Friday, July 26, 2024

A Mountain of EVIDENCE: Trump Linked To Swampers, July 26, 2024



Peter Thiel Is the Man Behind Trump’s VP Pick, and It’s Worse Than You Think


Watchman comments: As I have said before 2024 is a re-play of 1980 when the deep state clique forced Ronaldus Magnus to pick Bush as his V.P. We have seen this movie before.
In my opinion, Bush subsequently tried to have Ronaldus assassinated via John Hinckly. Bt the way, the Hinckly's were family friends with the Bush family. 
J.D. Vance was forced upon Trump in my opinion. Trump had better watch his back or hire a food taster. I would trust Vance and Thiel about as far as I could throw them, less than a 16th of an inch. 
Trump's achilles heal is his inability to select and surround himself with good people, or the fact that there are very few "good" Repulsicans to choose from. Trump in his next term, in my opinion, will be surrounded by evil deep state Repulsicans and Neocons who will manipulate him and guide his policies. In his first term these people included Pence, Bolton & Haley who 
were deep state termites.

Watchman comments: PROMIS Software was stolen from Inslaw, Inc. and the federal government deliberately bankrupted Inslaw in order to steal the PROMIS Software technology. 

I urge everyone to watch an excellent documentary on Netflix entitled “American Conspiracy” “The Octopus Murders” It centers on the Inslaw scandal and what I believe to be the deep state murder of Danny Casolaro, a computer journalist and investigative journalist.

Patriots, evil deep staters did this to Danny!  

Main Core utilized the PROMIS software, which was stolen from its owners at Inslaw Inc. by top Reagan and US intelligence officials as well as Israeli spymaster Rafi Eitan. Also intimately involved in the PROMIS scandal was media baron and Israeli “super spy” Robert Maxwell, the father of Ghislaine Maxwell and reportedly the man who brought Jeffrey Epstein into the Israeli intelligence orbit. Like PROMIS, Main Core involved both US and Israeli intelligence and was a big data approach to the surveillance of perceived domestic dissidents.

The Donald and Pete, yuck where has that hand been?

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