Wednesday, September 5, 2012

End Times And Middle East/Persia Update

In “End Times” news On August 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina (which in Greek means cleansing, or make "pure") stopped the Southern Decadence festivities in new Orleans. Now, exactly seven years to the day after Katrina another harbinger - Isaac is striking New Orleans. This weekend in New Orleans a huge event called "Southern Decadence" is scheduled, a major homosexual celebration. It's has been interrupted by another "act of God," a hurricane named Isaac which In Hebrew means laughter.
Obviously, the gay community didn't learn, didn't repent. Isaac brings to mind several scriptures from the Psalms about those who reject God:
Psalm 2:4 says "He that sits in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision."
Psalm 37:13 says "The Lord shall laugh at him; for he sees that his day is coming."
Psalm 59:8 But thou, O LORD, shall laugh at them; thou shall have all the heathen in derision."
How clear does God have to make it? Is it that homosexuals don't believe God, or is it that they'd rather spend forever in agony rather than obey God?
I know what happened to Sodom, but I don't know what will happen the next couple days in New Orleans. What is clear is that the warnings of the past have been ignored. I pray that the Godly be saved from the disaster. I pray the gays turn away from such debauchery, and be saved - both from the coming storm, and from hell.
Meanwhile, the Democrat presidential platform supports "Gay" marriage, while the Republican platform supports a "Palestinian" state to be carved out of Israel. Now there's something to pray about: the leadership of America, lest God who sits on the throne laughs at us all.
If you're not familiar with the event called "Southern Decadence," it is a huge gay pride party for the gays in New Orleans that rivals the famed Mardi Gras. This year will make 41 years this event has taken place and Paul Revere, one of the event coordinators, said “no hurricane is going to stop this show and it will be hard to frighten the gay residents of New Orleans away this Labor Day Weekend. Southern Decadence is more than just a celebration. It is a time honored tradition.”
100,000 people will attend and revenue will hit $125 million. So hurricane or no hurricane, Southern Decadence is moving forward and no matter what happens, the gays of New Orleans are going to stand their ground against God.
In Middle East/Persian news Al Qaeda of the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) has ordered its Sinai cells and Egyptian and Palestinian offshoots to step up their attacks from Sinai and the Gaza Strip.
Three incidents show the strength of AQAP.
1. The “Shura Council” in Jerusalem ordered an anti-Israeli offensive. It is an umbrella organization of all the Salafist groups operating in Sinai and the Gaza Strip.
This group’s 6,000-strong force of well-armed terrorists is commanded by an Egyptian by the name of Hisham Saydani aka Abu al-Walid al-Maqdisi. He and his lieutenants serve as liaison between the Sinai cells and AQAP headquarters in Yemen.
2. Hamas held Saydani in a special security prison cell in the Gaza Strip until two weeks ago when, Hamas let him go. His first action was to set up the Shura Council’s attack near Rafah, in which 16 Egyptian troops were killed and the Kerem Shalom check point into Israel was attacked. The terrorists were killed before they reached their target: the IDF command base nearby.
3. On Sunday the Saudi Interior Minister announced the arrest of two al Qaeda cells in the capital Riyadh and in Jeddah. AQ terrorists were plotting attacks on Western and Saudi targets and security forces. The Saudis arrested two Saudis and six Yemenis. Saudi sources disclosed that they were members of AQAP, operating under the orders of the organization’s headquarters in Yemen. Found in their possession were weapons, explosives and chemical weapons. This is the first evidence since 2002 of the use of chemical weapons by AQ terrorists.
In Egypt, there is a very disturbing development. Morsi is shopping in China for the same nuclear-capable missiles that Saudi Arabia just acquired.
In Iran Gen. Salar Abnoush, commander of the IRGC’s Saheb al-Amr unit, told volunteers Monday that Iran is sending soldiers from its elite IRGC to fight in the war in Syria. This was the first official admission of Iran’s military involvement in the Syrian conflict.
In a speech in Tehran recently, Iran's President Ahmadinejad said that Judaism and Christianity are not real religions and that "Islam is a world religion, and God has only one religion--that of Islam." "Allah did not send Judaism or Christianity. Abraham was a harbinger of Islam, as were Moses and Jesus." Said Ahamdinejad
The Iranians have craftily stalled any meaningful action against Iran’s nuclear ambitions by using a method modeled after the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah that was executed between Mohammed and the Quraish tribe of Mecca in 628 AD. It was suppose to be a ten year peace treaty resulting from the Quraish stopping Mohammed's advance to Mecca. It prevented Mohammed from entering Mecca for a year. During the year, Mohammed built up his army and his ranks grew from about 1,400 to over 10,000 and he raided other Arab areas. He then claimed that the Quraish attacked one of his allies, nullifying the treaty of Hudabiyyah. Then, Mohammed marched on Mecca and conquered the city and slaughtered the Quraish.
Mohammed set the precedent for how Islam deals with its enemies through peace treaties. This was evidenced in the Iran hostage situation in the Carter years and the so-called "Palestinian Peace Process," with Yassir Arafat. The Islamists give just enough hope for peace that diplomacy continues, all the while they are working around the clock toward their ulterior goals. To date, there has been just enough diplomatic movement in the name of peace to prevent military action by Israel while Iran puts the finishing touches on its atomic bomb. God said in Jeremiah 8:11 "For they have dressed the wound of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, perfect peace; when there is no peace."

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