Sunday, February 12, 2012

A Victory For Pro Life

I received this article from the National Pro-Life Alliance

A good example of the results of pro-life activism is Heath Shuler, a congressman from North Carolina, who announced he is not running for re-election.

As a politician in a strong pro-life district, Shuler joined Bart Stupak's coalition in voting for pro-life amendments to Nancy Pelosi's version of ObamaCare. But in the end, Pelosi pressured Democrats to ram through a version of ObamaCare with billions in taxpayer dollars for abortion. At that point, Bart Stupak and most "blue dog" Democrats caved. But word got out that Nancy Pelosi allowed Heath Shuler to vote against passage of ObamaCare to help his re-election chances. Thanks to Pelosi, Heath Shuler survived re-election. But since then, Shuler has shown his true colors. When the pro-life majority in the House of Representatives voted to repeal ObamaCare, along with all taxpayer funding of abortion provisions, Shuler cast his vote with Pelosi and the abortion lobby. When forced to choose between loyalty to the radicalAs a politician in a strong pro-life district, Shuler joined Bart Stupak's coalition in voting for pro-life amendments to Nancy Pelosi's version of ObamaCare. But in the end, Pelosi pressured Democrats to ram through a version of ObamaCare with billions in taxpayer dollars for abortion. At that point, Bart Stupak and most "blue dog" Democrats caved. But word got out that Nancy Pelosi allowed Heath Shuler to vote against passage of ObamaCare to help his re-election chances. Thanks to Pelosi, Heath Shuler survived re-election. But since then, Shuler has shown his true colors. When the pro-life majority in the House of Representatives voted to repeal ObamaCare, along with all taxpayer funding of abortion provisions, Shuler cast his vote with Pelosi and the abortion lobby. When forced to choose between loyalty to the radical
When forced to choose between loyalty to the radical abortion lobby and loyalty to the people of his district, Shuler chose Pelosi. Now the good news is, just like Bart Stupak, Heath Shuler decided to resign rather than answer to the voters this coming November. Good bye and good riddance.

For Life,

Martin Fox

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