Wednesday, July 31, 2024

RFK JR. News, July 31, 2024


Kennedy-Shanahan 24
Dear alan,
The mad blind rivalry of the two political parties is snuffing out the soul of our nation.
This ongoing strife distracts us from our real problems, including…
  • Our $34 trillion debt;
  • The destructive merger of state and corporate power;
  • Our declining health and life expectancy;
  • The epidemic of addiction;
  • Our dangerous and ever-growing war machine; and,
  • The fact that 57% of Americans cannot put their hands on $1,000 during an emergency.
Instead of focusing on these critical issues, politicians direct our attention toward divisive culture war issues such as abortion, transgender athletes, and gun control.
While these are important issues, they pale in comparison to those concerns that are physically hurting young and old alike all across America.
Failing to address these real threats further pushes the United States–and her citizens–into an abyss that we cannot finance or borrow our way out of.
We can disagree on the cultural war skirmishes, but we must, together, face the existential threats to the nation. No one else is coming to rescue our country–You and I must do this together.
Joining Team Kennedy has never been more important than right now.
Our country is at a crossroads, and the 2024 Race for the White House is wide open. Anything can happen between now and Election Day.
Please let RFK, Jr. and this critical campaign hear from you today, as we close out the month of July.
We must file our financial report to the Federal Election Commission, and Team Kennedy must meet our critical funding goal of $1,200,000 between now and midnight on July 31.
Your gift of $500, $240, $100, or $50 will give us the boost we need to maintain our growing poll numbers, open offices in critical swing states, and get out the vote!
Team Kennedy

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