Thursday, June 13, 2024

RFK Jr. June 13, 2024


RFK Jr. Secures Florida Ballot Access with Reform Party Nomination

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s presidential campaign soars to new heights with the Reform Party's nomination, granting him ballot access in Florida. The Kennedy-Shanahan ticket is on the ballot in enough states to cross the 270 threshold to win the 2024 election.

Recent polling shows Kennedy defeating both Biden and Trump in head-to-head matchups, positioning him as a formidable contender. As the first independent candidate to achieve this feat, Kennedy's campaign is poised to make history and shake up the political landscape.

"Recovering America" Premiere with RFK Jr: Livestream RSVP | Kennedy24

Sat, 02:00 PM MDT , the groundbreaking addiction and recovery documentary produced by renowned filmmakers Robert Campos, Donna LoCicero, and Brandon Dumlao will debut in Albuquerque, NM on June 15 with Mr. Kennedy in attendance. RSVP on this page to livestream the premiere. In the film, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. searches for the most promising solutions to the nation’s out-of-control drug crisis

Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is being held to a different criteria than President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump. And that may mean exclusion from CNN's June 27 televised debate.

This comes after the Kennedy Campaign in recent months qualified in at least four polls, scoring at least 15%. All four are on CNN's list of recognized polls, but Island News has learned that one of them (from Monmouth University polling) is not being counted by CNN.

There is a second obstacle. CNN says candidates must be on the ballot to reach potentially 270 electoral votes. It's a qualification that no candidate currently meets.

Island News has learned the Federal Election Commission and the Commission on Presidential Debates both do not recognize the term “presumptive nominee” that CNN granted to exclusively qualify former president Donald Trump and President Joe Biden for the debate stage.

Third-party candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. spoke about the apparent snub, and what his campaign plans to do going forward.

RFK Jr. Challenges Denial of Secret Service Protection Citing Family History

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. voices concerns over the denial of Secret Service protection for his presidential campaign, given his family's painful history with political assassinations. As the first candidate since his father to be denied such security, RFK Jr. questions Secretary Mayorkas' decision and the potential involvement of other political figures in blocking his protection. This troubling situation highlights inconsistencies in candidate protection protocols.

The Struggle of Black Farmers in America with John Boyd

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and guest John Boyd talk about the systemic discrimination and challenges black farmers face in America. Boyd shares his personal experiences with the USDA and the ongoing struggle for land and debt relief. He also criticizes the current administration for repealing important legislation without offering alternative solutions and calls for systemic change to address these longstanding issues.

Key Points:

  • Boyd experienced loan denials while white farmers received preferential treatment

  • Promises of land and debt relief for Black farmers remain unfulfilled

  • Increasing ownership of agricultural land by billionaires and foreign entities threatens food security and sovereignty.

Weekly Social Media Volunteer Orientation & Training

Our weekly Thursday night calls start at 6:30pm EST with a 30 minute review that will catch up any newcomers to the call. If you have previously joined the meeting you can skip this part or come for a refresher.

From 7-8pm EST each week we will cover a new topic in depth.

This is a hands on training. Please be prepared to take notes or learn by doing on your phone or a second window. There will be allotted time for questions of clarification but we aim to cover a lot quickly so please hold your comments and anecdotes until the end.

Click Here To Register

RFK Jr. Urges Swift Action and Unity After 2023 Maui Wildfires

With the tragic wildfires that claimed at least 96 lives and caused widespread destruction in Maui last year, RFK Jr. calls for a comprehensive approach to preventing such devastation in the future. He emphasizes the need to accurately diagnose the problem, pointing to vast areas of unmanaged, nonnative grasslands resulting from decades of declining agriculture as a major contributing factor.

RFK Jr. stresses the importance of implementing measures such as building firebreaks, reintroducing fire-resistant vegetation, and allowing livestock to manage grass levels. He advocates for a massive land restoration program, reminiscent of his lifelong efforts to protect and restore America's natural resources.

