Thursday, September 6, 2012

End Times/Middle East/Persia Update

Now to “End Times” news Let me preface my remarks by saying I am neither a Democrat nor a Republican. The 2008 Democratic platform contained a commitment from the U.S. which required us to ensure that Israel retained a qualitative edge in weaponry in the Middle East for its national security and self-defense. The 2012 Democratic platform removes that commitment to Israel. Israel, under the Democrats will no longer have a qualitative military edge in the region. In 2004 the Democrats mentioned God seven times in their platform. The 2008 Democratic platform mentioned God once and I quote, “We need a government that stands up for the hopes, values, and interests of working people, and gives everyone willing to work hard the chance to make the most of their GOD-given potential.” Unquote. In 2012 the words God given potential was replaced with talent and drive hence there was no mention of God nor Jerusalem being the capital of Israel in the platform, that is until Fox News reported on this. God and Jerusalem were re-instated despite a chorus of boos from the delegates. Friends, as Ronald Reagan said the Democratic party left me, I did not leave the Democratic party. Patriots, let me add further that we do not belong to the government. The government works for us, We the people. We are endowed with certain inalienable rights given to us by God. The
Democratic party has become the party of death with its abortion stand. As for me in God I trust, not the anti-Christian, Godless, Islamic Democrats. Patriots, this is a huge warning sign that we are being betrayed.
In Middle East/Persia news President Obama sent CIA Director David Petraeus to Israel on Monday in an attempt to quench the flames of discord between Israel and his administration on the Iran issue. Israel has a double grievance with Obama’s Iran policy: Not only does his administration spare Iran’s leaders any sense of military threat in their quest for nuclear weapons but U.S. officials are actively preventing any Israeli strike in Israel’s own defense.
It is shocking that the U.S. government is spending all of its energy and time pressuring Israel not to attack Iran's atomic weapons program instead of pressuring Iran to give up its evil work. The Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Dempsey, told reporters last week that he did not quote "want to be complicit" unquote in an Israeli attack on Iran.
Friends, the United States is deserting Israel as an ally and supporting Islamic nations in the Middle East. General Dempsey recently said that an Israeli strike would "delay, but probably not destroy" Iran's nuclear program. There is no Iranian "red line," established by the international community. There are signs that if Israel does a preemptive attack on Iran, that the US and its allies will not support it. For nearly a decade, the international community has drawn many lines in the sand that have blown away as Iran has crossed those lines in its quest to have the nuclear bomb.
The White House is about to release a document that explains the true red line of US-Israeli relations. My sources have pointed to a yet unreleased paper entitled quote "Preparing For A Post Israel Middle East," unquote which concludes that Israel is the greatest threat to US national interests because it prevents normal US relations with Arab and Muslim countries. It implies that Americans have more in common with the people of Iran than Israel. The CIA analysis reads like an Islamic propaganda document calling Israel a "failed democratic state," and an apartheid regime. The paper claims that Israel is engaged in an "illegitimate, immoral and unsustainable occupation of Palestine." It calls for the withdrawal of US support to Israel. It is the sister document to Obama’s New beginning speech that he gave in Cairo on June 4, 2009. It also is consistent with this Administration's support of al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood overthrowing Middle East governments in the name of democracy. A new strategic red line HAS been crossed in US foreign policy. The US is supporting the very nations named in the Bible that will come against Jerusalem in the end times. If the American people allow this to continue, there is clear prophecy of the consequences: in Zechariah 12:9 God says, "And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem." Friends Mr. Obama is plunging our great republic and the free world over the precipice. You should find this shocking. It is reveals the challenge we face as we stand with the Jewish people. Obama and his hacks care far more about the election in November than they do about the fate of Israel.
The United States is significantly scaling down a joint military exercise with Israel. Washington is slashing by more than two-thirds the number of US troops going to Israel, and reducing the number and potency of missile interception systems that will be used in the exercise called Austere Challenge 12, which is scheduled for October.
Instead of approximately 5,000 US troops, the Pentagon will send between 1,200 and 1,500. Patriot anti-missile systems will arrive in Israel as planned, but the crews to operate them will not. Instead of two Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense warships, the new plan calls for sending maybe one. Basically the U.S. is saying we don't trust Israel.
The official Washington explanation for the downgrade is convenient - it is budget restrictions.
These are indeed dangerous days and our treatment of Israel is fulfilling Bible prophecy that says Israel will stand alone until the Chosen people recognize their messiah, another sign of the “End Times.”
In Syria Turkish army officers have assumed direct command of the two Syrian rebel brigades fighting Assad’s army. This step has sent military tensions rocketing on Israel’s northern borders with Syria and Lebanon.
The rebel North Liberators Brigade in the Idlib region of northern Syria and the Tawhid Brigade fighting in the Al-Bab area northeast of Aleppo are now taking their operational orders from Turkish officers. Turkey has stepped directly into the Syrian conflict fulfilling my prediction of foreign intervention in Syria. This step by Turkey has already caused waves and is further de-stabilizing the region.
1. CIA Director David Petraeus arrived in Ankara Monday and heard how Ankara proposed to expand its role in the Syrian conflict. Petraeus discussed with Turkish military and intelligence chiefs the possible Syrian, Iranian and Hizbollah responses.
2. US, Turkish and Israeli intelligence analysts are reporting unusual military movements in Syria and by Hizbollah in southern Lebanon.
3. The IDF has placed its units on a state of alert. On Wednesday an Iron Dome battery was installed in Gush Dan to head off a potential Hizbollah missile barrage on central Israel and Tel Aviv.
4. Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan said "The regime in Syria has now become a terrorist state." Erdogan was laying an international legal basis for expanding Turkish military intervention in Syria.
In Greece Bank of America and Merrill Lynch are loading trucks with cash to pay its employees and clients when the Euro becomes worthless.
In Spain Spanish citizens withdrew 75B Euros from banks in July. This was 7% of Spain’s economic output. Foreigners are dumping Spanish stocks and bonds. In the last 3 months 50% of Spain’s GDP has left the country as well as Spanish corporations and businesses. The globalists, including the U.S. are trying to infuse $100B Euros into the Spanish economy. What the globalists are putting into Spain, the Spanish citizens are withdrawing just as fast. The wealthy and professional Spanish are moving their money to Germany and London. In the past year 30K Spaniards registered to work in England, a 25% increase in a year. Spain raised taxes from 5% to 21% and now people can’t pay their taxes.
In the U.S. inflation is rampant. Beef is up 6%, Corn is up 40% since June, soybeans are up 32% and gas went up 21 cents in August. Also notice when you go to the grocery store the packages that once were full are now 2/3 or ½ full.
Friends, if you think things are getting better in this world then I have a  decrepit bridge I will sell you. It is time to come to the Lord.

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