Monday, July 29, 2024

Jimmy Watson - A Journey to Hell and Back, July 29, 2024


Watchman comments: Unless you want to hear about Jimmy almost losing his penis in a belt sander (it is gross) then go to the 2 hour 30 minute mark on the video to hear how Jimmy came to Yeshua. It is a strange and bizarre story. The military and CIA, in my opinion, prey on people like Jimmy so that they can mold them into pawns, assassins or cold blooded killers, e.g. Timothy McVey and Lee Oswald. They are sometimes "sheep dipped" to hide or wipe their military files clean. Jimmy was able to survive all that and "Come to Jesus"!  Thank You Yeshua for saving Jimmy!

83,680 views May6, 2024

He completed 2 deployments as a Marine before transitioning to Blackwater and working his way to the role of Team Leader. 

While in this role the Nisour Square Massacre in Iraq occurred, an event that would draw FBI attention later, but by that time he was already serving at an SDV command in Hawaii as a SEAL. 

I don't know the best word to describe Jimm'ys life, it has taken twists and turns that most can likely not fathom. From leaving school at 13 to a suicide attempt in a mental hospital while fighting to stay in the military, to working for John McAfee to being on the run from the FBI, to finding redemption in faith. Strap in for a journey, we talked about it all.

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