Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Images, Scripture, God's Fellowship Ministries of Pakistan, MAOZ Israel, Capps Ministries, Renner Ministries, July 24, 2024


But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace.…
— Galatians 5:22

Hello Watchman, here is your Sparkling Gem for July 24, 2024.

I’ll never forget many years ago when a so-called “brother in the Lord” tried to destroy our ministry in the former USSR. When I finally discovered the destructive schemes he was covertly planning, I was dumbfounded — stunned that someone I had worked with so closely could be deviously used by the devil. It was a true “Judas Iscariot” situation.

Thanks to God’s Spirit alerting us to what was happening and to staff members who sensed something was wrong in the Spirit, we probed into this man’s activities and discovered what he was attempting to do. Soon I found myself on an airplane with several key members of my team, flying to another city to deal with the consequences of his dishonest, deceitful, fraudulent plans.

As we flew that day to an encounter with evil that is forever etched in my memory, my staff commented on how joyful I was in the midst of this potentially devastating situation. I must admit, even I was amazed at the joy that exuded from down deep inside me that day! I knew the joy I felt was being produced in me by the Holy Spirit, for only the Holy Spirit could give such joy in a situation as difficult as the one I was facing that day.

Watchman comment: I was not able to confirm that Tamil Brahmins are Jews, maybe one of you, my readers knows.

Thank You Yeshua that they are physically and mentally healthy!

I love to see children smile in this wicked.  They are thrilled to just have a fan! 

God's Fellowship Ministries of Pakistworld

In Luke 10:2, “Then He said to them, “The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore, pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”


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