Friday, May 3, 2024

RFK Jr. May 3, 2024

 President Biden Cannot Statistically Win This Election. The Numbers Don't Lie.

President Biden cannot statistically win this election.

Our campaign’s Director Jonathan Hiller, explains why. 

A massive new poll of the 2024 election cycle surveyed three head-to-head scenarios. The results are shaking up the political establishment:
  1. Biden vs. Trump. Result: Donald Trump wins by a comfortable margin.
  2. Trump vs. Kennedy. Result: Kennedy wins in close race.
  3. Kennedy vs. Biden: Result Kennedy wins in a landslide.
This fifty-state poll from Zogby, distinguished by its unprecedented scale and precision, surveyed over 26,000 likely voters nationwide, achieving a remarkably low margin of error of just 0.6%. Unlike typical polls, this survey meticulously calculates the winner in each state to predict the electoral vote outcome—the only measure that truly determines our next president.
The results are unequivocal: President Joe Biden cannot secure a victory against Donald Trump in any scenario—be it a direct matchup or a three-way race including Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
The only scenario in which President Trump participates in the election and does not win is a direct head-to-head with Kennedy, in which Kennedy emerges victorious.
In other words, if anyone is a spoiler in this race, it is President Biden! Why? RFK Jr. explained it in today’s press conference: "To be a spoiler, a candidate must not only lack the ability to win themselves but also obstruct another potentially winning candidate." Under these criteria, it's evident that President Biden's continued candidacy might inadvertently deliver the White House to Donald Trump.”
In response to these findings, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has proposed a bold initiative called the No Spoiler Pledge: a pledge for the weakest candidate in a head-to-head match to step aside based on a 50-state poll in mid-October 2024, surveying over 30,000 likely voters.
This proposed poll would assess head-to-head races between Biden and Trump, and Kennedy against Trump. Whichever candidate does worse head to head will step aside.
We call on the Biden campaign to sign the pledge, so that if Trump wins it won’t be by accident, but only by beating the strongest challenger.
Right now, that challenger is Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. With this pledge on the table, now is the time to keep him strong.
Your support is crucial in this pivotal moment. Every donation helps RFK Jr. close in on his opponents and beat them in a two-way OR a three-way race.

A massive new poll of the 2024 election cycle surveyed three head-to-head scenarios. The results are shaking up the political establishment:
  1. Biden vs. Trump. Result: Donald Trump wins by a comfortable margin.
  2. Trump vs. Kennedy. Result: Kennedy wins in close race.
  3. Kennedy vs. Biden: Result Kennedy wins in a landslide.
This fifty-state poll from Zogby, distinguished by its unprecedented scale and precision, surveyed over 26,000 likely voters nationwide, achieving a remarkably low margin of error of just 0.6%. Unlike typical polls, this survey meticulously calculates the winner in each state to predict the electoral vote outcome—the only measure that truly determines our next president.
The results are unequivocal: President Joe Biden cannot secure a victory against Donald Trump in any scenario—be it a direct matchup or a three-way race including Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
The only scenario in which President Trump participates in the election and does not win is a direct head-to-head with Kennedy, in which Kennedy emerges victorious.
ZOGBY Poll - Kennedy only candidate who can beat Trump.
In other words, if anyone is a spoiler in this race, it is President Biden! Why? RFK Jr. explained it in today’s press conference: "To be a spoiler, a candidate must not only lack the ability to win themselves but also obstruct another potentially winning candidate." Under these criteria, it's evident that President Biden's continued candidacy might inadvertently deliver the White House to Donald Trump.”
In response to these findings, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has proposed a bold initiative called the No Spoiler Pledge: a pledge for the weakest candidate in a head-to-head match to step aside based on a 50-state poll in mid-October 2024, surveying over 30,000 likely voters.
This proposed poll would assess head-to-head races between Biden and Trump, and Kennedy against Trump. Whichever candidate does worse head to head will step aside.
We call on the Biden campaign to sign the pledge, so that if Trump wins it won’t be by accident, but only by beating the strongest challenger.
Right now, that challenger is Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. With this pledge on the table, now is the time to keep him strong.
Your support is crucial in this pivotal moment. Every donation helps RFK Jr. close in on his opponents and beat them in a two-way OR a three-way race.

If you are curious to know more, have a look at the state-by-state details, which we are making public in the spirit of transparency. And thank you for your support at this pivotal moment.
Let's win the White House and Heal America!
Team Kennedy

As we edge closer to the 2024 Presidential election, a narrative has been crafted by some media outlets and political pundits attempting to label Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as a "spoiler" in this critical race.
However, recent analyses and polling tell a different story—one where RFK Jr. emerges not just as a legitimate contender, but as the ONLY candidate who can reshape the American political landscape for the better!

As Teddy Macker in Tablet discovered by attending a recent Team Kennedy rally, our supporters know exactly why RFK Jr. is best suited to lead America. His eyes were opened to the well-funded efforts by the corporate media and party bosses to silence Team Kennedy, as RFK Jr. continues to campaign on a hopeful message.
As Macker notes, the political establishment, which has been caught hiring homeless people to disrupt Team Kennedy rallies, isn't able to stop our incredible polling momentum!
"The extreme resistance Kennedy elicits within the DNC—and by extension much of the mainstream media—arguably reveals something large moving beneath the surface of our politics.”
RFK Jr. represents more than an alternative; he embodies the leadership necessary to address the pressing challenges of our times.
With a focus on skyrocketing inflation, ending corporate monopolies, protecting our environment, and stopping endless foreign wars, RFK Jr. is committed to policies prioritizing every American and growing the middle class.
Team Kennedy is gaining traction among those disillusioned with the corrupt two-party system. A majority of independent voters, who now represent 52% of all registered voters, see RFK Jr. as a beacon of hope and a viable option outside of the political establishment.
More from Macker,
“The DNC and mainstream media (and to a lesser extent, for now at least, the RNC) make Kennedy out to be an untethered fringe figure few take seriously. Polling does not support this contention."
With six months remaining, we continue to need your support to amplify our message and build on this momentum. With your help, we can reclaim America!

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