Wednesday, May 15, 2024

RFK Jr. Update, May 16, 2024

Broken Promises and Backdoor Dealings: The Shocking Truth Behind the Ukraine War

What really led to the war in Ukraine? While media narratives often focus on the actions of individual leaders like Putin and Zelensky, a deeper look at the historical context reveals a complex web of broken promises, strategic missteps, and missed opportunities for diplomacy.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. explores the role of NATO expansion, U.S. foreign policy, and the failure of key figures to prioritize negotiation in the lead-up to the conflict.

As I continue to make a strong showing in the polls, the other Presidential candidates are growing very nervous. In response, the other candidates either lash out at me with wild claims or coordinate with their partners in social media to censor me and shadow ban me.
The other candidates know if I have equal access to the digital public square and gain ballot access in all 50 states, I will be the candidate to beat.
As I gain ballot access in more and more states – like Texas just announced – the other candidates are using every trick in the book to stop me. But thanks to my supporters, the tricks aren’t working.
Why are they growing more and more worried?
Because I am running a campaign of ideas. It is a campaign based on the values that made us a great nation. My campaign embodies the ideals and the highest values of our nation and our people.
I have a very clear notion of what this country is supposed to look like.The world still looks to us for leadership. They don’t want a bully or a braggart – they want a leader. And they know the difference.
As President, America will be a moral authority again. We will stop projecting military power abroad and protect and advance economic power at home.
As President, we will rebuild our industrial base and our middle class, the backbone of our country. The entrepreneurial spirit that built our great nation will return and be rewarded under my Presidency.
This is what the American people are longing for and why I am climbing in the polls… also why the other candidates are growing increasingly worried.
The election is a mere six months away and we need your support to continue to build on our momentum and get our message out to every American.
I can win this election but I need your help and support. Please donate what you can, be it $5 or $10 or even if it’s the change found in your couch cushions.

Common Sense Weekly

Welcome back! In this edition:

  • Team Kennedy gains ballot access in Texas with 2X the required signatures

  • Could Kennedy's Delaware win be the first domino to fall in 2024?

  • See the poll that has pundits buzzing: 26,000 voters say RFK Jr. can win it all

  • Why did Meta suppress a Kennedy documentary? The implications are chilling

  • Righting historical wrongs: Kennedy's vision for Native American justice

  • New Poll Shows RFK Jr. Beating Biden and Trump in Projected Electoral Vote Count

    In a massive poll of 26,408 likely voters conducted by John Zogby Strategies, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. emerges as the candidate best positioned to win the White House in 2024.

    The survey, which measured voter preferences in all 50 states to determine the electoral vote count, shows Kennedy defeating both President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump by significant margins.

    Key Points:

    • The poll suggests that Biden, not Kennedy, is the real "spoiler" in the race, as his presence gives Trump the victory.

    • With a sample size of over 26,000, the poll has an extraordinarily low margin of error of just 0.6%.

    • The campaign argues that this 50-state poll provides the most accurate picture of the race by measuring the electoral vote count.

RFK Jr. campaign submits signatures for Texas ballot access

The RFK Jr. campaign turned in 245,572 signatures — twice as many as are required — to gain ballot access in Texas.

An incredible milestone for the campaign.

Delaware Opens Doors to Kennedy-Shanahan Campaign: Is This the Turning Point for 2024?

The Kennedy-Shanahan ticket has now secured ballot access in four states – Utah, Michigan, California, and Delaware. This significant milestone underscores the campaign's growing support and organizational strength.

As the Kennedy campaign continues to collect signatures and navigate the ballot access process nationwide, it's becoming clear that this independent bid for the White House is a force to be reckoned with.

Meta's Censorship of RFK Jr. Documentary Sparks Outrage, Raises Free Speech Concerns

In a democracy, the free exchange of ideas is essential – especially during an election cycle. But the recent censorship of a documentary about Bobby Kennedy on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram suggests that this fundamental principle is under threat.

To ensure a fair and open political process, we must hold tech giants accountable and prevent them from suppressing content based on political bias or pressure from the government.

Why It Matters:

The censorship of the Bobby Kennedy documentary on social media is not an isolated incident – it's part of a disturbing trend of tech giants and government entities collaborating to suppress certain viewpoints and control the flow of information.

This kind of interference poses a direct threat to the integrity of the 2024 election and the fundamental principles of free speech and open debate that are essential to a functioning democracy.

Honoring Treaties, Restoring Trust: RFK Jr.'s Vision for Indigenous Empowerment

For too long, the United States government has neglected its obligations to Native American communities, breaking treaties, stealing land, and suppressing tribal sovereignty. Addressing these injustices will require a fundamental shift in the relationship between the federal government and Indigenous nations.

Under a Kennedy administration, that shift would begin with a commitment to honoring treaties, respecting the right of self-determination, and working in partnership with tribal leaders to address issues like land restoration, resource protection, and cultural renewal.

By raising Native American concerns to matters of national interest and working to prevent current and future injustices, Kennedy believes we can begin to heal the wounds of the past and build a more just and equitable future for all.

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