Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Sunni Shia War For Supremacy Part I

                                                                              Shia praying (hands at their side)
Sunni praying with hands raised
(You can tell the difference between Sunni & Shia by the placement of their hands while praying.)
The following article discusses the first part word of knowledge God gave me about Persia, Saudi Arabia, the Gulf states and nuclear weapons. While the USA was sleeping war began in the Middle East, on the Arabian peninsula & Persia. This war proves how clever Satan is. He can do things to us and we don’t even realize it until it is too late. This war began in Tunisia, then engulfed Algeria & Egypt. Then this war swallowed up Ghadaffi in Libya and now it has thrown Syria into civil war pitting Alawite Shia against Sunnis and foreign Sunni mercenaries. Assad has massed his army in Damascus because he feared a military coup against his regime. The Syrian army is starving on the border of Israel & the Israelis are giving them food. Assad is also building a mountain fortress in the hills of northern Syria where he and his loyal Alawite followers can hole up.
I will use the term "Gulfies" to represent the Persian Gulf States & Saudi Arabia.

• Everyone thinks the U.S. and the West supported and funded the Arab Spring but in actuality it was Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Gulfies who supported and funded the Sunni rebels. The real purpose of the Arab Spring was to create a Sunni superstate to counter the Iranian Shiite superstate.
• Add nuclear weapons to the Iran-Iraq-Syria-Hezboallah axis and you are looking at a Sunni’s worst nightmare.  Who would hate an Iranian Shia bomb more than Israel. The answer is quite simple, the biggest and most important Sunni monarchy in the world – Saudi Arabia.
• The rise of a fanatically violent Shiite Iran has done more to destabilize the region than anything else.
• As much as Sunni Arabs prattle on about Zionist conspiracies, a few million Jews sandwiched in a narrow strip of land against the Mediterranean pose no threat to them.
What keeps the Saudis, Jordanians and Gulfies up at night are the following:
1. a rival version of Islam – Shiism that the Sunnis have suppressed since the death of the prophet and that is dedicated to converting the world to Shia global caliphate and whose masses await the apocalyptic "Hidden 12th Imam"..
2. the disappearance of old, Sunni monarchies in the Muslim world
3. a spearhead by a non-Arab ethnic group – the Persians
4. the powerful Persian military machine and rival Persian oil economy
5. A regional power – Persia as old as human history itself; Persia was creating a world empire and a powerful culture while Jewish, pagan and illiterate nomads were pitching tenting on the Arabian peninsula.
It was the Persians who lost their great empire to Alexander the Great.
6. The fall of Saddam that made Iraq available to the Persians and raised the prospect of a Shia superstate
7. The battle for hearts and minds that threw Syria directly into Tehran’s paws.
8. A Shiite super state checkmates the Sunni oil monarchies and leaves them no choice but to demand that the USA and the West garrison them with troops, air bases and weapons. 

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