"Presidents Should Emulate JFK in Resisting Bureaucratic Control" - RFK Jr.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. examines the influence of bureaucrats on American presidents, citing examples from the Trump administration and the Cuban Missile Crisis. He draws a parallel to the leadership of his uncle, President John F. Kennedy, during the Cuban Missile Crisis, highlighting the importance of a president who can stand firm against bureaucratic pressure and the need for independent thinking and decisiveness in times of crisis.

In these critical times, the integrity of our democracy is being challenged like never before. The events surrounding former President Donald Trump's legal battles have brought this issue to the forefront, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has made his stance clear.
Donald Trump’s guilty verdict in his New York hush-money case marks an unprecedented moment in U.S. history, one that RFK Jr. called “profoundly undemocratic.”
The Democrats, fearful of losing at the voting booth, have instead challenged President Trump in the courtroom. Kennedy believes it will backfire.
This criminalization of politics is not the path to a true democracy. You can’t save democracy by destroying it first.
America deserves a President who wins at the ballot box, not by compromising the separation of powers or weaponizing the courts.
And we need your best gift today to ensure Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is that President.
My “Save Democracy” Gift
Know this, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is no fan of Donald Trump. But he is running to challenge the former President on his record, and he is the only candidate who can beat him.

RFK Jr. is scrutinizing the Trump-Fauci lockdowns during COVID and its devastating consequences, his failure at our Southern border, his secret deals with corporate America, and his support for the war machine.


Further, Trump claimed he would drain the swamp, and yet he appointed:


  • Shipping heiress Elaine Chao to run the Department of Transportation
  • Coal lobbyist Andrew Wheeler to run the EPA
  • Pharma Exec Alexander Azar to run HHS
  • Oil Lobbyist Ryan Zinke to run the Department of the Interior


RFK Jr. is not afraid to confront these issues head-on, unlike the DNC, which sadly supports its own versions of those shameful policies.


Your support is crucial in this pivotal moment. The Trump verdict has added 

uncertainty to the race, but polling shows that RFK Jr. is in position to win in November.
With these historic poll numbers, 20% of the electorate is still unaware Robert F. Kenned Jr. is running, and we need to inform them right now.
Give us the resources to grow our grassroots movement and bring hope back to the White House!
Join us in this fight. Stand with RFK Jr. and join the movement for a truly democratic America.
Thank you for your commitment to Team Kennedy and for believing in a different, better future.
Team Kennedy
P.S. By contributing to our campaignyou are standing up for a future where democracy is preserved, and leaders like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. can continue to fight to stop America from becoming a banana republic.
EPA-approved biosludge terrorism has destroyed millions of US farming acres for a century or more
Mike Adams

We have a couple of hard-hitting content items for you today. First, we have a special interview report with Steve Quayle entitled, "The Sum of All Fears is Here - Steve Quayle and Mike Adams on the nuclear annihilation of the West."

In this special interview, we reveal how a "suicide pact" of western leaders is trying to provoke Russia into a nuclear annihilation of western nations (including the USA). The nuclear attack provides the perfect cover story for cancelled elections, currency collapse and depopulation agendas.

On top of that, today we reveal how the EPA is functioning as a terrorist sabotage operations group, targeting America's farms with biosludge pollution that renders them unusable for farming. The "forever chemicals" (PFAS, PFOA, etc.) will last a century or more, rendering millions of acres of US farmland unusable.

This was an act of war against America, waged by the EPA. Engineered famine. Deliberate pollution. It's the same EPA now trying to shut down combustion engines in order to collapse domestic transportation and farming operations.

You'll find the full Steve Quayle special report interview, plus today's Brighteon Broadcast News at this link.

NOTE: Because of the longer duration of these videos today, they may take longer than usual to go live. Expect them to appear around 12 noon central time. If they still don't appear, check back in another 30 minutes. These will also be posted on Telegram and Brighteon platforms.

Here are some of the issues that are important to RFK Jr. 
Which ones are most important to you? Bobby wants to know!
Let Bobby Know
▢ Affordable housing - making home ownership attainable
▢ Good paying jobs with meaningful, productive work
▢ Stopping the endless wars - peace and diplomacy
▢ Securing our southern border
Full Survey Here
Your feedback is invaluable and will directly influence our focus as we move forward.
Thank you for your continued support and for helping us make a meaningful impact.
Team Kennedy

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