Thursday, July 18, 2024

RFK Jr. July 18, 2024


We are very grateful for President Trump’s safety after the shocking assassination attempt. In response to this event, Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas announced on Monday, July 15, that President Biden had extended Secret Service protection to Robert Kennedy Jr.
This long-overdue decision is a step towards restoring fairness and ethics in our politics.
Hope Must Supersede the Politics of Hate and Fear
For decades, U.S. political rhetoric has been driven by fear of the other party. Each party has accused the other of threatening to destroy the republic and democracy. Alternating power, the Democratic and Republican parties tend to govern unilaterally rather than collaboratively, fueling animosity and cycles of vitriol.
Unless we change course, the violence of this past week may be an ominous sign of what’s to come. We must embrace our disagreements without being disagreeable. Political violence is unacceptable and must never replace a respectful, civil, and democratic culture.
From the outset, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s campaign has aimed to "Heal the Divide." Kennedy has focused on the values that unite us rather than the issues that drive us apart. He has refused to bash his opponents while advocating for the restoration of an exemplary America.
Let us hope political leaders and observers recognize RFK Jr.'s wisdom.
Secret Service Protection Brings New Visibility to Kennedy's Campaign
With Kennedy receiving Secret Service protection, many Americans learned of his candidacy for the first time. The shifting political landscape has made voters eager for an option outside the broken two-party system. According to Gallup, 51% now identify as “independent,” and Kennedy leads this rising independent majority. Furthermore, 60% would vote for a moderate independent candidate over Biden or Trump, according to the latest Harvard Harris poll.
Time to Act
Help us seize the moment. Let's spread Kennedy's message to every voter hungry for the historic shift from division to unity, from the dark valley of hatred and distrust to the bright summit of national purpose.
The next few months are critical to our American journey together and living up to our founding ideals. So please donate as much as you can TODAY.

Watchman comment: Bobby Jr., why did you thank Biden?  He was trying to get you killed!!!!!!

RFK Jr. Secures NY Ballot Spot with Double Required Signatures

The New York Board of Elections confirms the RFK Jr. campaign submitted 108,680 valid signatures, far exceeding the 45,000 required for ballot access. This impressive feat, accomplished in just six weeks, demonstrates strong grassroots support for RFK Jr..

National Field Director Will Boothby expresses confidence, stating that New Yorkers clearly desire an independent option this November. This development positions RFK Jr. as a formidable contender in the upcoming presidential race, offering voters a compelling alternative to major party candidates.

RFK Jr. Calls for Unity After Tragic Shooting at Trump Rally in PA

In the wake of a fatal shooting at a Trump rally in Butler, PA, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. delivers a powerful message of unity and healing. Speaking on "NewsNation Prime," he condemns the violence and urges Americans to come together in the face of tragedy.

RFK Jr. emphasizes the need to view fellow citizens as Americans first, transcending political divisions. He calls on the nation to seize this moment as an opportunity for reflection and positive change, stating that it's our collective responsibility to bring order out of chaos and good out of evil.

‎EMR Health Threats with RFK Jr. and Dr Paul Heroux

RFK Jr. interviews Dr. Paul Heroux, an expert in bioelectric physics, to talk about the potential health hazards of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) from cell phones and Wi-Fi. He presents scientific evidence and regulatory issues surrounding EMR exposure and explains how it can affect cell metabolism. Their conversation also covers the potential weaponization of Wi-Fi technology and questions the necessity of 5G.

Key Points:

  • EMR can increase cancer risk and impact the blood-brain barrier

  • EMR sensitivity affects 2-3% of the population

  • Alternative technologies like fiber optic cables are safer options

Why It Matters: By understanding EMR risks, you can take proactive steps in protecting your health and that of your loved ones in an increasingly wireless world.

Social Media Volunteer Meeting

Be a part of the Volunteer Social Media Dream Team!

Whether its simply commenting on Kennedy posts or helping to admin a state page, social media is one of our most important tools to spread RFK Jr.'s policies, platforms, and passion to voters.

We are looking for volunteers to admin state pages and groups for Facebook instagram TikTok and X.

Please DO NOT create new pages without coming to this meeting first and checking that a page doesn't already exist. We do not want to split our supporters as our greatest strength on social media is in high numbers. Please come to this meeting prepared to help with an existing page or group.

