Friday, September 27, 2024

Springfield Walmart Employee Reveals REPULSIVE Haitian Migrant Behaviors, Sept. 27, 2024


145,563 views Sep 26, 2024


Charlie Kirk: What Springfield, Ohio [is] – really quick – which –

Tucker Carlson: Of course –

Charlie Kirk: – with the Haitian cat-eaters that are coming in: Springfield Ohio is a perfect example of how the ruling class has treated the Heartland of the country.

• Step One: We close the factories and we send them overseas, so that people don’t have work.

• Step Two: We flood those communities with opioids, that they’re permanently-addicted and we kill a lot of them.

• Step Three: We send their kids; their sons and daughters, to go fight no-win wars and they come back with permanent health issues.

• Step Four: We flood their town with foreigners – after we’ve completely abused and broken them; and we sent their jobs overseas.

• Step five: The residents who are still there and have survived all this abuse notice that the foreigners are doing really weird stuff and illegal stuff, like driving in head-on traffic, killing kids, eating cats and taking geese out of the pond.

And then we call the people that are still there, in Springfield “racists” – after their factories have closed and their sons died in Iraq and they’re addicted to opioids and their local school’s being overrun by Haitians – but they’re “racist”, for noticing that their home is turning into Port-au-Prince.

You wonder why Donald Trump’s poll numbers don’t go down?  You wonder why so many people wear that red MAGA hat in Springfield, Ohio?

Because Trump is the only lifeline that these people have.  He is the only hope that they have: The only person that does not insult them or talk down to them and wants to lead a rebellion – and yes, a revenge campaign – against the people that have done this to them and destroyed their home.

Tucker Carlson: Amen.

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