The Watchman On The Wall

The Watchman On The Wall
Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Verse 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Follow Up: The Government Can Detonate Electronic Devices In Your Possession, Sept. 25, 2024


READER COMMENTS:  Hey Watchman, thanks for your emails always. However this Bright(e)on article is inaccurate. Israel was able to place a certain battery or device into the pagers before delivered to the operators. Pagers do not work from cell phones, that is why Hezbollah used pagers, to not be traced.

It sounds this author is antisemitic as well, so not a blessing for those of us who heed Genesis 12:1-3, that if you bless Israel you will be blessed, but if you curse Israel, you will be cursed, right? 

Thank you again for your emails and his bless you and your family! 
Rapture Ready, G.......................

Watchman comments: G............, 

Mossad manufactured and then used a Hungarian front/shell company (BAC Consulting) somehow to insert tiny memory boards (detonators) and ounces of explosives in in Apollo Gold pagers, cell phones, lap top computers and cars. One of my sources told me an Apollo bomb even went off in London.

The Apollo pagers (manufactured in Taiwan) cost $150.00, they are a cheap source of communication for people in Lebanon, the Middle East and around the world. Obviously that Taiwanese company would not plant explosives in their pagers, so Mossad intercepted the shipments somewhere and somehow using BAC as a front.
The AR-924 pagers were manufactured by BAC Consulting KFT, based in Hungary’s capital, according to a statement released Wednesday by Gold Apollo. 

Someone probably lied to Gold Apollo to get distribution to the pagers and shipment. The bottom line is, we probably will never know where the detonators and explosives were implanted and this kind of illegal activity puts everyone at risk.  

The Zionists did not care that they put the company in Taiwan and other companies at risk legally by doing this war crime. 

What if your brother, mother, child, or grand child was injured by wanton act of violence like this? 

Watch the movie "Munich" to see how Mossad lawfully and successfully used phone bombs to kill legitimate targets in the 1970s. However, even these Israeli agents had moral qualms about such tactics because they blew up blew up innocent people and almost killed an innocent little girl. 

What Mossad did was a brazen act of terrorism that killed many innocent people. Not every person in Lebanon and Syria is a member of Hezbollah. They are mixed ethnic and religious countries and many innocent people, including Lebanese and Syrian Christians use Apollo pagers..

I support and send money to Christian, Messianic Jews in Israel but I do not support atheistic, pagan Zionists. Netanyahu, (not his real name, his mother was Tzila Segal and father Benzion Mileikowsky.) 

Zionists change their names to appear to be Hebrew, most are eastern Europeans) Mileikowsky does not even practice the Jewish faith. 

Zionism has a long history of evil, going back to the "transfer agreement" and Israel was founded by the satanic Rothschilds. Satan has sponsored one his best deceptions concerning Israel and he has turned God's very Bible passages against us believers. Yeshua warned us we would be deceived in the "end times".  

Almost one half of the Israelis at the so-called Nova Festival on Oct. 7th were gunned down by Israeli IDF choppers. Hamas possessed only light infantry weapons and could not inflict that kind of damage and Hamas never burned babies, that is a documented fact. The Zionists use their "Hannibal Doctrine" to kill their own people!

Many, Jews, (I have a little Jewish blood myself) do not support the Zionists mainly on theological grounds. Many Jews believe Judaism is religion and not a nationality. Sammy Davis Junior, myself and Trump's daughter are Jews. Do we have a right to own Israel and Eretz Israel? I don't think so.

This is just my personal opinion, but I believe Mileikowsky and the extremist government in Israel are thugs, gangsters and war criminals. "Bibi" wants to drag the U.S. into another useless, fruitless, bankrupt war in the Middle East. 

Follow the money, Gaza has billions of dollars off its coast in oil and natural gas and the Zionists want it! Almost 200,000 people have been killed in Gaza, almost half were women and children. 

As I said, I do not support the Zionists in Israel but my family and I have been highly favored and blessed by Yeshua, I guess I am doing something right. We pray daily and thank Yeshua, Ruach ha-kodesh and YHWH for all our blessings.

Finally, "Bibi" is the best recruiter Hamas (founded by Israel) and Hezbollah has.     

The "Health Ranger" Mike Adams is a Christian who now puts sermons on his podcast. He is not an anti-semite.

God  Bless Sister

Yeshua Hamaschiach please come back today and save ALL OF US, Jew and non-Jew.

Your Watchman

Now confirmed: Your government can detonate electronic devices in your possession at any moment
Mike Adams

We now have shocking confirmation that governments can remotely detonate electronic devices in your possession, including pagers, cell phones, laptop computers, tablets, or even internet-connected appliances and electric vehicles.

This was all proven in the last 24 hours by Israel, which remotely detonated nearly 5,000 pagers in Lebanon by issuing a "kill command" that was broadcast from the cell towers.

This shocking demonstration showed the entire world that this can be done to anyone, anytime, anywhere within reach of a cell tower.

Full details in today's broadcast, which also features an interview with Pastor Todd Coconato, plus a fascinating new sermon about cosmic impacts and Revelation.

Find it all here.

Watchman comment: this was a blatant, indiscriminate act of terrorism that wounded innocent civilians not just the target - Hezbollah. Netanyahu won more friends for Israel in the Middle East.

This does not bode well for people around the world because consumer products are now weapons of mass destruction. We can no longer trust consumer products like electric vehicles, cell phones, etc. that are now perfect for such bombs.

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