Commitment is about 30 minutes a day to admin a page or moderate a group or any amount of time to generally promote content.

We will go over all the ways you can help even if its just occasionally and especially if you would like the honor of showcasing Kennedy's support in your state.

This meeting will be heavy on demo with time for questions at the end. Please save your personal anecdotes til the very end so we can cover lots of territory. Please be prepared to take notes or open your social media account in another window or device so you can work along with the lesson.

Thank you so much for this crucial support!

Click Here To Join

Pharma's Puppet Regulators? RFK Jr. Reveals Vaccine Approval Bias

RFK Jr. exposes the conflicts of interest between government regulators and the pharmaceutical industry, focusing on vaccine approval processes. He details how agency employees receive royalties from vaccines they approve. He argues this leads to agency capture by pharmaceutical companies, influencing drug approvals based on profit motives rather than public health concerns.

Key Points:

  • NIH (National Institute of Health) owns 50% of Moderna vaccine patent, sharing billions in profits

  • FDA receives 50% of budget from regulated industries, compromising independence

  • Media censorship hinders public awareness of these conflicts

  • RFK Jr. Takes on Big Agriculture, Wins Hearts of Maine Farmers

    Robert F. Kennedy Jr. addresses his supporters and farmers in Freeport, Maine, highlighting the importance of family farms and warning against the growing dominance of large food corporations. Speaking to over 200 attendees, he stresses the need to protect small-scale agriculture and maintain food sovereignty.

    RFK Jr.'s message resonates strongly with local farmers, with one attendee, Holly Arbuckle from Newcastle, expressing a deep emotional connection to his words. Arbuckle's statement, "I feel like you are talking to me tonight," underscores RFK Jr.'s ability to connect with rural voters on issues close to their hearts.

    RFK Jr. on America's Ukraine Intervention

    RFK Jr. presents a critical perspective on US military involvement in Ukraine, arguing that the conflict does not align with America's national interests. He contends that Ukraine has become a pawn in a proxy war between the US and Russia, harming both Ukrainian and American interests.

    RFK Jr. asserts that a peace treaty between Ukraine and Russia was disrupted, allegedly due to intervention by Boris Johnson at the behest of the White House. He challenges the current administration's approach, suggesting that diplomatic solutions should be prioritized over military engagement.

    We are thrilled to announce a major victory in our campaign for true democracy! The North Carolina Board of Elections has officially certified the We The People party, giving Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Nicole Shanahan certified ballot access in this critical swing state.
    This marks our second battleground state—following Michigan—where Kennedy’s ballot access has been officially secured. The board's decision is a testament to the hard work of our dedicated volunteers who collected nearly double the required signatures.
    Second Legal Win Against Democratic Lawyers
    In addition to securing ballot access in North Carolina, we’ve also achieved our second legal victory against the DNC's frivolous challenges. Following our triumph in Hawaii in April, we have maintained a perfect record in defeating the DNC’s attempts to block our progress.
    Our Growing Electoral Presence
    Our campaign is gaining unstoppable momentum:
    • Certified Ballot Access: 10 states (California, Delaware, Hawaii, Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Utah)
    • Signatures Submitted: 14 states (Alaska, Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, and Washington)
    • Signatures Collected: 4 states (Florida, Idaho, Iowa, and New Hampshire)
    • Total Electoral Votes Secured: 390 electoral votes, representing 73% of the 538 total electoral votes nationwide.
    Your Support is Crucial
    These victories prove that we are on the right path, but we need your continued support to keep this momentum going.
    The DNC has launched an unprecedented multi-million dollar campaign to stop us, but with your help, we can overcome every obstacle.
    Donate Now
    Your donation is critical to ensure we can continue to fight for ballot access and bring about the healing our country desperately needs. Let's seize this moment and show that the people, not the political elite, will decide our nation's future.
    Thank you for standing with us in this historic fight. Together, we can restore democracy and build a brighter future for all Americans.
    Team Kennedy

    Demand an End to the Forever Wars

    For too long, our country has been entangled in foreign conflicts, sacrificing trillions of dollars and countless lives. It's time to bring those resources back home, where they can rebuild our middle class and strengthen our nation.

    Join us in demanding that the American government:

    1. Prioritize peace and end our involvement in all foreign wars.

    2. Invest in our communities, not endless conflicts.

    3. Refocus our military on protecting our homeland.

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