Friday, July 5, 2024

Celebrate this Independence Day by showing your support for a Kennedy America, July 4, 2024


Celebrate this Independence Day by showing your support for a Kennedy America. It’s time for the Independent party to be HEARD

As President, I will be relentless in my fight against corporate dominance in our politics.
Here’s why: Big Oil, Big Tech, Big Pharma, and military contractors fund both sides of the political aisle, merging their interests with those of our politicians—but not with ours.
When these corporate giants face opposition, their lobbyists and lawyers fight fiercely to silence it. They either bulldoze over dissent or buy it off.
But they haven't bulldozed me. I've taken them on and WON, and I won't stop now.
For 40 years, I've been battling corporate corruption. I've seen how these companies operate, I know their tactics, and I've successfully fought to clean them up. They hate that they can't buy my silence or my loyalty.
That's why Big Pharma and military contractors especially dislike me—it disrupts their control.
I am driven by compassion and a profound belief in our nation can once again stand as a moral leader in the world.
I am here to serve you—to ensure our government does what is best for the American people, not for corporate balance sheets.
It's clear our system doesn’t just need tweaking; it needs a complete overhaul.
  • Install Honest Leadership: We will place honest, competent leaders throughout the federal bureaucracy, transforming each agency to serve the national interest, not corporate interests.
  • Root Out Corruption: We will replace corporate-friendly agency leaders with dedicated reformers and whistleblowers who are committed to transparency and accountability.
  • Close the Revolving Door: By executive order, I will impose a five-year ban preventing administration officials from lobbying their former government agencies after they leave public service.
  • Enhance Transparency: We will make government agencies transparent to public scrutiny, ensuring that the American people can trust that their government is working for them, not big corporations.
I believe that we can make the dream of a stronger, more prosperous, and more united America a reality—a nation that is of, by, and for the people, not controlled by corporations.
Let’s take this journey together to reclaim our country and restore the voice of the American people in our government.
Let’s Reclaim America
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Poll Shows Strong Independent Support for RFK Jr.'s Debate Inclusion

Independent voters are speaking up: 55% say RFK Jr. deserved a spot on the presidential debate stage. This poll result signals growing discontent with the two-party system and highlights RFK Jr.'s appeal to a significant portion of the electorate. His exclusion from the debate raises questions about fairness and representation in the electoral process.

As voter frustration builds, RFK Jr.'s candidacy could shake up traditional party dynamics and introduce new perspectives to the national conversation.

RFK Jr. Pushes Past Legal Barriers for Ballot Access

RFK Jr.'s campaign is battling legal challenges across the nation to secure ballot access. Despite resistance from Democratic affiliates and state officials, the team has won key victories in Utah and Idaho.

With $15 million raised, they've secured ballot spots in eight states and submitted signatures in 11 more. The campaign is on track to appear on ballots representing 348 electoral votes, potentially reshaping the 2024 presidential race.

RFK Jr. Criticizes CNN Debate for Neglecting Critical National Issues

RFK Jr. expresses his disappointment with the recent CNN Presidential Debate, arguing that it failed to address critical national issues. In response, he held his own online debate to tackle overlooked topics. He also slams the Democratic Party's selection process, comparing it to non-democratic systems and lamenting the lack of primary elections.

Key Points:

  • 70% of Americans dissatisfied with CNN debate topics

  • Debate ignored $34 trillion debt and chronic disease epidemic

  • Exemplary leadership and a democratic process that allows the best candidates to rise to the top

RFK Jr. Addresses Childcare Crisis, Proposes Economic Solutions

During the Live Real Debate, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. explains how economic shifts have necessitated both parents to work, creating a dire need for childcare services. He emphasizes that childcare costs consume a significant portion of household income, which affects all Americans but particularly impacts single parents.

RFK Jr. proposes government intervention, suggesting childcare investment could increase GDP and create jobs. He advocates for military fund reallocation to childcare services, framing it as a solution to reduce national debt while addressing the childcare crisis in the country.

Ozempic Debate: RFK Jr. Vows a Pharmaceutical Model Reform

Calley Means sits down with RFK Jr. to provide insights on the controversial injectable drug Ozempic. He raises concerns about its potential side effects, including stomach paralysis and suicidal ideation and notes that it will cost the US around $15,000 per patient annually. Means question whether this significant investment per obese American should fund lifetime injections or be redirected to address underlying causes.

In response, RFK Jr. pledges to issue an executive order within his first two weeks in office to declare a state of emergency and overhaul the current pharmaceutical model.

RFK Jr. Applauds Assange's Release, Calls for Honoring Whistleblowers

RFK Jr. calls Julian Assange's release a victory for democracy and free speech. He proposes releasing other whistleblowers, like Edward Snowden, and creating a Washington monument to honor them and educate the public on the First Amendment's importance.

RFK Jr. also criticizes the muted press response to Assange's imprisonment, arguing that a free flow of information is vital for a functioning democracy. His stance underscores his commitment to protecting journalistic freedom and promoting government accountability.

