Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Psalm 34:14

God is giving us His Word, it Shouldn't Be Confusing..

Psalm 34:14

"Depart from evil and do good; Seek peace and pursue it."

Sounds pretty straightforward, huh?

Yet somehow we manage to complicate it. We pose more questions in order to stall what should be a simple answer.

We even alter our viewpoint so that it reflects our own choices. We can't be wrong, so we find a way to make ourselves feel right.

However, the reality is that God isn't complicated and neither is His Word. He tells us straight up what He expects from us.

He leaves no wiggle room and doesn't want us to blur the lines. This verse is a clear example.

God simply tells us to depart from evil and do good.

There's nothing confusing about it.

We shouldn't have to ponder whether or not something is right.

Each of us has a God given conscious and we know the truth. If there's a check in your spirit, you know you should back away.

Have you ever noticed that you don't hesitate or feel guilty about good actions?

This is because at the end of the day we all know what's right is right and what's wrong is wrong.

Take this verse in all its simplicity and do good!

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