Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Zionists Will Install Trump As President. (May 14, 2024)


READER COMMENT: Watchman, Zionists Will Install Trump As President, --- HOW do you know it will be on May 14, 2024 - ??

That's today.  WHY today - ?


Axxxxxxx, that is just the date of the article and video...............wow, what a weird mistake I made, unbeknownst to me, today is Israel's birthday or independence day!!!!!!!

It seems like that mistake was divine in nature??????

God Bless Brother 


Yom Ha'atzmaut (Hebrew: יוֹם הָעַצְמָאוּת, lit. 'Day of Independence') is Israel's national day, commemorating the Israeli Declaration of Independence on 14 May 1948. It is marked by a variety of official and unofficial ceremonies and observances.

Analysis: Why a deal has been made to install Trump

In today's Brighteon Broadcast News, I offer my analysis on why I think a deal has been struck to install Trump into the White House.

The primary movers on this deal are Zionist donors, and they've had it with Biden's refusal to ship more weapons to Israel, as well as the resistance against Israel portrayed by Democrats.

That's why suddenly a huge shift has taken place to back GOP candidates with Zionist money, which is exactly why you're seeing nearly the entire GOP throw away the First Amendment and call for the craziest, insane things imaginable... such as Sen. Lindsay Graham now saying that Israel should nuke Gaza. Or GOP House members calling for rounding up pro-Palestine protesters and deporting them to Gaza where they can be bombed by the IDF.

Trump is set to be president, but the cost of that will be the end of America's speech freedoms, the First Amendment and the freedom to think for yourself (especially on campus).

America is about to descend into a fascist, Zionist-controlled police state. 

Full details in today's podcast here.

During the redo of the 2019 election, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu proclaimed: “Soon, the plan of the century will be presented by my close friend President Trump and the negotiations with President Trump will shape the future of Israel for generations to come. And because of this, Israel needs a strong and stable and Zionist government. A government that is committed to Israel as a national state for the Jewish people.”

Trump's daughter, Ivanka Trump, converted to Judaism in 2009 in order to marry Jared Kushner, an Orthodox Jew from a prominent American Jewish family with close ties to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Kushner would become a senior advisor to President Trump, and influenced Trump’s decisions to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem and to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal — two things Israel vehemently wanted.

But does Kushner's influence alone explain Trump's all-out pro-Israeli policies?

After all, Trump's foreign policy decisions pertaining to Israel upends a half-century of US policy.

To really understand Zionism, one must understand the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Therefore, the author examines the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in order to understand what the root causes really are. Is Israel right when it insists the land belongs to the Jewish people? 

Or, do the Palestinians really have a rightful claim to a state? 

And why does the United Nations invariably support the Palestinians?

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