The Watchman On The Wall

The Watchman On The Wall
Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Verse 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Wanda Alger, Parables blog, Memes, Photos, Images an Scripture, Oct. 14, 2024



October 8, 2024

Are these devastating hurricanes truly natural or manipulated by men for evil purposes? Worse yet, are they being demonically driven in order to hinder and stop God’s purposes in this nation?

When Jesus dealt with the storm on the Sea of Galilee in Mark 4, He didn’t just speak to the winds – He rebuked them. His rebuke was the same rebuke He spoke just 2 chapters earlier to the demonized man with the unclean spirit. He was speaking not just to sickness, but to the demons causing the sickness. He knew the true source of the problem and rebuked the demonic presence fueling it. CLICK TO READ MORE...


September 29, 2024

I had the following dream on September 11 (2024). It is an alert to the nation’s intercessors to recognize a demonic agenda that underlies many of the battles we have been facing. This is not just a war over our personal rights, our freedoms, or our sovereignty as a nation. Our spiritual adversary seeks something much more than just taking over our lives and ruling through fear and manipulation. The enemies of God want to eradicate anything pure, holy, and good. They want to replace the one true God with gods of their own making and totally annihilate the very fingerprint of The Creator.

The Zionist's Murderous Ponzi Scheme, Oct. 14, 2024


kamikazi drone


Alastair Crooke: Is Israel America’s Tool or Boss?

the Number of Government Employees Now Exceeds the Population of All but Two States, Oct. 14, 2024


The Bureaucratic Machine Has Grown so Big That the Number of Government Employees Now Exceeds the Population of All but Two States

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, October 14, 2024


READER COMMENTS: To Our Honorable Representative, Buddy Carter, (I have also addressed Senator Warnock as well on this issue),

I know on the government web site there are patents for weather manipulation. 

Marjorie Tyler Greene should not be mocked about her statement that weather control exists---so our weather can be weaponized. 

Please do whatever you can to stop this spraying of silver iodine, barium, and aluminum in our atmosphere. As Tennessee has recently passed a bill against such spraying, it's obvious that this exists and to pretend it doesn't, is to aid in the cover up this evil deception.

The Lord God will judge those who destroy the earth as written in Revelation 11:18f, which was done by those in power as a deception...

I believe Jesus Christ is returning soon to gather His own up into His kingdom followed by His judgments on a Christ rejecting world as described in Revelation. So thank you for taking heed of this warning given to us by the Lord Jesus Christ, who said lawlessness will increase, Matthew 24:12, and we are seeing this by our own government in so many ways, including illegal immigration, truly a way to destroy our economy and bring chaos. 

Please stand up with God's help to denounce weaponization of the weather and I will also add to please stand up against illegal immigration. 

God bless you, 
Rapture Ready, 

"Weather Wars: If states decided unilaterally to use more radical geoengineering technologies it could trigger dramatic climatic disruptions" (from the World Economic Forum). For the record, there is no "if" in this equation, the damage already done includes further fueling extremely rapid worldwide environmental collapse. "Earth’s wildlife populations have disappeared at a ‘catastrophic’ rate in the past half-century, new analysis says" (from The Washington Post). "Scientists: We Are on the Brink of Irreversible Disaster" (from MSN). The populations are now rapidly awakening to the geoengineering issue, the controllers are more desperate and dangerous than ever before. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

A Damning Accusation, if true, Against “Touchdown Timmy”, Oct. 13, 2024

Atrocity Inc: How Israel Sells Its Propaganda Destruction Of Gaza, Oct. 13, 2024


"The Liar" David ben Zion

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