Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The 9/11 hi-jackers could not pilot the planes! Sept. 10, 2024



The so-called 9/11 hi-jackers did not pilot the planes! the uninterruptible auto-pilot did




The planes were NOT hijacked on 9/11 by Muslims

Watchman comments: I searched for information on Eddie Salez (Selez) former Israeli soldier who stated he evaluated Hani Hanjour as a pilot and testified that Hanjour was a qualified pilot. I could not find anything in the 9/11 commission records and I could find nothing In Google images about Salez. If anyone finds anything on Salez please send it to me.  
Secondly, at this point, I feel the godless Zionists, satanists and other secretive govt. agencies, domestic and foreign, helped plan and conduct the 9/11 plot in order to get the U.S. to de-stabilize the Middle East  to advance Zionist interests in the Middle East.

296,140 views Premiered 18 hours ago

Just about Everything we've been told about the 9/11 attacks has been a lie. One of the biggest lies is that a group of Muslims, with almost no flying experience, somehow hijacked four airliners and flew two of them into the Twin Towers, one into the Pentagon, and one into a field in western PA. We now know that didn't happen.

Captain Dan Hanley is a former 25-year United Airlines pilot and a 10-year US naval aviator before that... he served as director and international public spokesperson for the global grassroots effort called 9/11 Pilot Whistleblowers. Captain Dan is revealing what actually happened on that day with those aircraft.


I am Captain Dan Hanley, an American citizen who has resided in Islamabad, Pakistan for over 12 years. I currently serve as the director and international public spokesperson of a global grassroots effort called ‘9/11 Pilot Whistleblowers’, whose purpose is to show that there were no Muslim hijackers at the controls of the 9/11 aircraft but that they were electronically hijacked through employment of a system called the uninterruptible autopilot that enables a remote source to take complete control of the aircraft autopilot and flight management computer and guide it to its target destination. Once engaged, the pilots cannot disconnect the system. Our ultimate goal is to recruit experienced civilian, military, and airline pilots alike, both active and retired, from around the world who would be willing to examine the available evidence and testify on camera to the difficulty of the maneuvers supposedly executed by the Muslim hijackers on 9/11, such that even the highly trained pilot testifying could not have flown the given profiles on that fateful day.  We are also looking for experienced pilots’ input in identifying the skills and aptitudes which pilots must master, distinguishing them from persons who lack such training. 


 The following excerpt was copied from the 9/11 commission report:

Among the five hijackers aboard American Airlines Flight 77, Hani Hanjour was the sole individual who FAA records show completed flight training and received FAA pilot certification. Hanjour received his commercial multi-engine pilot certificate from the FAA in March 1999. He received extensive flight training in the United States including flight simulator training, and was perhaps the most experienced and highly trained pilot among the 9/11 hijackers

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