a new Temple can be built where the Dome of the Rock is hence, the Masonic Christ" can declare himself to the world as the Messiah.
Did you know that Masonic leaders believe they will be destroyed as a movement and their influence destroyed if they do not rebuild Solomon’s Temple?

Did you know Satan is obsessed with the occult Magic number “33”? The Number '33' is considered by the Satanist to be a most powerful and mysterious number. Significant bloodletting on the '33'rd Parallel is considered most magically powerful. Even the Battle of Armageddon will be fought astride the 33rd Parallel. You see Satan is the great counterfeiter. He must have his blood sacrifices in order to copy Jesus Christ’s perfect blood sacrifice.

Now you know why Skull & Bones President Bush ordered a powerful invasion of Iraq so that "significant bloodletting" could occur on the 33rd Parallel, thus providing impetus to the appearance of Antichrist.

Freedom House is a democracy watchdog organization based in the United States. They just issued their report entitled, 'Freedom in the World 2013' in which they discussed the state of global freedom.
Among the countries that fell under the title, 'Worst of the Worst', which included a list of 47 nations designated as 'not free', nine were given the survey’s lowest possible rating for both political rights and civil liberties. Among them were Eritrea, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, and Syria. Strikingly, there was nary a mention of the State of Israel in the section on the Middle East and North Africa. But combing through the first section of the full report, one finds the blunt statement that “Israel remains the region’s only FREE country."
Even though Israel is governed by the Illuminati, as evidenced by the Satanic hexagram on its flag, it is still a democracy. While Israel will make mistakes as any nation does, she is still free and is still ruled by law. Further, Israel is still God's Chosen Country, she was brought back to her ancient land in fulfillment of prophecy, and she is proceeding straight forward to the unprecedented time known as "Time of Jacob's Trouble" (The Great Tribulation), during which time God allows Antichrist to kill two-thirds of the Jews.
Now don’t get me wrong, I have no use for the current Illuminati government of Israel and I strongly pray that God will continue protecting Israel so she can pass through The  Great Tribulation. Godly Torah Jews will recognize Jesus as their Messiah!
Jack Lew
The New American reported that Barack Obama’s second term hasn’t even officially begun and already we know that the tone will be even more demanding and confrontational than his first term. Obama added insult to injury by nominating Lew to succeed Timothy Geithner as Secretary of the Treasury. What is wrong with Jack Lew as Secretary of the Treasury?
John Carney, an editor at, said that by nominating Lew for the Treasury post, Obama was being intentionally antagonistic. Indeed, he is sending a 'pointed message' that he is now ready to 'pick fights with Congress'.”
What are some of the other confrontation nominations from President Obama now that he does not have to be concerned about winning another election?
* John Kerry to replace Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State -- Not only is Kerry a lifelong member of the occult secret society, Skull & Bones and a virtual political clone of Obama.
Spec 4 Chuck Hagel 
* Chuck Hagel to succeed Leon Panetta as Secretary of Defense, Not only is he to the left of his Republican colleagues, but on some important issues he is to the left of Barack Obama — as hard as that may be to believe.
Consider some of the most controversial areas in which Hagel could be dangerous to America and to Israel. Hagel is considered anti-Israel. Let us review some important quotes and issues.
a) Hagel said, “I’m a United States Senator, not an Israeli Senator”
b) Hagel said, “the Jewish lobby intimidates a lot of people up here on Capitol Hill.
c) A decade ago, when Yasser Arafat launched his Second Intifada against Israeli, it was not the Palestinian terrorists whom Hagel condemned. No, he said that 'Israel must take steps to show its commitment to peace.
d) Don’t forget Israel proposed an astonishingly generous peace that offered Arafat a Palestinian state and half of Jerusalem, a previously unimaginable Israeli concession. Arafat said no, made no counteroffer, walked away and started his terror war. Did no one tell Hagel?
e) Cutbacks in the defense budget, Hagel in the past has called the Pentagon “bloated” and says our military “needs to be pared down.”
f) Hagel’s squishy soft attitude toward Iran, Not only has he been outspoken against any military action to end the threat of a nuclear Iran, but he has also opposed American economic sanctions against the terrorist-sponsoring state. He even voted against designating Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organization. Iran’s official media have already cheered the choice of what they call this ‘anti-Israel’ nominee.”
Some observers have openly wondered if President Obama is deliberately nominating Hagel as Defense Secretary as "political payback" for Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu's open endorsement of Mitt Romney for President?
Thank God that Israel is not depending upon America for her survival, but upon the eternal promises of Almighty God.

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