Monday, June 24, 2024

RFK Jr. June 24, 2024


Kennedy-Shanahan 24

LA Times Headline:
Here is what they said:
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. told an Orange County audience Wednesday night that America faces an existential threat because of its insistence on behaving like an imperial power rather than the moral leader it should be in the world.
The independent presidential candidate said he would reverse the nation's "decay" by cutting the U.S. military budget by half in his first three years in office — with additional reductions in the future — and using the savings to bolster domestic programs and the economy.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s position requires courage, boldness, and a new way of thinking.
RFK Jr.’s instincts are exactly what we need in a President. As you know, making hard calls is an hourly requirement from our Commander in Chief, and Bobby Kennedy is that leader!
A politician committed to telling you the truth.
Refreshing. Different.
That’s Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Here’s what he said:
As social media algorithms and the political class foment a culture war that pits Americans against Americans, big companies like State Street, Blackrock, and Vanguard keep devouring what’s left of the American middle class.
I refuse to feed into the anger and divisiveness.
Our candidate, our campaign, is running on our shared values, like keeping down the cost of living and getting Americans into their own homes.
“The purpose of life is to contribute in some way to making things better.”
—Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
This positive, uplifting message is winning over millions.
Thus it comes as no surprise that Independents now constitute the largest voting block in America.

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