Sunday, February 12, 2012

EMP Over The Persian Gulf

Last week the Lord sent me a word of knowledge in reference to an Iranian ElectroMagneticPulse bomb (EMP). Americans are focused on a possible detonation of an EMP over the USA. However, the Iranians could completely decimate our military in the Persian Gulf region and destroy the Persian Gulf oil powers by detonating and EMP over the Persian Gulf region. There are four aircraft carriers in the Persian Gulf now including the French Charles DeGaulle. We also have over 100k troops in the Persian Gulf region, the biggest build up since 2003. An EMP attack would fit the Iranian "twelvers" game plan. The "twelvers" need chaos for the their 12th imam to come out of occlusion.

Bill Sardi wrote the article below. I do not agree with all of Sardi's thoughts but I find it interesting that he points out that there have been several incidents at sea that resulted in the U.S. going to war.

"We interrupt this broadcast for an important News bulletin…. We take you to reporter Manfred Smith on the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln in the Persian Gulf for this special report." (Reporter Smith) "I’m here on the deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln where casualties are being taken from the USS Carl Vinson which sustained damage earlier today in a shocking pre-dawn attack on US Naval forces here in the Persian Gulf. At least one hundred body bags are now housed in a makeshift morgue below decks, and casualties are running in the hundreds. Radar tracking shows evidence of sea-skimming missiles, likely shoulder-fired, possibly as many as three launched from the coast of Iran, that struck the Vinson amidships. You can see in the distance smoke billowing from the USS Vinson now some six hours after the sudden surprise attack. US Navy authorities said the close proximity of the ship to the coast made it impossible to defend against this missile attack. The USS Eisenhower remains positioned 30 miles further away from Iran’s coast than the USS Vinson. US military authorities are saying a swift and decisive retaliatory blow against Iran is now underway and US military aircraft are now attacking pre-determined military targets with full force. Iranian authorities in Tehran issued a denial of their involvement in the attack, but an Iranian mullah is claimed to have said, I quote: ‘This should serve the Great Satan notice they don’t belong here.’ Iranian President Ahmadinejad had previously warned Iran would retaliate against sanctions imposed by the US on his country. This is Manfred Smith with XXX News aboard the USS Eisenhower in the Persian Gulf." If the American public were suddenly shocked by the news that three shoulder-fired missiles launched from the coast of Iran had hit a US aircraft carrier in the Straits of Hormuz and killed 200 navy personnel, would even one American question whether this report was accurate in its assumption that the regime in Iran was behind the missile attack?

How easy it would be for any party that wanted to instigate war to place saboteurs on Iran’s coast to aim shoulder-fired missiles at a US aircraft carrier positioned near the Straits of Hormuz where a third of the world’s oil tankers pass every day. The very first posting I submitted to Lew Rockwell over a decade ago was entitled "Remember The Maine."

I repeat them here: February 15, 1898: "Remember the Maine." Mysterious explosion rocks the battleship MAINE in Havana Harbor, Cuba. 266 men were killed. Initially it was believed a torpedo or mine caused the explosion. On April 25, 1898 the US declared war on Spain. A 1976 investigation found that the Maine was sunk due to a self-inflicted blast, probably as a result of coal bunker fire on board.

May 7, 1915: The British steamship Lusitania was sunk by a German torpedo on the high seas of the Atlantic Ocean. 100 Americans lost their lives. The result was the US was brought into WWI. It was not revealed at the time that the Lusitania, a passenger boat, was carrying arms and munitions destined for England.

December 7, 1941: How was President Roosevelt going to convince the American public to enter into war with the Japanese when the US was headed for war with Germany? Japanese bombers, launched from aircraft carriers, bombed Pearl Harbor and sunk the US Pacific Fleet in a so-called surprise attack. Over 2000 died. The US knew of the threat of war and had intercepted the "East-Wind Rain" secret code of the Japanese Pacific fleet. Japan had closed all its embassies in the Pacific rim the week prior to Pearl Harbor, which is an overt sign of war. US aircraft carriers had been removed from Pearl Harbor days before the bombing. (FDR left only old ships at Pearl Harbor, all of our newest ships were put out to sea.)

Admiral Kimmell in Hawaii was intentionally kept in the dark that the Japanese fleet was nearby. A surprise attack it wasn’t. The US navy actually fired the first shots, launching depth charges at the entrance to Pearl Harbor after detecting an unidentified submarine an hour before Japanese aircraft bombed US Navy ships moored in the harbor. President Roosevelt appeared before Congress, declared Pearl Harbor a "day in infamy," and the rest is history.

August 5, 1964: President Johnson orders the US to take retaliatory action against Vietnam after "renewed attacks against American destroyers in the Gulf on Tonkin" (Vietnam). There were no new attacks against American ships. The news media reported a lie, leading over 50,000 Americans to their death and millions of casualties.

October 12, 2000: A small bomb-carrying vessel swiftly approaches the The USS COLE, an American destroyer, docked in Yemen to re-fuel. An explosion ripped a gaping hole in the side of the ship. Eighteen sailors died and 35 others were wounded. The bombing occurs on the eve of the Presidential debates, and as rumors that Iraq is moving troops in the Middle East, as well as riots in Jerusalem. Benjamin Netanyahu, former prime minister of Israel, says during a television interview that the same people who conducted terrorism in Jerusalem bombed the USS Cole.

Scene 3, Take 2 There is a similar situation today. Avi Perry, a former intelligence expert for the Israeli government and professor at Northwestern University, recently wrote this in the Jerusalem Post: "Iran, just like Nazi Germany in the 1940s, will take the initiative and ‘help’ the US president and the American public make up their mind by making the first move, by attacking a US aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf.
The Iranian attack on an American military vessel will serve as a justification and a pretext for a retaliatory move by the US military against the Iranian regime. The target would not be Iran’s nuclear facilities. The US would retaliate by attacking Iran’s navy, their military installations, missile silos, airfields. The US would target Iran’s ability to retaliate, to close down the Strait of Hormuz. The US would then follow by targeting the regime itself….. under this ‘Pearl Harbor’ scenario, in which Iran had launched a ‘surprise’ attack on the US navy, the US would have the perfect rationalization to finish them off, to put an end to this ugly game…. 2012 will see to a new war. This time, Iran will initiate it. "

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