Saturday, September 28, 2024

ALERT: America Scheduled to SHUT DOWN 1 Oct! Sept. 28, 2024

Watchman comments: friends, stock up now with groceries and fill your cars with gasoline because goods and fuel could disappear quickly after 1 Oct. We desperately depend on our ports and long shore men to handle our vast supply of imported goods.

I remember when I was a child the leaders of the Long Shoreman's union were accused of being communists.

Biden/Harris, as usual, are not on the side of the American public on this strike. It is election season and they want to show the unionists they are on their other words, as usual, s........ the American people who will suffer.  

Friday, September 27, 2024

Springfield Walmart Employee Reveals REPULSIVE Haitian Migrant Behaviors, Sept. 27, 2024


145,563 views Sep 26, 2024


Charlie Kirk: What Springfield, Ohio [is] – really quick – which –

Tucker Carlson: Of course –

Charlie Kirk: – with the Haitian cat-eaters that are coming in: Springfield Ohio is a perfect example of how the ruling class has treated the Heartland of the country.

• Step One: We close the factories and we send them overseas, so that people don’t have work.

• Step Two: We flood those communities with opioids, that they’re permanently-addicted and we kill a lot of them.

• Step Three: We send their kids; their sons and daughters, to go fight no-win wars and they come back with permanent health issues.

• Step Four: We flood their town with foreigners – after we’ve completely abused and broken them; and we sent their jobs overseas.

• Step five: The residents who are still there and have survived all this abuse notice that the foreigners are doing really weird stuff and illegal stuff, like driving in head-on traffic, killing kids, eating cats and taking geese out of the pond.

And then we call the people that are still there, in Springfield “racists” – after their factories have closed and their sons died in Iraq and they’re addicted to opioids and their local school’s being overrun by Haitians – but they’re “racist”, for noticing that their home is turning into Port-au-Prince.

You wonder why Donald Trump’s poll numbers don’t go down?  You wonder why so many people wear that red MAGA hat in Springfield, Ohio?

Because Trump is the only lifeline that these people have.  He is the only hope that they have: The only person that does not insult them or talk down to them and wants to lead a rebellion – and yes, a revenge campaign – against the people that have done this to them and destroyed their home.

Tucker Carlson: Amen.

RFK Jr. Enough Is Enough, Sept. 27, 2024


290,363 views Sep 25, 2024

The Democrats, who claim to be all about health care have stood by watching other countries ban these poisons that make our kids sick. Enough is enough. President Trump and I are going to stop the mass poisoning of American children.

US Congress in Continuity of Government (COG) alert! Sept. 26, 2024


Anticipated mass casualty event

We have new details today on the weapons being smuggled across the border,

plus a panic move in Congress to prepare for a "mass casualty event."

Also today: A powerful new interview with "HiCap" special operations source working the Texas border, with updates on Ukraine, Israel, the open border invasion, the teams trying to target Trump and much more.

Find it all here.

All my ex’s live in Texas, that is why I hang my hat in Ohio! Sept. 26, 2024


Why Texas is Becoming THE Most Powerful State


1,284,088 views • Aug 20, 2024

Donald Trump Prophecy, Sept. 26, 2024




Donald Trump Prophecy

Trump needs to humble himself before God

The Making Of ANGEL FLIGHT, Sept. 26, 2024


1,905,009 views Apr 28, 2010


Watchman comments: 


I had the honor and pleasure of meeting Darius Rucker when he and his band sang for us in Cuba. Darius is a classy person and we partied late into night.

Thanks for sending this terrific video. 

God Bless..................


Sept. 26, 2024 Gold - $2,668.01, Silver $32.14


hmmm......I love the smell of Gold in the morning......from the movie Apocalypse Now!

Watchman comments: Looks like the precious metals market hates Commie "ComeAllah", the continuing budget irresolution, wars, and general world mayhem and wickedness. 

She never saw a government give-away program she didn't cackle at! 

Looks like she might have to use that gun she owns! 

Finally, we Gold and Silver bugs get our reward!

Thank you TC and Rob!

Your Watchman

Kiss You’re A…..Goodbye And Your Family’s A……Goodbye If Nuclear War Happens, Sept. 26, 2024


The sociopaths and idiots leading us in Washington D.C. think they can win a “sneak attack” Nuclear War! Where did a “sneak attack” take the Japanese after Dec. 7, 1941?

In approximately 1962 the Joint Chiefs presented President Kennedy with U.S. nuclear options, He was told there would be approximately 100 million casualties. President Kennedy told the Joint Chiefs he could not kill 100 million people and told the Joint Chiefs to give him a different option.  Friends and patriots, That was 62 years ago. The number of casualties would be far higher today and the nuclear bombs and missiles are far deadlier. 

By the way, no nation can stop incoming hyper sonic nuclear missiles. The Israelis are learning they can't stop incoming sub-sonic conventional missiles and drones.  

I hope the first nuke hits Washington D.C. and wipes out all the politicians planning this nuclear lunacy and nightmare. Some of these sociopathic narcissists in Washington D.C. are de-population freaks who need a dose of their own medicine. Unfortunately, bombs in D.C. would kill millions of innocent people.

Maybe we can donate to get the lunatic “deep state” politicians to buy Apollo Gold pagers modified by Mossad.

Please understand, like George Washington, I hate political parties!

I speak as a former "suicide" member of a tactical nuclear weapon team in the U.S. Army.

by Germán Gorraiz López- Political analyst

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Demonic UN Takeover, Sept. 25, 2024


By: Alex Newman

This past weekend at UN headquarters, all countries sealed the deal to hand over our freedoms to the demonic UN

The UN’s “Pact for the Future,” Translated From the Globalese

Hey, You Women Got What You Wanted – Equality, Hooray ! Sept. 25, 2024


Women will now be drafted! 

Ladies welcome to the “meat grinder”!


Want war? Vote Democrat!

Our Only US Navy Oiler in the Middle East, Ran Aground or was Damaged September 25, 2024


Can You Believe The Only US Navy Oiler in the Middle East, The USNS Big Horn, Ran Aground or was Damaged

Watchman comment: Why do we have only one oiler in a war zone, the Middle East? 

I simply don't get it, except to say, we can't get out of our own way.

119,233 views Sep 24, 2024

CA Outlaws (Censors) AI Deepfake Election Satire & The Ultimate Censorship Court Orders InfoWars Auction! Sept. 25, 2024



Watchman comment: The primary reason, as you already know, that our forefathers wrote the first amendment to protect such speech!


The Democratic Party adds to its rich history of slavery, segregation, death, war and now censorship! 

Thank Newsome "The Nuisance Nazi!" Where do the Dems find all these diverse cultural idiots?

Infowars final days - Court orders InfoWars auctioned off as lawfare goes nuclear
Mike Adams

A court has ordered the entire InfoWars operation to be auctioned off, effectively shutting it down.

Note that Big Pharma can literally murder a million Americans with a depopulation bioweapons jab, and they face zero legal or civil consequences. They have absolute immunity.

But if you ask the wrong questions about a tragic event that the criminals in power want to exploit to confiscate firearms from Americans, you are dragged through insane levels of lawfare until your entire operation is destroyed.

This is how evil and satanic America's institutions have become today.

I cover all the details, plus two amazing interviews (including one with Gerald Celente) in today's broadcast here.