Saturday, June 29, 2024

Julian Assange Is A Hero, June 2, 2024


MAX Blumenthal comments: Julian Assange, above, is a hero and modern day prophet. When his Wikileaks disclosed that the U.S. ambassador in Honduras told Obama, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden that an illegal coup d’etat had occurred in Honduras. Obama, Hillary and Biden ignored the coup and assisted and oversaw the overthrow of the legitimate President of Honduras and installed Juan Orlando Hernandez as the illegal President. Hernandez proceeded to turn Honduras into one of the largest narco states in the world. Hernandez said “he wanted to stuff cocaine up Yankee noses”. As you can see below Hernandez is now in U.S. federal prison.

Assange was a hero in this matter standing for the honest rule of law.    

66,280 views Streamed live on Jun 27, 2024 Go to the 2 minute of the video where

Juan Orlando Hernández, Former President of Honduras, (photo above & below with Nero) Sentenced to 45 Years in Prison for Conspiring to Distribute More Than 400 Tons of Cocaine and Related Firearms Offenses

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