There can be no question that Joe Biden is no longer fit for office. The American people witnessed this last Thursday, and now many in the Democratic Party are calling for the President to step down.
This is a watershed moment for America.
But we cannot let Donald Trump off the hook either. The debate was amateurish and sounded like two children arguing at the playground, rather than two candidates vying to lead the free world.
Trump: "You're the worst President ever."
Biden: "No, you’re the worst President ever!"
The fourth-grade level of the "debate," the palpable hate emanating from the stage, and the vacuity of most of what they said, shows the urgent need for a full reset of American politics.
We have a crisis of leadership in this country, but there is hope.
In stark contrast, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. stood out with his lucid, insightful, and statesmanlike demeanor during "The Real Debate." His approach was not only presidential but also visionary, demonstrating a clear, original perspective on the pressing issues that matter most to Americans.
RFK Jr. embodies the leadership qualities that are desperately needed at this pivotal time in our history.
This Independence Day, join us in declaring your independence from failed leadership. Your support will help us build a movement that stands for real leadership this country so desperately needs.
Help Bobby Win
Together, we can restore the dignity and integrity of American leadership.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

MOST CORRUPT: Joe Biden, July 3, 2024


MOST CORRUPT: Joe Biden - Part I

825,690 views Nov 27, 2023

MOST CORRUPT: Joe Biden - Part II 

282,571 views Dec 11, 2023

MOST CORRUPT: Joe Biden - Part III 

102,760 views Jan 8, 2024



MOST CORRUPT:  Joe Biden - Part IV 

37,983 views Mar 4, 2024


How Trump Hurt Ukraine, July 3, 2024


171,998 views Jul 1, 2024


Castellaws, Bill Farts, God's Fellowship Ministries of Pakistan, Images, Wanda Alger, July 3, 2024

Proverbs 22:6 tells us to “Train a child up in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

Jesus told us in Matthew 7:24-27, a house built on sand will crumble, but a house built on the rock of God’s Word will stand through every storm.

Lift Up Your Head, Darling by Illit and Maoz Israel Music

308 views Premiered 4 hours ago

"Bill Farts" reveals plan to save earth from farting bovines

In Luke 10:2, “Then He said to them, “The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore, pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”

Dear ministry and prayer partners

Greetings from Pakistan. I am on mission trip in Pakistan these days. Here is some updates about the mission trip.

Thanks to you for keeping us in your prayers. me and our traveling team of 5 people, Pastor Hanook , Evangelist Samson , Evangelist Ashar , and Arslan a young disciple  in the ministry.  We are traveling every day from place to place.  We will be travelling to these places during this mission trip. Lahore, Narowal, Dhoda, Klaswala, Khairan, Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Shahdara, Okara, Jahaniya, Multan, District Khairpur, and District Sukkur these places are in tow states Punjab and Sindh in Paksitan.

There will be preaching in evangelist meetings, free bible distribution, giving pastor motorcycle, supporting pastors, visiting and helping financially ,Orphan home in Lahore, and orphan school in Okara. From Rawalpindi to Khairpur Sukkur Sindh one way drive by road is about 18-20 hours depending on traffic and road conditions. All other cities and places are between these tow cities.

 We need your continued prayers and financial support to buy bibles, and motorcycles for pastors . We are still praying for the provision of $17,750 to buy 1000 bibles and 5 motorcycles and we also are praying for other &4500 to bless two orphan centers 45 children and staff of 9 people in Okara orphan kids’ school, 22 kids and 11 people in staff in Lahore orphan kids home where we are staying. Your online donation will be available and accessible to us to use in Pakistan during trip.

If you want to donate towards this mission trip donate online so we can use that money during this trip. I will keep up to date with reports.

Please continue keep in your prayers for rest of my Pakistan mission trip

Emmanuel Doulat : chairman CCI God’s Fellowship Ministries of Pakistan

Emmanuel Doulat


I Bet You Never Heard of Lem Billings, JFK's Best Friend! July 3, 2024


Watchman comment: we really do not know our political leaders.


The Man Who Knew All of JFK's Darkest Secrets!

Lem Billings and Bobby Kennedy Jr became close after JFK's death and allegedly took drugs together. When Billings died of a heart attack in 1981, Bobby Jr gave the eulogy (From left to right: Lem Billings, Bobby Kennedy Jr and Ethel Kennedy)

22,281 views Jun 24, 2024


It’s All About Resources, Stupid! July 3, 2024



Watchman comments: You have heard me say this numerous times: FOLLOW THE MONEY!!!!

Blackrock, State Street & Other Big American Corporations Want To Steal Ukraine’s Bountiful Resources.


Russia beat the U.S. corporations to the punch and the "Russkies" Hit a Jackpot in Ukraine.

385,250 views Premiered Aug 31, 2022

Conflict in Ukraine's Donbas Region: The Geology Behind the Headlines

On February 24th 2022, the Russian Federation launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine attempting to seize the capital city, Kyiv, and the eastern half of the country. After sustaining heavy loses in those initial months, Russian leadership decided on a new objective: annexing the Donbas region. Paul Day, Professor of Geology, briefly examines the geologic context for the Donbas and explores to what extent the geology of the Donbas region is a motivator for the on-going conflict. For a more detailed discussion on the geology of cratons, back-arc basins, volcanic arcs, and subduction zones similar to the Dnieper-Donetsk basin