Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Roe v. Wade

Today in 1973 the United States Supreme Court legalized the taking of innocent, unborn human life with its tragic Roe v. Wade decision. In this backward step for civilization, those entrusted with the privilege of the highest judicial authority in our free land found a "right" in the Constitution to destroy unborn babies in their mothers' wombs. It was - and still is - an outrage and a travesty of justice.

Forty years later, you and I stand with millions of Americans who remain committed to protecting each and every human life from conception until natural death. 55 million aborted human beings later, and sadly life and liberty of and for the unborn is still not protected. It is a curse upon our nation.

While we have made much progress over the years with passage of legislation like the Hyde Amendment, Congressional liberals and the most pro-abortion President in American history want to reverse our efforts - and go even further. They continue to give backdoor subsidies to the abortion industry -- with your tax dollars. They continue to trample on the religious liberties of people of faith by forcing religious organizations to pay for abortions and contraceptive pills. And all for what? Beyond their radical agenda, they are paying back the lobbyists and special interests who spent millions to elect and then re-elect Barack Obama.

Just last week, I started a pro-life petition after Planned Parenthood (which is funded in part by ObamaCare, courtesy of you, the taxpayer) released an annual report that revealed they performed 1 abortion every 94 seconds and received $1,615.55 of your tax dollars while doing it!

Somehow, Congress can't find a way to cut $534,000,000 (million) of Planned Parenthood funding out a $3,400,000,000,000 (trillion) budget.
If you think our tax dollars should not go to fund Planned Parenthood's abortion business, I hope you'll stand with me by signing my pro-life petition today.
Our Founding Fathers believed firmly it is a self-evident truth that human beings were “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” While Planned Parenthood continues to destroy life, we will continue our efforts to stop the destruction of innocent human life.
If we do not protect Life, then all other rights are without meaning.
As the father of four adopted children, I will continue to do everything I can to preserve and protect this most important of all rights. Thank you for standing with me by signing my petition.
For the life and liberty of the unborn millions,
Congressman Tim Huelskamp

Some sick puppies made this video below about abortion. God says in the Bible men's hearts will grow cold in the End Times. The video below is certainly an example of that.

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