Wednesday, September 18, 2024

I Am From The Goverment and I Am Here To Help You, Sept. 18, 2024


Watchman comments: This is an interesting video (below) because the first thing I always did as a special agent was introduce myself and show my badge and identification to people I wanted to talk to.


How can an agent possibly get citizens to cooperate if he or she doesn’t show proper identification?


Secondly, I always clearly explained the purpose of my visit.  


Finally, I was also always dressed professionally in a suit and of course in the Winter I wore my “spy trench coat”!

Funny how the Female Body Inspectors (FBI) did not knock on Perp 1 or Perp 2's front door. hmmmmmm...........


I will say this, the alleged agents didn’t get ridiculously rude with the citizen.


I operated on the adage “you get more bears with honey not vinegar".


God Bless "The Citizen", he is correct, what a waste of time and taxpayer money.



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