Tuesday, July 16, 2024

J.D. Vance Is Deep, Deep, Deep State, July 16, 2024



So Trump selected JD Vance, because one reason is, he was working in Silicon Valley for about 5 years, he is pro crypto, which means this is setting the stage to get rid of the USA dollar and have crypto currency. 

Do you see what this means? This is the stage being set for the Beast currency, a One World Currency. 

This means Jesus is coming soon. And with this threat of so easily shutting down the world's computers and internet as what happened with this glitch yesterday, I suspect this could happen before the election if the powers to be wanted to do this and there could be no election if they decide. 

We shall see but I think those expecting His appearing will not see! 


Watchman comments: Why didn't Trump pick a true conservative like Tulsi Gabbard or a reformer like RFK Jr.??? 

Because this movie is called "Charade", Vance "The Skull & Bones Bankster" is now one bullet from the Oval Office! Trump better hire a food taster!

Skull & Bones got their man Bush when Reagan (a few inches from assassination) was President and now they have J.D. Nothing to see here, move on dumb asses!


From: Micki Larson-Olson On X

J.D. Vance is deep, deep, deep state! Yes I believe those that don't know anything about adrenochrome or fixing to find out. JD Vance worked for a company called ambrosia. Ambrosia is another word for pink and pink is another word for adrenochrome. This ambrosia has since been shut down but what they were doing was taking the blood of the youth and transfusing it into older people with the belief it would make them younger. Then you take the fact that he worked at the same law firm as both Barack Obama and Big Mike and that is Sidney Austin law firm. His wife worked on a board that was owned by Bill and Melinda Gates and she's a Gates Cambridge scholar meaning she took money from The Gates foundation for college. Also JD Vance is Skull and Bones and I'm thinking we don't need someone within a heartbeat of the presidency that belonged to this secret society at Yale college. A secret society that requires them to take an oath to Satan. A society that makes the man lay in a coffin so that the other man of the fraternity ejaculates all over them. A fraternity that requires them to have sex with other men. She also happened to teach school over in China. She was on the board of the Gates. We know how corrupt and evil the Gates are. Oh and she was also a law clerk for John Roberts who is a total pedophile and who illegally adopted his children through the Clinton foundation and Jeffrey Epstein. She also work as a law clerk for Brett Kavanaugh. We have been told that when this is all over that the only Supreme Court Justice that will be remaining is Clarence Thomas because all the other ones are compromised. We know we've seen pictures of John Roberts at Epstein Island in a hot tub with Bill Clinton and Bill Richardson which was a governor of New Mexico. We're just getting started!!! In this short amount of time we've already found this and we're known where near done. There are about 2 million of us ANONS around the world and we're going to figure out every single thing about both of them before anyone steps on a stage has the Vice Presidential nominee. We know president Trump to be one that likes to throw his enemies out into the spotlight and expose them. That's where we come in! We've had nearly 7 years to practice our craft of seeking and sharing the truth and that word adrenochrome really makes us angry since we know that it's created from the blood of children. Also with us knowing that JD Vance is Skull and Bones we know that means he took an allegiance to say which means he is owned by some very evil people. Both George HW Bush and George W B were Skull and Bones. When George HW Bush was up against John Kerry Skull and Bones said they didn't care who won because they were both Skull and Bones. Both the Bushes were major co-conspirators in 9/11. George HW Bush orchestrated the assassination of President Kennedy. So no I don't think for one single second that President Trump is going to allow this guy to be his actual vice president. The President John Fitzgerald Kennedy especially hated secret societies. Skull and Bones is one of the worst. This is not a fraternity where they all walk around proudly and say yeah I'm Skull and Bones yeah I'm Skull and bones no they work very hard for people not to discover their link to Skull and Bones. 

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