Monday, September 16, 2024

Routh Had Ukrainian Azov Nazi Connections! Sept. 16, 2024


Well, the text above tells me why he had a "weapons of mass destruction" conviction. He wanted to kill Putin and start a nuclear world war aka Sarajevo June 28,  1914 

Watchman comment: I am speaking now as a former special agent and counter-terrorism intelligence analyst. Routh should have been on someone’s radar screen with a weapons of mass destruction conviction!  

I agree with Snowden, Routh’s background is similar to Lee Oswald’s intelligence background.

How did Routh know about Trump’s location, when such information is kept secret?

Why would Routh use an inaccurate Ak-47 assault weapon rather than an accurate deer rifle? Did someone set him up to fail, (patsy), or is he a total “dumb ass”? I assume he is probably both like Lee Oswald.

Did the “deep state” recruit Routh in prison?

How could Routh, a convicted felon, claim to pay $1,200.00 to his recruits to go to Ukraine?

Thank God, Gov. Ron DeSantis and the state of Florida will investigate Routh and this attempted assassination because we sure as hell can’t trust the FBI and so-called “Secret” Service.

It seems to me the Manchurian Kandidates (MK Ultras) are coming out of the woodwork now. In a weird way, this is a positive sign that the “deep state” is desperate and panicking because they know Trump is going to win the election! Another example, the Cheney "deep state" family endorsements of "ComeAllah".  

There will be other attempts on Trump, RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard. 

I will repeat again, an attractive blonde haired woman will try to kill Trump.

Finally, I am making an assumption that the charges leveled against Ryan Routh aka "Perp 2" on Infowars/Alex Jones are accurate. 

It appears Routh Went To Ukraine and Worked For The Nazi Azov Battalion. Per Routh’s Facebook account he was given a rank and served with the “Storm” Battalion Unit A7788.

Routh also bragged about recruiting people to go fight in Ukraine, including Afghanis.

Routh also appeared in a Azov Battalion propaganda video in May 2022.

Newsweek interviewed Routh in 2022 and he begged Americans to go fight in Ukraine against the Russians.

Routh’s social media accounts disclosed he is a rabid anti-Trump Democrat with pro-Ukrainian Nazi sympathies.

He was a registered Democrat who made 19 Democratic contributions.

In 2023 Routh met with the U.S. Helsinki Commission and spoke in support of Ukraine. The U.S. Commission is led by members of Congress.

Per Candace Owens and another person, Routh was convicted of a “weapon of mass destruction” in North Carolina 20 years ago! Watchman comment: No pun intended but this is bombshell information. This fact alone should have put Routh on someone’s intel watch list.

Ryan Routh aka "Perp 2" and counting

Routh text to Nero

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