Sunday, May 12, 2024

RFK Jr. Happy Mother's Day! May 12, 2024


Like many of you, my relationship to my mom Ethel had its ups and downs.
Also like many of you, as I got older, I began to appreciate the extraordinary things my mother gave to our family.
One such epiphany occurred when I had six kids of my own. I remember becoming mystified about how my mother kept our family of eleven children together and on course after my father’s death.
In fact, I stand amazed and in awe of her each and every Mother’s Day, especially her admonition that “Kennedy’s never give up.”
I’ve taken that to heart.
Finally, from my family to yours, Happy Mother’s Day.

RFK Jr.: Do I Want to Debate President Trump?
You bet I do!
I'm excited to share that I have invited President Trump to join me in a formal debate at the Libertarian Convention on May 24th and 25th.
He has often stated he's ready to debate "anytime, anyplace," and has specifically mentioned he would take me on if my poll numbers were strong.
I respect President Trump's political acumen, but I believe I bring a unique perspective that can directly challenge him on several critical issues. I want to talk about his record.
More particularly, I want to talk to him about his decision to lock down 3.3 million businesses during his presidency, a move that shifted $4 trillion in wealth away from American workers and the middle class to a new oligarchy of billionaires.
It's vital for the American people to hear a candid discussion about these actions, which have had profound impacts on our country's economic landscape and the lives of millions.
Your support is crucial. While Trump’s campaign might be calculating their odds, I'm ready to challenge the narrative and showcase my vision for America's future.

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