Tuesday, July 30, 2024

RFK Jr. News, Bobby Discusses All The Issues, July 30, 2024


Kennedy-Shanahan 24
Dear alan,
President Biden is out, and Democrats are scrambling.
What happens next is up to YOU!
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is poised to bring real change to Washington, fighting against corruption and advocating for the rights of every American.
It is up to you.
You can defend free speech.
You can revitalize our economy.
You can end foreign wars.
You can secure our border.
How? By supporting our campaign right now with a gift of any amount, big or small.
We need you now. Your country needs you.
Donate Now
Donald Trump will not help you.
It is being reported that if Trump wins, he will name BlackRock CEO Larry Fink to lead the Treasury and JBMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon to lead the Fed.
Polls show that RFK Jr. is the only candidate who can beat Donald Trump.
We can’t let this pivotal moment to take back our country slip away!
Upcoming Events
TikTok Townhall - Sunday, July 28th at 7:00 PM
Join Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on TikTok for a unique and unscripted digital conversation to discuss today's economic challenges. Americans feel forgotten by the political class and are hungry for real solutions.
**Online Event** - Tuesday, July 30th at 3:00 PM
Join Bobby for a Facebook Live event where he will be answering video questions from fellow Baby Boomers about his stances and beliefs on variety of important issues facing our nation.
Kennedy-Shanahan 24
Dear Wtchman,
The max donation to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has risen from $6,600 to $41,300! Are you ready to help supercharge his candidacy?
One of the biggest barriers to an independent candidacy is FEC rules on fundraising. Donors to independent candidates are limited to $3,300 in the general election, but they can donate tens or hundreds of thousands more to their political parties.
We are thrilled to announce that we have broken through the donation barrier. Through an unprecedented partnership with the Libertarian National Committee (LNC), we are leveling the playing field with the RNC and DNC.
Introducing the Kennedy Victory Fund 2024!
This groundbreaking collaboration means that you can now contribute up to $41,300 in addition to the general election contribution of $3,300. That means we can access the same financial firepower as the Democrats and Republicans to challenge the status quo.
But that's not all! The Joint Fundraising Committee allows state party committees that meet specific FEC requirements to join us, adding an additional $10,000 in donation capacity per individual for each participating state.
We're bringing together state parties from various non-establishment groups, including Libertarian affiliates, the Reform Party in Florida, and other independent parties, to support Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s historic challenge to the two-party system.
“This historic collaboration breaks the fundraising stranglehold that the two major parties have on this election,” says Robert F. Kennedy Jr. “Together, the Kennedy campaign and LNC are democratizing fundraising to make this independent run viable.”
Join us in making history! Your contribution will help us reach new heights and ensure that every voice is heard. Together, we can pave the way for a brighter, more inclusive future.
Don’t miss this chance to make history. Stand with us, support the Kennedy Victory Fund, and let’s revolutionize the future of our country!
Donate Now and be a part of the change we all want to see!
With unwavering determination,
Team Kennedy
P.S. This is more than just a campaign; it's a revolution. Your contribution is the fuel we need to drive this change. Donate today and be part of something truly historic!

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