Thursday, June 20, 2024

Scripture, Images, Hasso Update, Wanda Alger, MAOZ Israel, June 20, 2024


The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

NO ONE Is Exempt

The cleansing continues as God purifies His house. He has told us it was coming. And yet, the depth and breadth of His work is now proving to be more than we anticipated. The fire in His eyes is not just penetrating the public square and those who outwardly oppose Him. The fires of purification are reaching into His own as He stirs the very fear of the Lord we have been asking for.

We have prayed for exposures of crime and corruption in our governments and stood for justice in our courts. We have not been surprised at the duplicity in many public figures and those we have known to be pretenders and posers. But when it has come to the pulpits of America, we have fallen short in our perceptions. We have not fully understood the righteous standard expected for those who claim a right to speak for the King. (Continue here


Have you ever wondered about the deep connection between your faith and the freedoms you enjoy?


Dive into powerful scriptures in this month’s Maoz Israel Report that contrast with images from around the world that oppose these very scriptures. It’s more than a land issue.


This is about anchoring our faith and discovering how God's promises to Israel reveal His plan for restoration and salvation. And how this impacts your life and future generations.

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