Tuesday, June 11, 2024

RFK Jr. Ukraine Strikes Russian Early Warning Radars!


Ukraine just fired missiles into Russia. A few days ago, the Ukrainian military fired NATO-supplied missiles at Russian civilians – inside Russia. President Biden secretly approved the attack.
President Biden has done nothing to stop this war. Why hasn’t he picked up the phone and talked to Putin? Bringing about a peaceful resolution takes courage and leadership, something Biden lacks.
Taking a stand when it matters most requires courage, wisdom, and the kind of prescient leadership RFK Jr.'s uncle, JFK, exercised during the Cuban missile crisis. He picked up the phone! That’s the kind of ‘peace-first’ fearless leadership he will bring.
The Military Industrial Complex, the war machine controlling the politicians in Washington D.C., is determined to get our country and NATO into war with Russia.
We have a war in Europe, a war in the Middle East, and we are edging closer to war with China over Taiwan. We are being dragged into WWIII, which will likely end with nuclear proliferation.
President Biden and President Trump can’t stand up to the Military Industrial Complex and their allies in the DC bureaucracy. RFK Jr. can and will!
We need a President who is unafraid to challenge the Military Industrial Complex, the DC bureaucracy, and the politicians profiting off war. We need a President unafraid to challenge even his most trusted advisors when it is in the best interest of the American people – Like his uncle did during the Cuban missile crisis.
It’s time to put another Kennedy in the White House!


RFK Jr. Secures Ballot Access in South Carolina, Expanding Campaign's Reach

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s presidential campaign gains momentum as it secures ballot access in South Carolina, with the Alliance Party nominating Kennedy for president and Nicole Shanahan for vice president. The campaign has already collected enough signatures in 17 states, totaling 238 electoral votes.

RFK Jr. Campaign to Sue Nevada Over Ballot Access Mishap

RFK Jr.'s campaign plans to sue Nevada's Secretary of State after being told to restart signature gathering. The campaign collected 15,000 signatures before RFK Jr. named a running mate, which Nevada law requires. The Secretary of State's office admits a staffer wrongly informed the campaign but maintains readiness for a legal battle.

You do not have to resign yourself to the uninspiring choices the Democratic and Republican establishment have given you. Americans are hungry for a change and that change is independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Most Americans see RFK Jr. as a rare truth-teller committed to tackling corruption and powerful lobbying groups in D.C.
With his support growing every day, the Right is painting him as a radical liberal while the Left portrays him as an operative of right-wing donors. They attack him because they can’t win on the issues and are desperate to continue with the political status quo – meaning the so-called elites still running the show.
RFK Jr. is a threat to their power, a power they frantically cling to.
This is why he is drawing supporters from both sides of the political divide. Disillusioned voters are not interested in the labels dictated by the parties they have left behind – parties that no longer listen to them.
The American people want to be free of the corrupt two-party system. They want solutions!
They are looking for a President who listens to them, who stands up for them, who is not beholden to a political party and who provides solutions to what they face in everyday life. That is why support for RFK Jr. continues to increase.
Most Americans no longer say they are Democrat or Republican. They no longer trust the two-party system and are looking for an alternative. They’ve found that in Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Join our team and Declare your independence! Return the power to the people!

More than three years later, the New York Times is finally reporting the truth of the dangers of COVID-19 vaccine injuries.
It's a much delayed step in the right direction.
According to Apoorva Mandavilli's report, "As of April, just over 13,000 vaccine-injury compensation claims have been filed with the federal government — but to little avail. Only 19 percent have been reviewed. Only 47 of those were deemed eligible for compensation, and only 12 have been paid out, at an average of about $3,600."
Those numbers are tiny compared to the endless number of heart-related issues such as myocarditis and even sudden death caused by vaccines that were rushed through the approval process.
From the beginning of the Covid hysteria, Kennedy has been sounding the alarm about the origins of the pandemic and the harm caused by the extraordinary overreach of vaccine mandates and lockdowns.
Kennedy was the most outspoken defender of our medical liberties and the war against science. And that's why the political establishment will stop at nothing to stop RFK, Jr's candidacy.
Under an RFK Jr. Administration, everything will be out in the open. The public deserves to always have their health be prioritized above special interests, especially Big Pharma.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will require 100% transparency and accountability from every single one of the 438 Federal Agencies and every single penny of the $6.2 trillion budget.
Please support Robert F. Kennedy's campaign today. We need to spend more than $15 million to obtain ballot access in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

I have built my campaign for President around hope–hope for the broken, the addicted, and for so many Americans who feel hopeless today.
That’s why I am excited to invite you to join me in person for the world premiere of the new documentary film, Recovering America.

