Monday, May 27, 2024

RFK Jr. Update, Memorial Day, May 27, 2024


On Memorial Day, Americans honor the soldiers that have fallen in war. We do not distinguish whether the wars were just or unjust, not on this day, but instead we honor them for having made the ultimate sacrifice.
What we really honor them for is having been WILLING to make the ultimate sacrifice. We admire them not because they died, but because they were willing to lay their lives on the line.
That is the kind of bravery we need today. We desperately need people who believe in our country, who believe in each other, so much that they are willing to put that above themselves.
As President of the United States, my job will be to elevate the conduct of America’s government to the level that deserves that kind of devotion. We will be a force for peace and healing in the world, and a bastion of freedom and justice at home.
That is what I will do in honor of those who sacrificed everything for the country that they loved.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

RFK Jr.'s path to the June debate

Watchman comment: So CNN gets to dictate to the American people who gets to debate!

To qualify, Kennedy has to hit at least 15% in four national polls that meet CNN's standards and achieve ballot access in enough states to have a chance at winning 270 electoral votes.

WATCH LIVE: RFK Jr. addresses Libertarian National Convention

53,509 views Streamed live on May 24, 2024

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is addressing the Libertarian National Convention in Washington, DC, Friday afternoon. Although Kennedy indicated last month he would not seek the Libertarian Party’s nomination, he has long promoted libertarian policies and values. Democrat-aligned PAC MoveOn has invested in a mobile billboard campaign to dissuade convention attendees from supporting Kennedy.


RFK Jr. Takes Aim At Trump At The Libertarian Party Convention In Washington, D.C.

234,782 views May 25, 2024

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. slammed former President Trump in remarks to the Libertarian Party Convention.

I call on the US Government to drop all charges against whistleblower Julian Assange.


Assange, who uncovered the truth regarding the US Military Industrial Complex, is a fighter who deserves recognition, not condemnation.


Assange pointed out the lies our government told us, and like you, I am thankful he shined a light on the coverup.


Guess what? We’re not alone.


The numbers tell me Americans like you agree with me.


In fact, a recent NBC News poll has shown that a remarkable 34% of voters can now see themselves supporting my campaign, which would make me the winner in a tight three-way race! While a recent Gallup poll shows me as the undeniable front-runner with a favorability rating of 52%.

calling on the US Government to drop all charges against whistleblower Julian Assange.

My pathway to victory is real. Together, we can win the White House.


And that very real possibility scares the ruling elites who want their corruption, power, and lies to continue unchallenged.


Their number one goal is to keep you under their thumbs.


You deserve more. You deserve better.


But they don’t care. They just want to keep me off the ballot not only in your state but across the country.


But you’re not going to let that happen, are you? You’re ready to push back with me and say, “Enough is enough!”


For a fair election, I must be on the ballot in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. But my campaign must raise $20,000,000 to reach this critical goal.


Our Federal Government bureaucracy — sometimes called the Deep State — has been corrupted at the highest levels and it needs to be cleaned up.
That’s what President Trump was talking about when he said “Drain the Swamp.” But he didn’t know how. Instead he filled his administration with swamp creatures.
President Biden won’t do it either. Not only won’t they, but it seems they fear the Deep State.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. the only candidate for President who knows exactly how to clean up the Deep State and he is the only candidate who is not afraid to clean up the Deep State.
He knows exactly what to do. He will do it one agency at a time. He has sued multiple government agencies and knows the players and the profiteers who have corrupted these agencies.
We will stop the profiteering (like royalties paid to NIH employees) and close the revolving doors that put corporate capture on steroids. We will clean house at the highest level, removing appointees and employees who have corrupted their agencies and no longer believe in our democratic institutions or the principles of our great country.
We will bring the government and its agencies back to their original purpose and culture of serving the public interest … of serving you.
As President, he will make sure the federal government serves the American people, not the other way around. With your support we will restore our government to where it works for the American people… The future of our great country depends on it.
This election is critical, and we need your help to get this done. Restoring our government to where it serves you will be our highest priority!

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