Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Castellaws, Bill Farts, God's Fellowship Ministries of Pakistan, Images, Wanda Alger, July 3, 2024

Proverbs 22:6 tells us to “Train a child up in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

Jesus told us in Matthew 7:24-27, a house built on sand will crumble, but a house built on the rock of God’s Word will stand through every storm.

Lift Up Your Head, Darling by Illit and Maoz Israel Music

308 views Premiered 4 hours ago

"Bill Farts" reveals plan to save earth from farting bovines

In Luke 10:2, “Then He said to them, “The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore, pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”

Dear ministry and prayer partners

Greetings from Pakistan. I am on mission trip in Pakistan these days. Here is some updates about the mission trip.

Thanks to you for keeping us in your prayers. me and our traveling team of 5 people, Pastor Hanook , Evangelist Samson , Evangelist Ashar , and Arslan a young disciple  in the ministry.  We are traveling every day from place to place.  We will be travelling to these places during this mission trip. Lahore, Narowal, Dhoda, Klaswala, Khairan, Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Shahdara, Okara, Jahaniya, Multan, District Khairpur, and District Sukkur these places are in tow states Punjab and Sindh in Paksitan.

There will be preaching in evangelist meetings, free bible distribution, giving pastor motorcycle, supporting pastors, visiting and helping financially ,Orphan home in Lahore, and orphan school in Okara. From Rawalpindi to Khairpur Sukkur Sindh one way drive by road is about 18-20 hours depending on traffic and road conditions. All other cities and places are between these tow cities.

 We need your continued prayers and financial support to buy bibles, and motorcycles for pastors . We are still praying for the provision of $17,750 to buy 1000 bibles and 5 motorcycles and we also are praying for other &4500 to bless two orphan centers 45 children and staff of 9 people in Okara orphan kids’ school, 22 kids and 11 people in staff in Lahore orphan kids home where we are staying. Your online donation will be available and accessible to us to use in Pakistan during trip.

If you want to donate towards this mission trip donate online so we can use that money during this trip. I will keep up to date with reports.

Please continue keep in your prayers for rest of my Pakistan mission trip

Emmanuel Doulat : chairman CCI God’s Fellowship Ministries of Pakistan

Emmanuel Doulat


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