Sunday, May 5, 2024

RFK Jr. Update, May 6, 2024


We're confronting a blatant attack on free speech.
Facebook is preventing users from posting and viewing a short film about RFK Jr.’s life, narrated by Woody Harrelson. This raises serious concerns about free speech and election integrity.
The messages that users are getting are laughable. “Looks like spam.” “Violates community standards.” “Might be malicious.” “File failed to upload.” The excuses are diverse but the pattern is clear: interference in a Presidential election.
Here’s how you can help break through the censorship:
  1. Watch and Share the Video: Visit Who Is Bobby Kennedy? and share the link on Facebook.
  2. Document Any Censorship: If Facebook blocks your post, take a screenshot of the block notice.
  3. Expose Their Actions: Share your screenshots on Twitter using #BobbyBan and #Kennedy24 or email them directly to us at We will collect and repost.
Your actions today are crucial. By documenting and sharing these acts of censorship, you’re helping to safeguard free speech and ensure our voices are heard.

Win a VIP trip to Nashville for a star-studded show with Russel BrandRob SchneiderRFK Jr.Nicole Shanahan, and more, on May 15th.
Only four days left to enter! So don't delay — click here now for your chance to win two tickets to this exclusive event!
You and a guest will be treated to a VIP trip to Nashville, Tennessee, complete with first-class flights and a stay at a premier hotel. The highlight? Attending a star-studded comedy show followed by exclusive access to the VIP after-party, where you’ll meet the comedians and mingle with RFK, Jr.!
But wait, there's more! We're adding a dash of country music magic to this comedy extravaganza, featuring viral sensation Kayley Bishop, alongside the legendary John Carter Cash and the mesmerizing Ana Cristina Cash!
Enter to win with just a $10 donation—each donation counts as one entry, up to 300 entries allowed. No donation necessary to participate. Seize this amazing opportunity — enter today!

In a world quick to label and divide, I stand before you not just as another candidate, but as a voice for authentic change.
Many wonder if I fit on the Right or the Left politically—some call me a conservative, others a liberal.
Let me be clear: labels do not define my mission.
You do!
I am a “classic liberal” in the sense that I believe in the values of JFK and my father RFK. Those were the days when Democrats championed free speech, peace, civil liberties, and (though it may surprise you) a strong border.
Before I unravel what all that means, I want to ask for your much needed contribution to help us seize the momentum. Your donation will directly fund our ballot access efforts and legal challenges, and ensure my vision for America is heard in every state.
First, Restoring Liberty: My presidency will dismantle the surveillance state that both parties have supported, restoring and protecting constitutional freedoms eroded under the guise of national security.
Second, End the Chronic Disease Epidemic: The CDC admits 60% of Americans suffer from chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimers, and cancer. I will redirect federal resources toward finding out the causes and enacting the solutions to this terrible crisis that affects nearly every American family.
Third, Supporting the Underserved: My administration will prioritize reversing the marginalization of the 'little guy,' ensuring inclusivity and support for those often overlooked by government policies.
Fourth, Managing Immigration: Advocating for strong borders to protect American labor from being undermined by unregulated, cheap workforce influx, ensuring fair wages and conditions for all workers.

Fifth, Committing to Peace: Unlike my competitors, I will cease America’s involvement in costly foreign conflicts that have drained our resources and compromised our national values. No more regime change wars!
Sixth, Nurturing the Future: I will focus on policies that enhance the health and economic opportunities for young Americans, making it easier for them to own homes and live prosperously.
Seventh, Protecting the Environment: True to the traditional values of environmentalism, my presidency will focus on conserving our natural resources, eliminating pollutants, and safeguarding our ecosystems.
Eighth, Strengthening Democracy: Understanding that a healthy democracy relies on a robust middle class, I will end the corporate capture of our regulatory agencies that drains America of our resources for the enrichment of a few and the impoverishment of the many.
Finally, Ensuring Fairness: Addressing economic polarization, I will advocate for higher wages, support stronger labor protections, reduce housing costs, and enhance social safety nets to ensure that all Americans can thrive.
Call me a Kennedy Democrat, call me independent or conservative — whatever you want. These are the things I believe in and that’s where I stand.
If you resonate with my vision for our country then I invite you to stand with me. I invite you to be part of the reweaving of America. I invite you to join our coalition of liberals, conservatives, and independents, committed to taking this country back not just for the left or right, but for the American people.

I have about six months left to make sure Americans know what I believe and that there is a third option come Election Day. As an independent candidate, I’ve alienated all the largest corporate donors – so I’m relying on small contributions from people like you.
As we enter a critical phase of our campaign, your support is more important than ever.
Thank you for your unwavering dedication to my campaign.

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