In Recovering America you will witness the drug addiction crisis up close, you will hear from me about my own challenging road to recovery, and you will see there is a bright hope for tomorrow for those struggling with addiction.
As your next President, I will prioritize solving this crisis.
You see, drug overdoses kill more than 300 Americans every day–mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters, and children–approximately 13 people every hour of every day.
Over 100,000 die each year. Millions more are on the brink of death.
Among people in prison, 70% struggle with mental illness, drug addiction, or both. Young lives are being cut short by lethal drugs like fentanyl and tranq, heartbreaking losses that plague cities and rural communities across the country.
I am convinced that our new, innovative, and ground-breaking ideas can help our nation emerge from this crisis and put us on the road to recovery.
Please consider joining me in Albuquerque, New Mexico for the world premiere of this very important documentary made by members of my campaign staff.
A panel and live discussion with me and other special guests will follow the screening.
The event will go from 2:00-4:30 PM. Doors open at 1:00 PM.
Together, we can stand up for the forgotten and broken, together we can offer hope, together we can rebuild lives and restore a promising future.

If we don’t change the path we're on, the American people will go from citizen to subject – subject to our government and their complicit corporate accomplices.
I am the only candidate for President who will make sure that doesn’t happen. When I am President, you, the people, will be in charge.
I may be independent but I am not independent of you. Join our team and let’s get our country back on track!
As President, Here are five things I will do to get the country back on the right track:
  1. Dismantle the broken two-party system: Put you, the people, back in charge.
  2. Secure the border and save American jobs: Fill the gaps in the wall and reinstate the migrant protection act requiring those with asylum claims to remain in Mexico.
  3. Significantly drop the level of chronic disease in our children: I have been committed to this my entire career and if I can’t accomplish this in my first term, do not re-elect me.
  4. Stop the Federal Government from lying to you: Any federal employee caught lying will be dismissed.
  5. Revive the American Dream: It used to be if you worked hard and played by the rules, you could buy a home and raise a family … and all on one job. I will take on the corporations stifling the American Dream and return it to you.
I am not afraid to meet this challenge. I will change the path we’re and put you back in charge! But I can’t do it without you on the team.


Fireworks, parades, floats, marching bands, bar-b-ques, and many other community events liven up July Fourth in America each and every year.


As our 248th birthday nears, we want to challenge you to get involved for RFK Jr. for President!


On July Fourth, we are only four months away from the Presidential Election in November–and we still have a lot of work to do introducing Bobby Kennedy to America.


This is a huge opportunity to rally supporters all over the nation, invite them to recruit new volunteers, get the word out about our exciting campaign, and reach millions of voters and new voters.


Registering for your local area Fourth of July activities begins now: Tabling at county fairs, community events, fireworks gatherings, etc. are all great opportunities to get the word out!


Our aim is to have a presence in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.


So please, reach out to your local library, community center, veterans organizations, city/county website, and register for Kennedy 24 today.


And be prepared to represent Kennedy 24 with a flag, hat, t-shirt, yard-signs, buttons and bumper stickers — all available at our store here.


Why am I running?


Because I don’t like the way the country is going.


And I know millions of Americans don’t either.


I don’t like the wars.


I don’t like the censorship.


I don’t like the addiction to war — both political parties are now the war party.


I don’t like the corporate capture of our government — the corrupt merger of state and corporate power.


And I think I’m in a unique position to unravel it.


I need your help to unravel it. 

Bobby Kennedy needs your immediate help to put him on the national stage for the first presidential debate hosted by CNN.


Give me a minute to explain. Then please take the critical actions outlined below to do your part to help out.


CNN, ABC, and the other Big Media Barons think they can undermine democracy by blocking RFK Jr. from the presidential debates. They are playing with your vote.


The fact is federal law requires “objective criteria to determine which candidates may participate in a debate.” …


OBJECTIVE criteria!


Well, there’s absolutely NOTHING objective about the criteria CNN is using to try and keep RFK Jr. off the June 27 debate stage.


  1. RFK Jr. meets the requirements to be on 19 state ballots, which is enough signatures for 278 electoral votes. Trump and Biden won’t be on ANY state ballots on June 27 and won’t be until after they are officially nominated at their summer national conventions.
  2. RFK Jr. already clears CNN’s voter opinion survey percentage entry point in three out of the required four voter surveys by Quinnipiac University, the Marquette Law School, and CNN’s own poll of voters.


CNN’s requirements clearly violate federal law.


71% of Americans think the presidential debates should include independent candidates like RFK Jr. according to the recent Harvard CAPS/Harris national poll. Every day more and more Americans are turned off by the Trump/Biden rematch devoid of any issues.




We must raise $1.2 Million in the next two weeks to get RFK Jr.’s name – and message – out to voters to get the percentage of voter support CNN is requiring.


If you take a moment right now to chip in your special giftyou can help meet our urgent goal of raising $1.2 million before June 19 to boost RFK Jr.’s poll numbers before the debate.


My Best Gift To Get RFK Jr. On the Debate Stage


Your quick action right now will make the difference.


Thank you for jumping in right away – AND for your continued support!


Team Kennedy



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