Sunday, August 11, 2024

RFK Jr. Videos


Kennedy-Shanahan 24

RFK's Full Remarks From FreedomFest 7/12/24
DEMS stop looking RFK's your man


Dear Watchman, 
BlackRock, State Street, Vanguard, Bill Gates own 88% of the S&P 500.
They’re now buying our agricultural landscapes and our single-family homes … so our young people can’t afford to buy a home anymore.
These big billionaires and giant corporations have turned our country into a colony.
Thomas Jefferson said that American democracy was rooted in the control of the landscapes by tens of thousands of independent farmers, each with a stake in our democracy.
Now, we’re going away from that.
We’re going from an ownership society to a renters’ society.
When we do that, we go from being free citizens to mere subjects, entirely at the mercy of the powerful.
We’re on track to be subjected to these giant corporations who have no Patriotism, no love for America, and indeed no loyalty to you.
Robert F. Kennedy will reverse these trends. He will stand up for the middle and working class and for a re-industrialization of America, and he will defend your rights and our Constitution.
Please help us take the White House in November with a generous contribution today. When no one else will, Bobby will fight for you!

41,779 views Jul 14, 2024

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