Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Christian Persecution In Nigeria

Persecuted Nigerians Need Your Help  Getting Prosthetics

What kind of Godless animals would do this to innocent people?
The ruthless attacks on Christians in northern Nigeria continue regularly. Radical Muslims, seeking to establish a purely Muslim state, bomb our brothers' and sisters' churches and attack them in their homes and on the streets with guns and machetes. In response, The Voice of the Martyrs has established a one-of-a-kind medical clinic to help believers who have lost limbs in the attacks.
n some attacks, Muslim rioters slashed victims' arms and legs, often severing a limb. In the August 2011 attack in Jos, Muslim radicals cut off one woman's leg. Other Christians have lost limbs in bombings. Believers such as these will be the first to receive the blessing of a free custom prosthetic at VOM's new clinic.

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