Friday, May 18, 2012

Israeli Linkage To Daijo-Sai

                                                   Emperor Akihito Dressed For Daijo-Sai
I think you will find this to be a very interesting article that impacts all Americans.
“The Daijo-sai or the Great Thanksgiving Festival is the most important – and also the most controversial – of the Japanese inauguration rituals.
Deification of the emperor was a major factor in Japan starting WWII. The Japanese people believed Hirohito was a god. Daijo-sai kept emperor Hirohito from surrendering during WWII. He did not want to give up his deified status as a god. In fact, he was more concerned about his pagan instruments of power such as the emperor’s mirror for Sun God than for his citizens. Also the Japanese flag had a pagan rising sun on it.
During the Daijo-sai ritual the Emperor (Akihito) is united to his Imperial Ancestress (Amaterasu Omikami), the sun goddess, in such a way as to share in a unique way in her divinity.
This pagan ceremony was not permitted by General MacArthur after Japan was defeated in WWII and it is not mentioned in the Japanese Constitution that the U.S. imposed upon Japan after Japan's defeat. When emperor Akihito ascended the throne on 7 Jan 1989 he re-instituted the Great Thanksgiving Festival ritual.
Here is how the ritual works, “First, two special rice paddies are chosen and purified by elaborate Shinto purification rites...
“Two thatched two-room huts are built within a corresponding special enclosure, using a native Japanese building style. One room contains a large couch at its center...
“After a ritual bath the emperor is dressed entirely in the white silk dress of a Shinto priest, (see picture above) with a special long train. Surrounded by courtiers, the emperor solemnly enters first the enclosure and then each of these huts in turn from 6:30 to 9:30 PM in the first, and in the second enclosure from 12:30 to 3:30 AM...”
The only furniture in the second hut is a couch.
The ceremony climaxes in an intimate encounter between the new emperor and the sungoddess, Amaterasu Omikami, the chief spiritual ruler over the nation.
In the ensuing intercourse both physical (succubus) & spiritual the emperor and Amaterasu Omikami become one flesh and, through the emperor, Japan officially invites demonic control in as long as he is emperor.
As I said earlier the Daijo-sai ritual was re-institued in 1989 by Emperor Akihito. Unfortunately for the Japanese people this was a stupid decision because the Emperor was once again “deified”.
The Japanese people paid the expenses of the multimillion dollar ritual over the vehement protests of the Japanese Christian leaders. Japanese government officials and national leaders participate in this rite through pilgrimages and rituals connected with traditional Japanese paganism. I think re-institution of Daijo-Sai is connected to the fact in 1990 Japan’s fantastic economic bubble burst and the economy flattened. Japan’s economy has never fully recovered.
The Japanese people are open to Jesus and Christianity. For example, more Japanese young people choose a Christian wedding rather than a Shinto or Buddhist wedding. The Japanese are not enemies of the Gospel – they are simply blinded by the satanic Sun Goddess and her occult Shinto trappings.
We need to pray that the Emperor gets filled with the Holy Spirit & repudiates his vows to the Sun Goddess. If this were to happen in Japan we would surely see one of the greatest conversions to Yeshua the world has known.
Besides, occultism, there is also a correlation between the 11 Mar 11 Japanese earthquake and tsunami that destroyed 55,000 homes and Japan’s treatment of Israel. Let me explain
First in Gen 12:3 God says, And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
On 11 Mar 10 Japan demanded Israel stop building housing East Jerusalem.
On 11 Oct 10 the Japanese laid a Cornerstone in Jericho.
In Joshua 6:26 God says, “Cursed be the man before the Lord who rises up and builds this city Jericho; he shall lay its foundation with his firstborn, and with his youngest he shall set up its gates.”
Then again on January 11, 2011, Japan condemned Israel’s building homes in Jerusalem, and declared Japan did not recognize Israel’s right to East Jerusalem. Instead Japan “strongly encouraged” Israel and Palestinians to create two states out of the Holy Land.
In Gen 15:18 God said: In the same day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates:
Japan or any other country that gives away God’s land enters the area of God’s curses specifically designated for the last days. No nation is to touch the apple of God’s eye or God’s land.
The Japanese went against almighty God and told the Israelis they could not build homes. The Japanese brought God’s wrath upon themselves and it continues on 1 Jan 2012 Japan was struck with another 7.0 quake.  Another 7.0 or a 7.5 quake or another Tsunami could cause the Fukashima power plant's #4 reactor to spew out deadly radiation in a plum that will include Cesium 134 & 137. Just a tiny bit of Cesium smaller than your pinkie finger’s tip will kill several people. Just such an accident occurred in Latin America years ago. The effected town had to have all its topsoil removed and placed in haz mat containers. These toxic substances would be at the minimum 20 to 30 times worse than the Chernobyl disaster.
Number 4’s fuel rods are radioactive and they are sitting in a toxic pool of water. If another powerful earthquake or Tsunami occurred the fuel rods would combust in the open air. In 6 to 10 days this deadly cloud would spread to North America and create a nuclear nightmare. The 2012 Presidential election doesn’t matter if the Fukushima #4 fuel rods explode.So friends, be aware, the #4 reactor is on the verge of catastrophic failure. Mitsuhei Murata, the former Japanese ambassador to Switzerland said, “It is no exaggeration to say that the fate of Japan and the whole world depends on the #4 reactor.” If Japan asks the U.S. for help it would take our Nuclear Regulatory Commission two or three years to fix Fukushima #4. Friends, how we lookin NOT GOOD!

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