Monday, July 22, 2024

RFK Jr. July 22, 2024


Dear Watchman, 
The mainstream media is finally starting to notice our momentum!
The New York Times headline said it all:
New York Times
Here is what they said:
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is polling stronger than any third-party candidate has in decades…as he saps support from both President Biden and former President Donald J. Trump, a new series of polls has found.
…But beneath the surface of that seeming stability, the surveys revealed how Mr. Kennedy, powered by social media and younger voters, has emerged as an unpredictable X factor in what would otherwise be a 2020 rematch. …
Two of the groups that Mr. Kennedy performed strongest within the surveys — voters under 30 (18 percent support) and Latinos (14 percent) — have traditionally been strong Democratic constituencies, unnerving some party strategists. …
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s rise in the polls is directly related to his courage, boldness, and new thinking on our biggest challenges.
Robert F. Kennedy’s instincts are precisely what we need in a President. As you know, making hard calls is an hourly requirement from our Commander in Chief, and Bobby Kennedy is that leader who will represent ALL Americans.
Inspirational leadership, courage, and unity are the way forward, and we invite you to invest in the future of America with your gift today.
Your contribution is critical to our growing movement as we seek to launch new state-wide grassroots initiatives and activities to reach millions of voters this November!
Team Kennedy

Kennedy-Shanahan 24
Is it Really True that America is Sicker Now Than It's Ever Been?
Has chronic disease skyrocketed in the US - or is that a gross exaggeration?
Take the quiz - you may be surprised by the answers!
Dear Watchman,
Bobby Kennedy has talked a lot about chronic diseases. But what do the statistics show? When we consult the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the other official agencies that monitor autism, diabetes, obesity, etc - do their figures show what Bobby asserts?
We did some fact-checking, and many people have been amazed by the results.
Take our quick four-question, multiple choice Pop Quiz now – the correct answers will be immediately available after you submit your responses!
Take Quiz
Team Kennedy
Bitcoin and Blockchain 101
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is pioneering a new era. He is the first presidential candidate to accept Bitcoin via the Lightning Network–over one year before the Trump campaign did the same. 
Mr. Kennedy believes in the importance of reclaiming America's traditional values—the America that almost was and yet may be—while innovating for the future. Utilizing Bitcoin and blockchain technologies wisely is central to this vision.
RFK Jr. proposes putting the entire United States budget on a blockchain, enabling citizens to monitor government expenditures in real-time, promoting accountability and transparency. Blockchain is just one way he intends to end government corruption and corporate capture. 
Support a president who honors tradition while embracing innovation to create a more just and prosperous future. 
Mr. Kennedy will be speaking on Friday, July 26th at the Bitcoin 2024 Conference in Nashville. Join him in Nashville on July 25th for an evening fundraising reception. 

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