Thursday, June 6, 2024

Trump Was Our First Zionist President, June 6, 2024


Pastor Baldwin responds to those who say Donald Trump Is America's only hope

6,995 views May 15, 2019


Chuck Baldwin Exposes Donald Trump's Tyrannical Executive Order


Watchman comment: Trump Has Received Over $200 Million from The Adelmans

28,404 views Dec 16, 2019

Donald Trump's so-called "antisemitism" Executive Order Is abominable, reprehensible & downright tyrannical. It is a blatant attack against the First Amendment protection of free speech and for all intents and purposes elevates all things Jewish to royalty status in America--being granted official government protection against any kind of criticism. In this video, Chuck Baldwin exposes the fact that not only is Donald Trump a hack for Zionism; he is also a wanna-be tyrant--and this Executive Order proves it.


Pastor Baldwin Explains How Donald Trump’s Declaration of Emergency Keeps State Lockdowns In Place

9,391 views Oct 15, 2020

Pastor Baldwin made these remarks to Liberty Fellowship on Sunday, October 11, 2020, before his message. He shows how here in Montana the governor’s Emergency Order expired after 30 days—which was months ago. He explains how the various county and State lockdown orders are still in place only because President Trump’s EO is still in place. In other words, if Donald Trump truly wanted to end the draconian lockdowns and usurpations of our constitutional liberties that have taken place the past six months under the guise of protecting us from the coronavirus, all he needs to do is rescind his Emergency Order. So why hasn’t he done it? Pastor Baldwin explains that, too.

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